Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,409.  Mass attendance 730.


Sunday 5th November


(Saturday Vigil)

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         Joseph Pereira RIP (S Pereira)




9.15am    Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)

11am       Thanksgiving (J&L Samuels)





9.30am    Ron Connolly (E Connolly)


Tuesday 7th November


The Dedication of the Cathedral Church of Saint George


9.30am    Bertha Da Cunha (L Da Cunha)


Wednesday 8th November


(Please note change of time)




9am         Mass at St James’ School – Year 6 Mass- All Welcome.  M Simon RIP (Simon Family)



10.45am  Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 9th November

The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica


9.30am    Bridie Duck (L Henderson)


Friday 10th November

Saint Leo the Great


9.30am    Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)


Sunday 12th November


(Saturday Vigil)

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         Thanks to St Jude




9.15am    Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)

11am       James, Roseanna, Joan & Seamus O’Keeffe and Gerry McQuinlan RIP (L&A Morgan)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea is served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collection

This week’s collection is for the maintenance fund.  Next week’s second collection is for Archbishop’s Administration Fund

Fr David writes…

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is the best-known quotation of the 19th century British politician Lord Acton.  For some human beings their pursuit in life is the pursuit of power.  We detect a tremendous thirst for power in them.  They are usually quite driven people.  They make things happen.  They are leaders but with a difference.  They seem to want power not to serve but in order to construct a lifestyle around it.  In their minds they are nobodies without power.  With Power comes privilege.  Privilege is addictive.  It gives them prestige.  In their minds, they are entitled to live within their own set of rules and regulations which are distinct from the rest of us.  This mentality locks them in a very self-absorbed world.  They literally live in a big privileged bubble.  This disconnects them from the “ordinary” life of other human beings.  With the disconnection comes corruption and also a lack of understanding and relevance of their role.  This consolidates once it becomes the culture of the institution.  Then the whole system becomes corrupt.  That is one of the reasons why the French Revolution happened in France in 1789 and that is one of the reasons why Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011.  They lost touch with their own people.  Whilst they and their families were living lives of privilege, the ordinary people were suffering.  “Give them cake” is the famous saying of Marie Antoinette when her advisors told her that the people were starving.  This symbolises the ultimate statement of total disconnection from reality.

Class and privilege is found in every culture.  For some cultures it is more pronounced than others.  The reality of power has always been part and parcel within the main world religions too.  For the Indian Culture, for example, class is ingrained in their very essence – it is ingrained in their spiritual belief.  When lived authentically, it can be a source of enrichment for others.  However, when it is lived without any scruples, it has the power to become evil and corrupt.  The whole phenomena of sexual abuse in institutions both civil and religious has its roots in power.  In this case, we cannot underestimate the power of men and women who lived within the Catholic Church over the ages.  Power in this case is connected and compounded by the divine.  The clergy were given the power to administer the sacraments and to decide whether someone is going to heaven for eternity or to hell.  Can you just imagine the power of that belief with people who were not educated and were hindered to think for themselves?  It must have been looked upon as truly Absolute power by the people whose lives were worth nothing and so were yearning for a better life in the afterlife.

We would be over generalising to think that all clergy were corrupt.  We know that there were many clergy who lived saintly lives and used their God given power because of their positions in the church for the good of the people and society in general through promoting education, social welfare and health care.  Yet the reality of abuse of power within the institution of the Church has always been.  Even today, the harsh criticism of Pope Francis is not towards ordinary people trying to live their lives in the best possible way, but towards us the clergy.  It is not surprising then that the great majority of the Pope’s critics are amongst the hierarchy of the church.  Some try to defend their position by saying that as the Pope is from South America, he cannot possibly understand how a middle-class cleric feels.  I have never heard more patronising comments by clerics who are reluctant to listen.  The Pope is trying to disturb our clerical comfort zone.  He is trying to help us reconnect to our primary function as servants of the Word and the People.  He keeps on reminding us that if we lock ourselves in a world of privilege we can become irrelevant in the world today.  No one would listen to us.  Today you, the laity are educated more than us as priests.  You do think with your own minds and hearts.  Our power as priests is earned and not given because of our roles anymore.

Around AD 85, Christians were excluded from the synagogues.  Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah revealed in Hebrew Scriptures, the teacher and lawgiver of the church.  The evangelist presents the teachings of Jesus as the new Law, and the Christian church of Jews and Gentiles as the new Israel.  By the time Matthew is writing his Gospel, he knows that official Judaism has rejected Jesus.  The unbelief and hostility of Judaism has opened up the Gospel to the Gentiles.  In that atmosphere of hostility, he writes the gospel, reflecting the conflict between Christians and Jews in his own city.

This is evident in today’s gospel.  In his criticism of religious leadership, Matthew argues that the requirements of the law, as laid down by the scribes, are a burden which people cannot bear.  Not only are the burdens imposed too heavy, but religious leaders absolve themselves from all responsibility of living them themselves.  Religious leaders are also criticised for craving attention and expecting to be treated with deference.  All of Matthew’s arguments reflect his concern about what is happening in his own Church.  He is clearly opposed to Christian leaders arrogating to themselves titles that divide the family of the Church into a hierarchy.  Real religious leadership according to Jesus is humble work in the service of the Gospel.  The true style of any Christian leader must reflect the style of Christ, the servant of God.  If it is not humble service, it is fake!

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

Please note the change of day

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Wednesday 8th November between 5–7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.


This weekend we welcome, through Holy Baptism, Hudson Roskilly and his parents Martin and Sarah; Nicholas Grabowski and his parents Michal and Katarzyna; and Freddie Cadogan and his parents Sean and Georgina.

Primary School Supplementary Information Forms (SIF)

If you are applying for a place at a Catholic Primary School and need me to sign your SIF, could you please ensure that all paperwork and a family photo is handed in (to me or the Parish Office) by Thursday 7th December at the latest.  Thank You.  Fr David

Christmas Day Lunch with Fr David!

I would like to invite adult parishioners, either individuals or couples, who are on their own this year to join me for Christmas Day lunch in the Community Centre.  Transport can be provided to collect you and bring you home and there will be great food, good company and the Queens speech!

We have 40 places available, so if you would like to join me, please phone, visit or email the parish office as soon as possible.  Places are available on a ‘first come first served basis’ and we must know final numbers by 14th December.

Regrettably, we won’t be able to accommodate young families with children at this event.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Annual Cemetery Mass and Blessing of the Graves

will take place at St Mary’s, Crown Lane, Chislehurst on Saturday 18th November at Noon, remembering those buried at Saint Mary's and Beaverwood Cemetery.  Also, on Sunday 19th November at 2pm at Kemnal Park cemetery and memorial gardens the annual Catholic blessing of the graves will take place.

Pastoral Care Pillar

Memorial Mass.  Sunday 12th November.  3pm.

For all those families who have lost a family member in the last year, a special Mass will be held in the Church and all Parishioners are most welcome to attend.  This will be followed by refreshments in the Community Centre when members of our Pastoral Care Team will be present should you feel the need to talk to someone.  In addition, there will be an opportunity to remember deceased family and friends at all Masses throughout November.  Sheets of paper are available in the Church porch if you would like your loved ones to be remembered.  Please place their names in the box provided, the names will then be placed on the altar from the beginning of November.  If you have lost a loved one in the last year but their funeral did not take place at St James’ please email the parish office by Wednesday 8th November so their name can be added to the list of names which will be read out at the Mass.

Dementia Café at St James’

On Saturday 25th November a meeting will be taking place in the Community Centre from 9.30am to 11.00am with Nicola Fishman, Community Development Worker for Bromley Dementia Support Hub with a view to starting up this worthwhile support within the Parish during the early part of 2018.  She will be talking to us about the benefits of the cafe and the structure required to be able to provide this service.  If you feel you would like to know more or wish to be involved in this initiative, please do come along to the meeting.

Evangelisation Pillar

Confirmation 2018

Calling all year Nine and above students who wish to be confirmed next year.  There is a “Come and See” meeting on Monday 6th November at 7.30pm in the Church.  This meeting is for candidates and their parents.  At the end of the meeting, packs will be distributed ready for enrolment into the programme which starts with a kick off day on Saturday 25th November.  If you intend to come to the meeting on the 6th, please let the parish office know by phone or email:   We look forward to meeting you all.  The Catechists

First Holy Communion 2018

If you would like your child to take part in our parish programme for First Holy Communion, please send an email to the Parish Office with all relevant details, child’s name, date of birth, school, names of parents, address and contact details.  Candidates must be in Year 3 or above.  All preparation classes are held on Saturdays from 4.30 to 5.45 and will run from January to June.   Dates for First Holy Communion are 9th and 16th June 2018.

Brain-storming Session on the Spiritual Growth of St James’

·         Have you attended any of our Parish spiritual formation events? (talks, workshops, study days, discussion groups) How do you find them?

·         Have you or your children attended any of the catechistic programmes? (Baptism preparation, First Holy Communion, Children Liturgy, Confirmation, RCIA) How do you find them?

·         What do you think can help you, your family, and the parish grow in faith?

·         Come and share your thoughts and ideas over a coffee (or a glass of wine) on Wednesday 22nd November 8pm in the Community Centre.

We look forward to seeing you and the sparkling discussion that evening.   If you cannot come, but would like to contribute, please email your thoughts and ideas to or speak to Ken Chan, Sue David, Hannah Harrison or Michelle Wilson.

Youth Pillar

We are delighted to be able to inform you that the following young parishioners have achieved Faith in Action awards for 2017:

Zoe Teare - Pin

Eve Ardron - Bronze

Lydia Delamain - Bronze

Matthew Delamain - Gold

All candidates will receive their awards at the Faith in Action Awards ceremony on 11th November.  Congratulations to Eve, Lydia and Matthew.

The St James’ Youth Development Group Meeting

This will be held on Wednesday 8th November at 8pm in the Community Centre.  Anyone interested in working with the youth of our parish and or deanery are welcome.  We would particularly like as many young people to attend as possible.

Church Sound System

We are looking for a volunteer with some knowledge in sound systems to take over the running and upkeep of the system.  This isn’t an onerous task and guidance will be given of the current system within the church.  Please contact the parish office if you can help.  Many Thanks.

Justice and Peace

Food Bank Supporters

We have been advised that the list of items in short supply has grown a bit since last week and is now as follows: instant coffee, desserts, nappies of all sizes, toilet rolls, men and women’s toiletries (especially shower gel, shampoo and deodorants), household goods such as washing powder, washing-up liquid, cleaning materials.  Thank you for your continuing support

Parish Life

Watch RISE Theatre’s new play about Blessed Oscar Romero

We are delighted to welcome RISE Theatre, a professional Christian theatre company, who will be performing their original play ‘Romero – Heartbeat of El Salvador’ at St James’ on Sunday 26th November at 7.30pm.

The production tells the true story of Blessed Oscar Romero and his heart for the oppressed people of El Salvador.  Romero chose to challenge those in power and stand up for social justice.  He demanded respect for human rights.  Come and experience this exciting new play, performed with energy and passion by the RISE Theatre team -

“A challenging and moving production about the life and legacy of this great man of justice.” Bridget Fenwick, CAFOD

For tickets please contact

Parish office on 01689 827100

or visit

Performance lasts approximately 75 minutes and is suitable for adults and children 11+

Community Hall Audio Visual System Demonstration

There is now a reasonably comprehensive audio-visual (AV) system setup in the Community Hall, and all parish groups are encouraged to make use of it.  To show what the system can do, and to answer any queries, a demonstration is scheduled to start 5 minutes after the end of the following Masses in the Hall.  The Demonstration should last around 15 minutes.

4-5th November weekend          AFTER Saturday 6pm Mass and Sunday 9:15am Mass

There is a simple set of instructions so that the AV system can be used more extensively within the Parish.  Any parishioners who are interested in using the AV system should come to the demonstration, and all parish groups should arrange for a representative to attend and to learn the setup.

Friends of St James’

The Friends of St James’ AGM will take place in the community centre small hall straight after the 11am Mass on Sunday 26th November.  All Welcome.

Parish Christmas Fayre – 10th December

Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting on 2nd November.  We will update you about our ideas and plans in next week’s Briefly.  If you were unable to join us and have some good ideas that you would like to share, please email the parish office at with your ideas and suggestions.  Many Thanks.

Saturday 11th November, 7.00pm

Iron Mountain in concert at St James’ Community Centre!

Cost: £10 adults, £5 children, £25 family

Bar open, bring your own nibbles.

Tickets on sale after Mass from this week.


On Saturday 2nd December the parish Polish community together with the local Polish Playgroup invite Polish families to come join them in the community centre as traditionally Saint Nicholas brings presents on 6th December.  Contact Katarzyna for details and to register your kids as places are limited

Bollywood Dance Fitness

All are welcome from beginners to mixed ability, to join our dance class in a fun & friendly environment at St James' community centre, on Fridays from 2.00 to 2.45pm.  A dance routine with Bollywood music (Indian Film songs), that will make you smile, pump you with energy and burn your calories, with easy moves to remember forever.  If you are interested or want to give it a try, please contact Niljo Roy at email:

Petts Wood Churches Together

As part of Petts Wood Churches Together 500th Reformation Year, we have a special musical event arranged for 19th November at 2pm, to be held at Christ Lutheran Church.  The Secret Life of Lutheran Chorales, with Nordic Lyres, Bray Harp, bells and singing.  Please see the link:

Everyone is welcome.

Advent at Southborough Lane Baptist Church

On 26th November, Noel Richards will be giving a concert at Southborough Lane Baptist Church.  Tickets are £2.00 each.  Please contact or 07515 812530.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 11th November

Cleaning the Church

Uniformed Groups, Readers, Altar Servers


Wednesday Coffee

15th November

Madeleine Howell


12th November



Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Neal

D Hairs

C Hairs


Uniformed Groups


L Rusmini

A Prifti

B Cotta

C D’Souza


Parade Mass

Ministers of Holy Communion

T Babb

B Babb

R Wright

A Guyton

P Cantopher

S Cotta

A Ward

A Hawkins

D Hairs

B Cotta

A Evans

P May

S Ingle

R Del Guercio

Z Bajorek





B Fleeman

P Troy




G Brookes

D Brookes

C D’Arcy

T Lowe



F Simon, J Cosgrave