Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul - the two great founders of the church in Rome (where they were martyred c. 65 AD.)

Peter (‘rock’ = petros)- the nickname given to Simon by Jesus. Simon was to be the ‘rock man’ on whom the church would be built, the leader and spokesperson of the Christian community. Simon Peter’s ministry continues today, 2,000 later, in the ministry of Pope Francis- Peter’s 265th successor. We pray for him today and in every Mass.

Simon Peter’s ministry was to his fellow Jews- proclaiming to them the Good News (‘gospel’) of Jesus the long-awaited Messiah. He was preaching largely to his own people. Perhaps the contemporary parallel with this is our own continuing formation in the Catholic Faith. We really must know our faith- the Scriptures, Sacred Tradition and the Teaching of the Church (Magisterium) and not rely on what we learned at school many years ago. So do avail yourselves of the many opportunities that are offered from time to time.

Paul (originally Saul of Tarsus) was a highly educated Jew who converted (dramatically) to Christianity. He became the greatest preacher and propagator of the Christian message the world has ever seen-he wrote many (not all) of the ‘letters’ (official church documents) in the New Testament- the 2nd reading at Mass if often from Paul. His own vocation was to spread the Good News of Christ to the gentile (ie, non-Jewish) world.

The obvious parallel for us is to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ and who are searching. A new Journey in Faith process will begin in September for any adult non-Catholic. (We are hoping to receive into the church some of our present members a little later in the year.)

I am always happy to chat personally and informally with anyone (Catholic or not) about spiritual matters so please do not hesitate to ask!

‘Lo, the  Keybearer,  lo, the Teacher of mankind,

Lights of the world and judges sent to loose and bind,

Alike triumphant or by cross or sword-stroke found,

In life’s high Senate stand with victor’s laurel crowned.’

Twin olive branches, pouring oil of gladness forth,

Your prayers shall aid us, that for all our little worth,

Believing, hoping loving, we for whom ye plead,

This body dying,  may attain to life  indeed.’         (AD 500).


Today  (11 am) we welcome our First Communion children and their families for presentations and the communion breakfast.  A huge thank-you to Miriam Travers and her team of catechists, and also to all the parents for their encouragement. Both Masses were wonderful occasions. We now pray that all the children will be faithful in their attendance at Mass each Sunday and Holy Day and grow into the ‘fullness of the stature of Christ.’

We have a 2nd collection for Peters Pence – a fund to assist the Pope in his administration of the worldwide church.


Mass attendances for last Sunday were 855.





9.30am – First Holy Communicants (CWL)



Ss Peter and Paul, apostles

6pm (Sat) – Dorothy Robson

9.15am – Richard & Ellen Nelligan, RIP (Mary Ardron)

11am – Elena Lams, RIP (Lams Family)

Monday 1/7/13

No Monday Mass




9.30am – Gerald Coleman, RIP

7.15pm – Fausto Suzzara, RIP (Denise Suzzara Delf)



St Thomas, apostle

9.00am – In remembrance of Joshua Canning (Birthday) (Canning Family)

NB Mass in St James’ School




9.30am – Welfare of the Fallon Family (E Melling)




9.30am – Jeremiah O’Sullivan (M Jackson)



9.30am – Kathryn Reneham, RIP



14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Sat)  – People of the Parish

9.15am – Judy Ingrams, RIP (M Ingrams)

11am – Claire Draper, RIP (S Simon)



Remember- Mass at 7.15pm in addition to 9.30am. (ends c.7.45pm). It would be good to see more people at the evening Mass.

Journey in Faith at 8pm.



Mass in school at 9am (NOT here). Year 3, on the theme of  Holy Communion.  A cheque from the Catenians will be presented to Great Ormond Street Hospital at the end of this Mass, which will be offered for Joshua Canning, RIP. I hope as many parishioners as possible will make the effort to attend, especially year 3 parents and Wednesday regulars.  Coffee in school after Mass.

Baptism preparation /rehearsal- 8.15pm (for parents who have been invited.)


Friday and Saturday Tesco’s- Bromley and Orpington- are collecting food for Bromley Foodbank (asking customers to donate a few items as they leave).  Could you help with this for 2 hours on one of the days. If so contact Owen Clutton (01689-876125) (evenings or w/e.) (NB Our own Foodbank collection is on July 20/21.)



LiveSimply gardening and hedge cutting – 9am-1pm. We do not expect you to come for 4 hours but could you spare an hour or so...? Cutters please bring shears etc....and gloves. Please play your part! We are a co-operative! There is no-one else. We are all responsible for the site.

Church cleaning – School year 6 parents please (10.30am-11.30am.)


Confirmation 2014.

All young people who will be in school year 9 in September are invited to apply for confirmation. They should collect a letter of invitation from Fr. Bryan personally after a Sunday (or Mass and if interested in confirmation should attend a meeting in the hall on Sunday July 14th at 7pm. 

Many thanks to parents who attended the confirmation meeting on the 19th, and the meeting for yrs 6 and 7 last Wednesday. They were both most encouraging - parents will be kept informed of plans for September.


In two weeks time Sunday 14th  July – Mass for the Sick with Anointing at 3pmWe urgently need drivers. Could you please bring in one person to this Mass and deliver them home after tea at about 5pm?


Also on 13/14 – Traidcraft Goods will be on sale again- please buy something!


Thurs July 18th- Teddy Bears Picnic – 3.30pm in the parish garden.


Sunday July 21st- Parish Fun Run !!! Only 3 weeks away- you must register NOW  to be sure of a place. Forms in porch or on line. This will be a great event but only if YOU make it so! We follow up with our parish picnic (burgers plus bring your own)......everyone welcome!


Many thanks to everyone who brought in food for the Manna Centre, also to those who contributed to the fund for the late Ambrose Lekule’s family in Tanzania, which will exceed £2,000- (exact figure next week.)


Please take this copy of Briefly home as it will not be on line this week.

Every blessing for this coming week, Fr Bryan.