Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,472.  Mass attendance 719.


28th April


(Saturday Vigil)



Fifth Sunday of Easter


6pm           Kathleen McCabe RIP (McCabe Family)


Sunday 29th April


9.15am      People of The Parish


11am         David Hawkins RIP (The Hawkins Family)


Monday 30th April



9.30am      People in Syria (CWL)


Tuesday 1st May




9.30am      Thanks to the Holy Spirit


Wednesday 2nd May


St Athanasius


9.30am      Thanks to St Jude



10.45am    Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 3rd May

Saints Philip & James


9.30am      Private Intention


Friday 4th May

The English Martyrs


9.30am      Mrs Joan Crosland (Crosland Family)


7.30pm      Eucharistic Adoration


5th May


(Saturday Vigil)


Sixth Sunday of Easter


6pm           Edward Pereira RIP (N Pereira)


Sunday 6th May

9.15am      People of The Parish


11am         Sharon Fernandes RIP (L&P Da Cunha)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea are served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collection

This week’s second collection is for St George’s Cathedral.

Fr David writes…

According to psychological studies, Attachment, in parenting, is usually referring to the relationship which develops first between the infant/child and his primary caregiver who is often but not necessarily the mother.  The quality of this attachment impacts the child’s physical, emotional, psychological, cognitive and spiritual development.  The quality of this primary relationship shapes the child’s basic ability to trust and how positively or negatively he/she views the world, themselves and others.  The quality of this first attachment impacts and colours all other relationships.  When the child experiences consistent care where his/her needs are met, he/she internalises three things mainly – I am safe, I am heard, and I am valuable.  With this as foundation, the child can then develop other healthy relationships.  On the other hand children who have had breaks from their primary caregiver, unmitigated pain, abuse, neglect or in other ways have not had their needs met can often be impaired in their ability to develop healthy emotionally attachments in the future.  However we need to keep in mind that attachment is on a spectrum.  From healthy to insecure to disorganised.  Healthy attachment gives us a guarantee and a base from where we can be creative and flourish in our lives.  Healthy attachment like insecure attachment is internalised and affects the way we see ourselves, others, the world and God.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus makes use of a beautiful metaphor to help us understand the significance of a healthy attachment that needs to happen between Him and us in our spiritual life.  Jesus begins with the solemn affirmation “I am the true vine”.  To grasp the meaning and also the challenging part of this sentence, it is necessary to note that the vineyard of the Lord, sung by the prophets, was Israel.  She was the vine that had produced abundant fruits of faithfulness.  The vine-Israel had been planted in the fertile soil of a hill, but disappointed his God and she begun to produce sour grapes.  However the works that God begins never end in failure.  Jesus is the vine and his disciples, which form the branches, are part of him and it is from them that the Lord expects delicious fruits, justice, righteousness, love: for this he acts as a gardener, as vinedresser, he breaks off and prunes them.  The trimming and pruning were carried out by the farmers in different seasons of the year.  The first was during the winter and consisted in the removal of unnecessary branches, the second, done in August was intended to remove the weakest shoots to foster the best.  To prune and to trim are not images of retaliation, but God’s care for every person and every disciple.  Being called by Christ does not put one in the position of automatically producing fruit.  The dead branches are not individuals who are less good, but every human being who is on this journey of constant need for purification – for growth.

We are all on a journey.  The essence of the journey is that we are centred in Christ.  The energy within us needs to flow from the vine.  And in order to do this, we need to be attached to Him – the Vine.  How are we to cultivate this relationship with God.  First of all we need to acknowledge that God is important in our lives.  That our soul needs the spiritual nourishment.  This does not just happen.  We need to put aside some time during the day in order to reconnect spiritually with ourselves and God.  Prayer takes a lot of different shapes and forms.  We need to find our own way to connect with God.  Prayer is not an end in itself.  There is no perfect prayer.  Prayer is a means to an end – which is attachment with God.  How do we consider our attachment with God?  Is it a healthy attachment?  One which has grown organically and deep down wherever we are, we feel reassured of the presence of God within us?  Or is it an insecure attachment with God?  We only search for God in times of need for example?  We are not sure where God loves us or even cares for us?  Once we experience this love, then we are opened to be pruned.  We are not immune to human pain and suffering.  It is in these moments of crisis of faith that somehow manifests the strength of our attachment to God or not.  Of course, at these times, we would feel off balance and we would still question.  But if the attachment is real, it will carry us through.  The attachment with the vine will somehow give meaning to the experience.  We feel carried and cared for.  That is a blessing!

Another thing is that the vine does not produce works of love for him/herself, for the self-satisfaction of his own moral perfection nor to get a prize from God.  Their reward is the joy of seeing someone happy, verifying that the love of God was manifested through him/her.  The image of the Vine and branches which has been given to us this weekend reminds us primarily about the importance of continuing to cultivate this mutual relationship.  It affects our relationship with ourselves, others and the world in general.  Let us reflect – how would we describe our attachment to the Vine at this point in our lives?  Have a blessed and safe week!

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

Please note that the next surgery will be on Wednesday the 2nd May 2018.  Fr David will be available at 281A Crescent Drive from 5.00-7.00pm and no appointment is necessary.


This weekend we welcome, through Holy Baptism, Phoebe Charlotte Sudario Mulhall and her parents Joseph and Malka.

Pastoral Pillar

Service at St James the Great to mark Dementia Awareness Week.

On Sunday 20th May at 3pm you are warmly invited to a service here at St James’ to mark the start of Dementia Awareness Week which is from Monday 21st May to Sunday 27th May.  The service will be led by Fr David and take place in the Church.  It will be a time of singing, poetry and prayer followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.  We do hope you can join us.

Healing Mass

This will take place on Sunday 27th May at 2.30pm, followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.  Should you require a lift to and from the Healing Mass please contact the parish office giving your name, telephone number and address.  A member of the SVP will then contact you to make the necessary arrangements.

Helplines and Counselling Services

As part of our care for the community a list of helplines and counselling services has now been added to the parish website and also, placed in the porch.  The purpose of this is to give contact details of various organisations which can provide help in difficult times thereby enabling people to seek privately the information and support they may need.

Social Pillar

April CWL monthly meeting

The next meeting of the Petts Wood CWL will be on Monday 31st April in the Community Centre (in the Small Hall) at 8pm.  Non-members are very welcome to join us for the evening to learn more about the Catholic Women's League which is an organisation with sections in many different parts of the world, not just Petts Wood.

NEW “Film Club”

In exploring ways to encourage greater social interaction within the Parish, we have decided to introduce a periodic St James’ Film night to be held in the Community Centre.  This is aimed at age 18 & above.

Our aim is to run these once a month, starting on Saturday 5 May.  Our first film will be I, Daniel Blake, directed by Ken Loach.  This highly acclaimed, gritty drama won several major awards, including the Palme d’Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival & the 2017 BAFTA for Outstanding British Film.  It will be shown at 8.00pm, & runs for 100 minutes.  The bar will be open following the 6pm Mass & attendees are welcome to bring their own ready prepared food to eat before the lights go down.

The second Film Night is planned for Saturday 9 June, again at 8pm.  This time we will be showing La Vie en Rose, a 2007 French biographical, musical film about the life of French singer, Édith Piaf.  It too received several accolades including two OSCARs, two BAFTAs, & a Golden Globe.  Running time 140 minutes.

Whilst there will be no entrance charge to these events, there be an opportunity for attendees to donate at the door towards different causes which our Parish is supporting.  The first will be to raise funds for our St James’ Memory Café.

We look forward to seeing you!

CWL Military Whist

Our eagerly awaited annual Military Whist Drive will be held on Saturday 12th May in the Community Centre.  It is a fun evening for 10 - 100 year olds.  Light refreshments will be served, there will be a raffle and the bar will be open.  Tickets £6.  Come along at 7.30 if you would like to learn how to play whist, otherwise please arrive in time to buy your drinks ready for the 8 pm start.

Knights of St Columba

Flavio Iorio will be taking part in a charity bike ride which is being organized by the Rotary Club of St Leonards-on-Sea.  This year Flavio will be following the shorter route of 25 miles, being totally unfit and not having used his bike for over two years now.

If you would like to sponsor him there will be a sponsorship form in the church entrance.  The monies donated by you will go to St Michael's Hospice (a care home for the terminally ill) and the Hastings Lifeboat (75%), as well as to the Knights of St Columba for good causes (25%).   Good luck as usual Flavio!

Justice & Peace


The list of needs has changed and is now: tinned potatoes, tinned tomatoes, tinned soup, long life fruit juice, jam, rice, shampoo, toothbrushes, baby wipes, washing up liquid and washing powder.  Thank you for continuing to donate these much needed supplies.

Seeking Job

We have a parishioner who is an experienced domestic cleaner looking for work, housekeeping, ironing, cooking and cleaning.  She has references.  Please contact the parish office for more details.

Polite Reminder

The Parish disabled parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders only.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·         Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas: Thank you for helping.

Saturday 5th May 2018

Cleaning the Church

P Driscoll, J Rogerson, M Mitrovic (Tuesday team – 8th May)


Wednesday Coffee

2nd May

M Howell and a Volunteer Needed


6th May 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Lench

L Samuels

J Samuels

G Whitley

M Ingledew



M O’Mahony

K Salter

S Cotta

B Cotta

Z Bajorek

H Marvell


Ministers of Holy Communion

P Cantopher

J Bajorek

H Rothon

M Cahill

C Cahill

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

T Forde

K Chan

A Bunnage

P Murray

V Terry

N Longhurst

T Willard





P Cosgrave

R Monaghan




L Lynch

S Barradell

P Floackhart

A Huntington


Altar Servers

J&O McCabe

P Marshall

R&F Norman-Brown

A& D Poulton

N Cracknell

A Lynch

J Monaghan

F Ikenye



M Shea, T Wrafter, K Evans