Thank you for your offering last week of: £1,450.64.




26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm Tom Benson RIP; Maureen Connolly RIP; Sheila Simon RIP (KSC)


9.15am People of the Parish


11am Susan Fry RIP (Barbara Bridle)





Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Archangels


9.30am Fr. Tom’s Welfare (the CWL)




St Jerome


9.30am Ranjana Chauhan (Mary Kelly)



St Therese of the Child Jesus


9.30am Elizabeth O’Connor RIP



The Holy Guardian Angels


9.30am Geoff Brammer First Anniversary (G Whitley)





9.30am Peter Hairs RIP (C & D Hairs)



St Francis of Assisi


9.30am Jose Cassidy RIP (M Kelly)



27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm Reg Griffin RIP (The Wedderspoon family)


9.15am Celebrating the marriage of Claire & Steve (Pat Murray


11am People of the Parish



Seeing your Life Through the Lens of the Gospels

-Matthew 21:28-32


It is possible to be a dutiful and observant Christian, and yet feel there is something missing. It makes such a difference when your heart is in what you are doing – so much better than just going through the motions. Where do you experience that most in your life?


The desire of Jesus is that we grow in that kind of committed, enthusiastic involvement in life. What encourages you to grow in this way?


The elders probably thought well of themselves in contrast to the tax collectors and sinners. Perhaps you know some unconventional people, ones who appear to ignore the ‘right’ way of doing things, and yet they have taught you something about true goodness.


….The approach of death has a way of concentrating the mind. It is interesting how many of the great Christians realised their utter inadequacy before they died. Having laboured on his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas declared all he had written to be mere straw. On his death-bed, Martin Luther would write Wir sind bettler – hoc est verum (‘We are beggars – this is true’). And Thérèse of Lisieux prayed ‘In the evening of life, I shall appear before you with empty hands …’ How true it is that ‘a saint is a sinner who realises his or her need of God.’


Our Annual Mission Appeal


Today we welcome Fr. Joe Brown of the Salesians of Don Bosco. 


Fr. Joe will be speaking at all Masses and there will be a second collection at all Masses for the missionary work of the Salesians.  Please give generously.  Thank you.



The Autumn Festival is next Saturday 4th             October between 12- 3pm!


Please leave contributions for the tombola, raffle prizes and new toys in the box at the back of the church before Friday morning at the latest. 


If you can help please contact Sue David on:


This is our major annual fundraising event and the organising team is working very hard to make it a success.


So please come along and support your parish (i.e. all of us!!). 


See you there! 



An Excerpt from Pope Francis in “Evangelii Gaudium” (The Joy of the Gospel)


Let us go forth to offer everyone the life of Jesus Christ. Here I repeat for the entire Church what I have often said to the priests and laity of Buenos Aires: I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.


I do not want a Church concerned with being at the centre and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life. 


More than by fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be mover by the fear of remaining shut up within the structures which give us a false sense of security, within rules which make us harsh judges, within habits which make us feel safe, while at our door people are starving and Jesus does not tire of saying to us “Give them something to eat”. (Mk 6:37).



CAFOD Harvest Fast Day Friday 3rd October


Next Friday, 3rd October, is CAFOD Harvest Fast Day.


Every day, one person in every eight of the world’s population doesn’t have enough food to eat. 


A changing climate and extreme weather is making it harder for families to grow or buy the food they need.


Please mark this year’s Fast Day by ‘making a place at your table’, and giving generously at the second collections at all Masses next weekend.


Thank you.


St James’ Parent and Toddler Group


The group runs every Friday from 1.30-3pm.  New members would be very welcome to come along!


Spare toys for age 2yrs+ would also be welcome, as would volunteers to make tea and coffee during the afternoon. Please contact



October Devotions in Honour of Our Lady


Traditionally these devotions, made up of Rosary, Benediction and Marian hymns, take place in October (and May).


With a view to finding out if there is a ‘demand’ we’ll have them at 4pm on Sunday 5th October and each Sunday of October if sufficient interest is shown.



Catholic Women's League


All ladies are warmly invited to attend the next CWL meeting which will be held in the Social Centre on Monday 29th September at 8pm.



Marriage MoT!


For more information email or phone 020 8690 9310.



The Mount Street Jesuit Centre


The Mount Street Jesuit Centre (MSJC) provides spiritual and faith formation along with opportunities for social outreach. The 2014-15 calendar of events is now available online at



Parish Choirs – can you sing or play an instrument?  Please talk to Susan before Mass if you would like to join her group of singers!



The Parish Duty Rotas!


The duty rotas, including the cleaning rota, are all available on our parish website: i.e. Please check the lists every week so that you can take your turn!



Many, Many, Thanks!


…to everyone for your active and enthusiastic attendance and participation at my Induction Mass and the party in the hall afterwards.


My family members and friends from Norbury and Ashford were delighted by your warm welcome and impressed by the wonderful and very real community spirit they felt.


Me? Well I’m quite overwhelmed by your constancy, kindness and the feeling of ‘wanted-ness’ and acceptance you show me every day.


So – ‘Thanks a million’ for Saturday and every day. 


Fr. Tom