Thank you for your offerings in recent weeks of £1453.73 (14/2) and £1411.72 (21/2), £1144.60 for the Maintenance Fund and £1487.48 for CAFOD Fast Day.  Mass attendances were 748 (14/2) and 765 (21/2).




3rd Sunday of Lent


6.00pm Patrick Brennan RIP (The Wharton Family)


9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am  Vic Clark RIP (M Clark)


4.30pm  Stations of the Cross (Please note change of time)







9.30am Fr Bryan Wells (CWL)




St David, Bishop, Patron of Wales


9.30am  Thanksgiving (Sr Ursula)






8.55am  Judy Ingrams RIP (M F Ingrams)

(Will take place in St James School - Please note change of time)





9.30am  Sarah Loughlin (Pini Family)






9.30am  Recovery of John Pini (Pini Family)




Vigil Mass


6.00pm  Ivy Nelligan RIP (F Simon)




4th Sunday of Lent


9.15am  Pam Fisher RIP (E Bryant)


11.00am  People of the Parish


4.00pm  Stations of the Cross


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the Church.  All welcome.  Please note no meeting on 29th February during The Week of Accompanied Prayer.

Fr David Writes…..

One of the mysteries which perplex us as human beings is the mystery of suffering.  From primeval times, human beings have tried to make meaning for the existence of suffering and pain in the world.  Suffering which might affect us on a personal level and also on a much larger scale – sometimes on a global level.  On one level, communities tried to make meaning out of it on a religious level.  On the religious level they somehow blamed God or the gods and thought that the reason for the suffering was because the gods were angry at them.  God somehow was a punishing God.  So suffering became a direct expression of a very revengeful God or gods.  Sometimes in front of communal suffering, members of a certain community tried to scapegoat some members from their community as being the reason for God’s anger on the community itself and thus ostracized them or even worse killed them.  Thinking that by doing so, God would be appeased and end the plague or an illness or a natural disaster.  In the bible for example, the Book of Job in a special way tried to explore the theme of suffering – especially the suffering of “the good man” Job.  Through the ages a lot of literature, theatre and song have tried to articulate and express our feelings of disempowerment around the theme of pain and suffering.  Although we are now living in much more sophisticated times, we still are perplexed and try to fight at all costs – suffering.  We see it as our enemy.  When suffering hits us, we instinctively do ask the question – why me?  What have I done wrong to deserve this pain?  When something happens on a larger scale, it is very easy for some people to blame a section of the community for what is happening even today.  Some people would say – God is against that kind of behaviour and that section of our society and that is the reason for such suffering and pain.  Ostracising and scapegoating especially the weak within our societies is still done in today’s world.  It is a primeval characteristic which still is alive and active in some of us today.

Just before Jesus narrates the parable of the fig tree, we learn of two events or tragedies that had happened.  One was an act of human malevolence, the other an act of nature – both leading to the deaths of many people.  The question posed is why do such tragic events happen to apparently good people, an ageless question which may never be adequately answered for us on earth.  The crowd listening to Jesus asked if these people had sinned and brought about their own tragedy as punishment.  We should understand that this is not the case since Jesus always blessed the poor, the sick, the maimed, and the prisoner.  So Jesus does not impute sinfulness to these people.  Jesus here does not get involved in this question with a direct answer.  He states that the real point is that all people must learn to be penitent and trust in God’s saving grace and mercy.  But tragedy or happiness cannot be linked to this.  The parable of the fig tree follows.  On the surface it is an attempt to show how the Hebrew people were like that fig tree.  They had stopped producing.  Like us sometimes, we stop being fruitful.  We become sterile.  Our soul is completely cluttered with other things but God.  The owner of the fig tree wanted to cut it down, but the gardener asked for patience.  Here perhaps we can see the gardener as one of God’s prophets pleading for time for his people to repent.  Maybe God is using a friend, a parent, a son or a daughter, a spouse or a priest to somehow open our eyes and change our destructive ways this Lent.  Maybe our actions are hurting others who love us.  God relents and gives the time.  God is patient with us.  But God always invites us for fullness of life.  So he never tires in challenging us to change for our sake and for those who love us.  So once again God is judge, but God shows patience and mercy.  The point however still remains that we must repent, we must change.  Life is too short to waste it in being in denial and live a destructive existence.  And so, that is what Lent is about each year.  It jogs our memory.  It forces us to look at our own lives, to see if we have been true to what God wants of us, to see if we have been grateful for the mercy we are given and if not repent.  There is always time – God is patient with us.  Which areas of our life are we invited to look at during this time of Lent this year?  Blessings on your Lenten Journey.

Stations of the Cross

We are all invited to come to pray this beautiful prayer together as a community in church during Lent.  This year we will meet on Sunday evenings at 4.00pm (except 28th February 4.30pm).  Please try to join us at least once as we prayerfully follow the journey of Jesus to his death on Calvary using different meditations and reflections.


On Palm Sunday 20th March, there will be a re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross at 4.00pm.  A rehearsal for this will be held on Saturday 12th March at 3.00pm here in the church.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 1st March 5pm to 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary. 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA is the process given to us by the Church to initiate adults and older children into Christianity as it is lived in the Roman Catholic tradition.  If you are interested in exploring more about the Catholic faith, please complete the form (in carousel at the back of the church) and return it to either Fr David or the Parish Office – 281a Crescent Drive.

Year 3 Class Mass in St James’ School

Will take place on Wednesday 2nd March at 8.55am in the school.  All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Women’s World Day of Prayer – Friday 4th March

All are welcome to come and join us for this Ecumenical Service at 2.00pm at St Augustine’s Church, Southborough Lane.  Do come and hear a little about life in Cuba.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 5th March 4.30pm-5.45pm.  This session is for Children and Parents.

Week of Accompanied Prayer (WAP) – Saturday 28th February to Saturday 5th March

For all registered participants

You will be welcomed at the Opening Session TODAY (Sunday), 2.30pm 3.30pm at Petts Wood Methodist church.  There all will pray together, you will meet your Prayer Guide and receive some suggestions for your first prayer time.  REMINDER.  For all meetings during the Week (Monday to Friday) with Prayer Guides, please come at your agreed time to the welcoming area, which will be in the lobby of St James' church. 

For ALL parishioners

The church will be open each day from 7.30am to 8.30pm for personal prayer.  Welcomers are still needed.  Please sign up in the Lobby.  Any offerings of cookies/cakes for the Welcoming Area during the Week will be much appreciated.

Traidcraft Stall

Will take place next weekend and orders will be taken for The Real Easter Egg, the only one which is Fairtrade and has the Easter story in the box.

J & P Quiz Night, Saturday 5th March

Due to a cancellation there are 4 tickets available for the quiz (all others sold out).  Anyone interested should contact Roger Wright at or you might find him near the entrance after Masses this weekend.  Tickets already ordered can also be collected from him.

2016 Confirmation Programme

The next meeting will take place on Monday 7th March 7.00-8.30pm in the Community Centre.

St James’ Social Club AGM

This will be held on Sunday 13th March at 12.30pm in the Community Centre.

Items on the agenda will be as follows:-

1.      Minutes of last AGM;

2.      Election of Committee for 2016/2017;

3.      Financial Report;

4.      Amendment to the Club Rules;

5.      Any other business.

All are welcome to attend.

Service for Bereaved Parents

Will take place on Sunday 17th April at 3.00pm in the St James’ Community Centre.

St Patrick’s Social Evening

The Knights are holding a St Patrick’s social evening on March 19th at 7.00pm in the St James’ Community Centre.  A light Buffet will be served.  Tickets will be on sale after all Masses for £8 per head or £25 Family ticket.  Or please call Frank Simon or Terry Connolly.  All profits are going to the Parish Maintenance Fund.


We have now sold out!  Thanks to all who purchased some.  The £150 raised has gone to the Maintenance Fund.

Church Cleaning

Just a reminder to all those people on the church cleaning rotas that cleaning takes place on Saturday morning at 10.00am.  If you are unable to attend on your specified date, please arrange for another person to attend in your place.  Thank you.

St James’ Youth Ministry

Would like to thank everyone who came along and supported our quiz night last Saturday.  In total we raised £600 to go towards youth projects within the Parish.  Due to the success of the evening we will be donating £100 towards the Maintenance Fund.  Thank you – St James’ Youth Ministry

St Vincent de Paul Society SVP

St James The Great Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), works to address needs in the parish.  We give practical help to people in want of help.  SVP members will be selling tickets for a national rally after Mass in the next few weeks.  The money will go to support good causes run by the Central Council of the SVP.  If anyone is interested in finding out more about the work of the SVP, either locally or nationally, or in buying tickets, please approach Graham Price, Peter Benson or Chris Delft who will be pleased to assist.

Firm Believers

We are delighted that our Inter-church Fun-Fitness class, Firm Believers, is now back in the Community Centre.  We meet on Tuesday evenings 7.00-7.45 pm, in term time - £5.  Wear comfortable clothing, trainers and bring a mat.  We are a friendly and informal group, suitable for all levels; you're welcome to just turn up to give it a try, or contact us.  Contact Fru Bird at

or see the website at

St James' Pre-school is recruiting!

For more information about positions available please email Grainne MacManus at for more information.

Lent & Easter 2016 at St James


These two great seasons of the Liturgical year are an opportunity for every person to experience a closer journey alongside Jesus.  There are many activities and services available to nourish and enrich your journey.


Stations of the Cross (4.00pm, every Sunday except 28th February 4.30pm) 

This is a procession telling the story of Jesus' Passion.  We will have different readings and reflections each week to remember the story through different perspectives.


Petts Wood Churches Together Talks (Tuesdays 1, 8 & 15 March)

1.30pm – 3.00pm at Christ Church URC

8.00pm-9.30pm at Methodist Church, Queensway.

Please see poster at back of church.


Discussion Group (Tuesday 8 March)

8 - 9.30pm, a group of catechists will lead a discussion to reflect on Pope Francis' sermons around the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  Everyone is most welcome to come along.  Tea and Coffee will also be provided!

Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church so we have some idea of numbers.


Lenten Reconciliation for children and young people (Wednesday 16 March from 3.30pm)

Fr David will be available to hear Confessions from 3.30pm, particularly for any children or young people who would like Reconciliation before Easter.


Lenten Service (Wednesday 16 March, 8pm)

This service is an opportunity to reflect on the mercy and love of God.  Individual Confessions will be available after the service for anyone who wishes.


Palm Sunday (Sunday 20 March)

4.30 Experience the Stations of the Cross in a different way, as the stations are re-enacted with readings, reflections and music


Maundy Thursday (Thursday 24 March)

8pm Mass of the Last Supper. 

After Mass, we are invited to spend some time 'watching and praying' with Jesus.  Music will be available throughout this time, and the watching will end with Night Prayer at 11.50pm.  To make sure that there is always someone in the Church with Jesus, please sign your name against the time slots in the porch if you know what time you are planning to be present.


Good Friday (Friday 25 March)

9.30am Morning Prayer

10.30am Childrens' Stations of the Cross

10.30am Petts Wood Churches Together Service

3.00pm Good Friday Service

8.00pm Taize Prayer around the Cross


Easter Vigil (Saturday 26 March)

9.30am – Morning Prayer

11.30am - Święconka – Polish traditional blessing of Easter Baskets; all welcome.

8.00pm Vigil Mass


Readers, Welcomers and Eucharistic Ministers

These vital ministries are especially important during these seasons.  If you are able to minister during the Holy Week Masses and special services, please sign your names on the sheets in the porch.

Easter Music


Every parishioner is invited to join our music ministry for the Holy Week and Easter masses.  We welcome

all people whatever you play or sing! You don't need to commit to every Mass - just whatever you are able to make.  If you would like to join us, you are welcome to come to our rehearsals:

Saturday 5 March 9.30 - 11.30

Saturday 12 March 9.30 - 11.30

Saturday 19 March 9.30 - 11.30