Thanks are due to so many of you today! 


To those who:

·         gave so generously to the CAFOD Lent Appeal (almost £2,000);

·         brought in sacks of food and clothing for the Manna Centre;

·         supported the wonderful concert in St Michael’s (£2,000 raised for the SCBU  at PRUH); we were honoured with the presence of Bishop Pat  and staff from the hospital;

·         came to the St Patrick’s night social (£350 raised to send 2 Guides to Switzerland);

·         came to the Parish Forum last Monday -the results of which will be publicised soon (and with very special thanks to Pam Lundy, Mick Shea and Geoff Ford who oversee the finance and administration of the parish).


This Thursday (31st) - Lenten Penitential Service at 7.00pm. I do urge everyone to make their confession before Easter. You will have the choice of at least five priests. Parents, please bring your children (year 4 and upwards). We should finish by 8.00pmI do hope we shall have a full church, a penitent and redeemed community, together, as the Body of Christ.


Could we please have:-

·         One or two drivers to bring people to Sunday Mass (and take them home) maybe three or four times a year?

·         a few more Eucharistic ministers- regular worshippers in good standing with the Church

·         a few more Readers for weekend Masses;


Please contact me directly if you can help


Please join a working party to clean up for Holy Week and Easter on Saturday 16th April from 9.00am to 12 noon).  There is a list in the porch and there will be Lenten refreshments!


Mass attendances last Sunday were 719.


Sunday 27/3/11

Third Sunday of Lent (A)

We welcome, through Holy Baptism on Saturday at 2.30pm, Ramsey Mallin (16 months), his parents Lee and Rosanna and godparents Lucy, Gary, Kristian and Jenn.


6pm – Deceased Members of the Healy family (E Thomas)


9.15am-  Kenneth Jackson RIP (the Jackson family)

11am –People of the Parish 


Taizé service 7pm - all warmly welcome





9.30am- CWL


1-30-3.30 pm - craft/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome!


CWL meeting at 8.00pm with AGM in the Social Centre and all ladies are welcome.






10.30am- Joyce Dyke - Requiem Mass  (no 9.30am Mass today)  


7.15pm- Patricia McGrath & family

(M & B Morley)

Evangelium -8pm in 281A


Lent course 1.30pm and 8pm (Rev Simon Cragg)






9.30am – Mass with St James’ School


Welcomers’ meeting; Wed. 30th Mar at 8pm in the social centre




9.30am –   Joyce Dyke RIP (B & M Morley)


Penitential Service 7pm





9.30am –  Kitty O’Riordan (Ned)


Confession at 7pm and Stations at 7.30pm


Sunday 3/4/11

Fourth Sunday of Lent (A)

6.00pm – People of the Parish


9.15am- In loving memory of Trevor Lyons (Trevor’s family)

11.00am –  Marina Jobson RIP (P & A Murray)


This is Mothering Sunday and the second collection will be for You Touch Africa.


Social Club AGM in the Social Centre at 12 noon.  Please contact the parish office if you wish to nominate a committee member or raise an issue for discussion.


Revision of Parish Booklet. Would the leader of each parish group please contact Chris Hairs, as soon as possible and let him know of any changes to the group's entry in the Booklet.  Many thanks.

Gift Aid -Thanks to all who have gift-aided their 1st and 2nd collection offerings during the 2010/11 tax year.   Boxes of Gift Aid envelopes for the new tax year are now ready for collection next to the pulpit. If you cannot find your box please speak to Geoff Ford (the Gift Aid Administrator) – email him at

If there are any gift-aiders who are concerned that the tax they have paid is not at last equal to the refund we will seek, please contact Geoff as soon as possible.  You must have paid at least £25 in tax for every £100 put in the Gift Aid envelopes.  Please speak to Geoff if:

a) You wish to know the total recorded amount of your offerings during the year (e.g.  for completing a Tax Return)

b) You move or marry and change your name.  It is important that our record of your name and address is recognisable to the tax man

c) You wish to transfer your gift aid into your spouse’s name (perhaps because you have stopped working and no longer pay tax)

d) You would like to Gift Aid your contributions to St James but have not yet completed a declaration form.

Please remember the sick in your prayers: Bill Morley, Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel, Christopher Drew, Ernest Field, Rita Williams, and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).

Every blessing, Fr Bryan