Attendance last week was 869.




Second Sunday of Easter

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Selma Cotta (Birthday) (Sofia Cotta)

11am – Norman Cambridge, RIP (Therese Grey)




St George, patron of England

9.30am – Kay & Ned Fitzgerald, RIP




St Catherine of Siena

9.30am – Mary Webb, RIP




St Pius V, pope

9.30am – Requiem Mass for Rita Wilson




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Gregory Vella, RIP (Jackson family)




St Athanasius, bishop

9.30am – Richard Nelligan, RIP (I & D Nelligan)




Ss Philip and James, apostles

9.30am – John P O’Connor




Third Sunday of Easter

6pm – Ron Thompson, RIP (M & J Clark)

9.15am – George Chavannes (Edna Chavannes)

11am – People of the Parish



Today’s first reading (Acts of the Apostles, by St. Luke) is the  early church’s ‘manifesto’ or programme.  It is a foundational text, and for 2,000 years, the church has tried, with the assistance of the Spirit, to live it out. Let’s have a go at deconstructing it:


a)      The whole company remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles=the church remains faithful to Scripture and to Tradition ( Scripture revealing Christ to us, Tradition being the development of doctrine as the church is led by the Spirit into all truth.


b)      To the brotherhood=the church is essentially a community of equals.


c)      To the breaking of Bread= the careful celebration of the eucharist

d)      And to the prayers= the church makes constant intercession for itself, and for the needs of the whole world (our ‘bidding’ prayers’)

e)      Miracles....signs...made a deep impression= if we are really (not just nominally) living the life of Christ, we shall have a deep effect on other people.

f)       The faithful...owned everything in common= we are to be a community of sharing.  We should live according to our needs, not our wants.  (LiveSimply?)  We must share our time, our energy and taelnts and –yes-,our money- with the Christian community.

g)      They went as a body to the Temple everyday=we should all be at Mass every Sunday, as one body, worshipping  God.    No ifs or buts. And what about sometimes coming to Mass during the week?

h)      They were looked up to by everyone=if we are really living our faith we shall merit the respect of other people. We are to be people of unimpeachable integrity.


i)         Day by day the Lord added to their number- if we really live out a-h above, God’s church will grow and will be blessed with new members.

So there we are, folks. How do we measure up?  Let us, as a community, and as individuals, think on these things as we progress through Easter season, that we may truly become a community of the resurrection.


Fr. Bryan.


Many thanks once again to everyone who made Holy Week and Easter weekend a wonderful experience- and thank you too for your generous Easter offering.  And a special thank you to our confirmation young people who took such a prominent part in all the services.  Confirmation here is on Sunday May 18th.


Today (Sunday):

Second collection for St. George’s Cathedral (Gift Aiders please use your November envelope).


Confirmation group at 6.30pm

7’s and 8’s at 5pm.



Pondering the Word (11am-12 noon- church).  A quiet reflection on next Sunday’s gospel reading. All welcome.


Craft and Games- 1.30pm (hall)


CWL regular meeting at 8pm. All ladies of the parish are most welcome.



Church and hall windows being (industrially) cleaned.



Requiem (9.30am) for Rita Wilson (formerly of Chislehurst Road) who has died in Hythe, Kent. RIP.  Rita was a devout home communicant for many years. Our prayers and sympathy to niece Kate, and to the whole family.  Burial at Chislehurst Cemetery.



Mother and Toddler group (hall, 1.30pm- 3pm)   Can you help lead this group (perhaps on a  fortnightly rota....?).  If so please contact Fr. Bryan this week. (Email best.)


Confirmation group to Whitstable for retreat (leaving church at 5.15pm).


Church cleaning (10am-11am)- parents with sons/daughters at college or university.


Fr. Bryan saying Mass for the Scouts at Downe (4.30pm)


Next Sunday:

Manna Centre collection – toiletries, please.


Parish Forum on Tuesday week (May 6th)- presentation and adoption of accounts for 2013- 8.30pm in the hall.  Can we please have a representative from each parish family?

Please take a summary of our accounts today, questions will be welcomed at the meeting and there will also be the opportunity to briefly outline plans for the next year or so.


Our very active Justice and Peace group have decided to support Zambuko House as an overseas project for 2014-15.  This is a project run by Jesuit Missions in Harare,(capital of Zimbabwe) to support the many highly vulnerable young people of that city, many of who live on the streets.


Zambuko offers a refuge and a rehabilitation centre and provides food, shelter, counselling, family support, academic and skills training. (See porch board as you leave church). Our first collection will be on May 18th (a 2nd collection).


Teaching posts

Full time year 3 teacher required at St. James’ School, Petts Wood.


St. Mary’s, Eltham  -KS2 teacher wanted.


St. Bartholomew’s, Swanley- part-time teacher wanted (2 days a week) for upper juniors.


Details of all posts on porch board. (All are for September).