In today’s 2nd reading, St Paul exhorts Timothy – probably a bishop he had ordained – to “fight the good fight of the faith and win for yourself the eternal life to which you were called when you made your profession and spoke up for the truth in front of many witnesses”.


At 10am, eight adult members of our community, together with one of their children, will make their profession of faith in front of many witnesses – that is, us.  For those who have been “brought up in the church”, it is difficult to appreciate this bold step of faith that our friends are making.  We welcome them and also thank their families for their love and support.


This is a moment of profound joy for our parish community, coming hard on the heels of the Pope’s visit, and when we are all, as a parish, discerning the Lord’s will for us as we approach the second decade of the century.


Please greet our new Catholics at the sign of peace, and join them to celebrate briefly in the hall after mass. And do remember that a new session of Evangelium begins this coming Tuesday (28th) at 8.30pm for non-Catholics who would like to learn the basics of the Faith. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, you are most welcome.


This week

Mass attendances last Sunday were 589.




6pm – People of the Parish

10am – Kenneth Jackson RIP (M Jackson)

11.30am – John Jagger RIP (Sharon Jagger & family)  


We welcome through Holy Baptism Harry Sanderson (6mths) (2pm), his parents Lewis and Victoria and godparents Emma, Thomas and Nadine; and Louisa Carland (3mths) (4.30pm), her parents Liam and Caroline and godparents Theresa and Matthew.  


We also welcome the following into the fellowship of the Catholic Church (10am); Melanie Deasey, Suzanne Horner, Helen James, Joanna Markey, Eileen Owen, Victoria Simpson, and Annya, Colin and Phoebe Dinsdale (5 yrs).  We assure them of our prayers and support.  


7pm- Taize service – silence, meditation and the lovely Taize music.




St Vincent de Paul


12noonRequiem Mass for Cornel DaCosta (NO Mass at 9.30am, or confess. or Exp.)  Our sympathy and prayers are with Nancy and the family. I do hope our daily regular Mass goers will support.






9.30am –Katherine Walker RIP (Mary O’Leary)

7.15pm –  Richard Angel RIP (Knights of St Columba)

8.30pm – informal introductory session of Evangelium –if you are not a Catholic “why not come and see”. relaxed and no obligation.




SS Michael, Gabriel & Raphael 

9.00amRichard Angel RIP

9.00am – Mass in St James School (NOT here) with Year 4. As usual members of the congregation most welcome, followed by coffee in school.

The advertised meeting for Year 7 and 8 parents has been postponed.




St Jerome


9.30am – Richard Angel RIP (L & A Farrell)



St Teresa of the Child Jesus


9.30am – Richard Angel RIP (Margaret Kelly)

The Church commands us to do some form of penance each Friday. Perhaps we could miss one meal and give the money to CAFOD Family Fast Day on Sunday? We shall have a CAFOD speaker at Mass next weekend.




ST JAMES’ AUTUMN FESTIVAL!  – 12noon -4pm. Come and enjoy the results of so much hard work – a real parish celebration!  Please leave donations at back of church and please buy your raffle tickets too


Sunday 3/10/10

6pm – People of the Parish

10am – Elena Lams & Micheal Kavanagh RIP (the Lams family)

11.30am – Mr Terry O’Donaghue RIP (the Bunnage family) 



Do look at the Social Centre Project proposals in the porch and see what you think!  Follow up (everyone please!) on Thursday 14th October.


Please pray for the sick: Joshua Canning, Ernest Field, Derrick Williams, and all who we know to be unwell at the moment.


Every blessing and sincere thanks to the many parishioners are working so hard for the Lord in our parish at the moment – it is greatly appreciated.

Fr. Bryan