Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,461.  Second Collection – Parish Overseas Project £875.  Mass attendance 694.


Sunday 26th November(Saturday Vigil)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe


6pm         Johanna & Dennis Ashton RIP (K Griffin)




9.15am    Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)

                Mrs Florence Broderick (The Sands Family)


11am       People of The Parish


Monday 27th November




9.30am    Deceased Members of the CWL (CWL)


Tuesday 28th November



9.30am    Vic Clark RP (Clark Family)


Wednesday 29th November



9.30am    Enda Blacker (E Blacker)



10.45am  Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 30th November

Saint Andrew


9.30am    Fr David Camilleri (H Marvel & Canon J McNamara)


Friday 1st December



9.30am    Ranjana Chauhan (M Kelly)


7.30pm    Eucharistic Adoration


Sunday 3rd December


(Saturday Vigil)

First Sunday Of Advent


6pm         In Thanksgiving (D Marshall)





9.15a       Mrs F Broderick (A&L Sands)

                Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am       People Of The Parish


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea is served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collection

This week’s second collection is for the Catholic Youth Services.

Christmas items in the Repository

Religious advent calendars, Christmas cards and the like are now on sale in the repository and from the stall in the church porch after all Sunday Masses.

Fr David writes…

I distinctly remember as a young seminarian being in the majestic and opulent St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta Malta, hearing for the first time the Dies Irae from Verdi’s Requiem.  That particular moment was first and foremost, a feast for all the senses.  But moreover, as I was seated that day amongst hundreds of others including people from the highest ranks on the island, men from the ecclesiastical hierarchy and women and men from all strata of society, I was transported into a place very similar to that which Michelangelo had depicted in the last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel.  It also reminded me of the existential reality, that whoever we were, whatever roles we had in life, we were all going to experience a similar fate.  Death is the common denominator for all.  By making use of vigorous rhythms, sublime melodies and dramatic contrasts, Verdi succeeded in expressing the powerful emotions engendered by the text of the experience of the last judgement, which we have heard in the Gospel today.  The trumpets being played on the loft behind us produced a call to judgement and created goose bumps down my spine.  It was very difficult not to be absorbed in body mind and spirit by the musical piece and experience both tremendous fear and ecstasy.  At one point or another in life, we have all reflected upon the afterlife.  For us who have faith, the question is “What will happen to our soul at the end of time?”  At the end of the liturgical year, the Church offers us this beautiful passage from Matthew 24 in order to start unravelling that exact question.  In today’s gospel Matthew gives us an apocalyptic vision of the last judgement when all nations, without distinction between Jew and Gentile, without discrimination between priest and people, are gathered before the King.  It would be a pity though to limit the value of the passage to a last judgement scene, because what it offers us is a picture of what kind of community where Jesus sees himself to be at home.

In Matthew’s vision we have a list of human needs and appropriate responses by a caring community.  None of the needs are religious as such; they are human needs as wide as the human heart.  The human reality is that by being comfortable one can feel complacent.  Our focus becomes our ego.  I start not noticing the needs of others.  We start to reason as if the other’s plight is not my business.  And we do live in a society that can make us immune to the pain of others.  We surround ourselves by stuff and clutter in the meantime our vision.  We literally do not see or else find ourselves blaming and judging others for their own misfortunes.  We start judging the reality of a refugee for example from our comfortable living rooms.  Having no understanding, no empathy in the meantime.  And in doing so we become first and foremost very judgemental and completely oblivious of what the reasons which drive some people to take some very drastic decisions.

The blessed in today’s gospel are praised for the simplest actions – and they are all actions not attitudes – to those who experience simple human needs.  They are not records of great heroism.  The requirements are simple.  There is no training required, no academic qualification necessary.  The actions are the simple response of those who pay attention to what happens in the world of the familiar.  The actions are the result of one’s eyes not being fixed constantly on oneself but are mindful of the needs of the people around them.  “When I was hungry you gave me food, when I was thirsty you gave me drink”.  It seems to be telling us that little acts of kindness have eternal significance.  The aim of the literary genre of the passage is not to inform only about what will happen at the end of the world, but to teach us how to behave today.  What is the ideal successful person in our society today?  It is he or she who holds power, who is rich, who can afford to satisfy their every whim, who is pursued by the TV cameras.

However what is God’s thought on this.  At the conclusion of the story of every person on earth, when each is alone with himself or herself and God, only love will be precious.  The life of each one of us will be considered a success or failure according to the commitment of the person in the elimination of the six situations of suffering and poverty: hunger, thirst, exile, nakedness, sickness and imprisonment.  At the same time, a detail is carefully highlighted in the story: none of those who have done these works of mercy has realised of having done them to Christ.  Love is only true if it is disinterested.  Who acts in view of the reward, even that of heaven, does not yet genuinely love.  The Gospel challenges us to see the broken body of Christ in the brokenness and the woundedness of those we see around us.  Christ still suffers in the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned.  At the end of the Liturgical year, we are all invited to reflect upon our spirituality.  Is our soul awakened to the needs of others around me?  How am I making a difference in the lives of those who need my attention?  May our parish continue to be more open and sensitive to the needs of others in need in our midst and may we respond generously.

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Wednesday 29th November between 5–7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Primary School Supplementary Information Forms (SIF)

If you are applying for a place at a Catholic Primary School and need me to sign your SIF, could you please ensure that all paperwork and a family photo is handed in (to me or the Parish Office) by Thursday 7th December at the latest.  Thank You.  Fr David.

Christmas Day Lunch with Fr David!

I would like to invite adult parishioners, either individuals or couples, who are on their own this year to join me for Christmas Day lunch in the Community Centre.  Transport can be provided to collect you and bring you home and there will be great food, good company and the Queens speech!

We have 40 places available, so if you would like to join me, please phone, visit or email the parish office as soon as possible.  Places are available on a ‘first come first served basis’ and we must know final numbers by 14th December.

Regrettably, we won’t be able to accommodate young families with children at this event.

Advent and Christmas

Advent Reflection Evening

with Fr Denis McBride called Journeying towards Jesus in Advent.  On Wednesday 29th November from 7.30-9.30pm in the Community Centre.

Advent Reconciliation Service

Will be held here in the church on Monday 4th December at 8pm.

A Reflection with Michael Ford

on the life of Fr Mychal Judge (Victim 0001 in Twin Tower attack) on Wednesday 13th December 8pm.

Advent Carol Service

Will be held here in the church on Sunday 17th December at 4.00pm.  Our Advent Service is an opportunity to pause in the busy preparations leading up to Christmas.  Through readings, prayer and music, we will reflect on the Christmas story and how it relates to our lives today.  All parishioners are invited to come and share in this special service to start their Christmas week focussed on Jesus.

Give your heart a Home

Wednesday 20th December at 8pm - quiet reflection to prepare for Christmas with Fr David Camilleri.

Decorating the Church for Christmas

We are meeting to decorate the church for Christmas on Saturday the 16th at 10.00am.  Anyone who has an hour to spare to help us decorate the church is more than welcome.

Christmas Crib – Poinsettias Needed

If you would like to donate some poinsettias for the crib this Christmas, they would be gratefully received.  Please drop them off at the Church on the weekend of 16th and 17th December.

Christmas Rotas – Readers and Welcomers

For the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day Masses, we are putting up a ‘please sign up’ list at the back of the church asking for Readers and Welcomers to volunteer for the Mass times that suit.  Please complete the form on the table at the back of the church.  Thank you in advance.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Christmas Choir

As we prepare to enter the Advent season, we invite singers to join in our Christmas choir which sings in four-part harmony.  The Advent service is on the 17th of December, Sunday at 4.00pm.  On Christmas Eve, we will start off with carols at 11.30pm followed by Midnight Mass.  Rehearsals will be held every Thursday from 7.30-9.00pm starting on the 16th November (followed by Nov 23, 30, Dec 7, 14, and possibly another rehearsal just before Christmas if needed).  This is a lovely way to participate in the parish festivities so if you enjoy singing, please come along to the first rehearsal on the 16th.  Hope to see many of you there.

Evangelisation Pillar

First Holy Communion 2018

If you would like your child to take part in our parish programme for First Holy Communion, please send an email to the Parish Office with all relevant details, child’s name, date of birth, school, names of parents, address and contact details.  Candidates must be in Year 3 or above.  All preparation classes are held on Saturdays from 4.30 to 5.45 and will run from January to June.   Dates for First Holy Communion are 9th and 16th June 2018.

Pilgrimage to The Holy Land

22nd – 30th November 2018

We are organising a pilgrimage to The Holy Land for next year.  This pilgrimage will be an opportunity to re-invigorate our faith as it will be rooted in prayer and biblical experiences and it will also provide opportunities for us to grow in fellowship.  We need to establish the level of interest and potential numbers.  You can find full details on the parish website with a form to complete and return to the parish office by 29th November 2017

Youth Pillar

St James’ Youth Group

The next Junior Youth Group will be held on Saturday 2nd December in the Community centre  from Noon to 2pm.  £1.50 per session - which includes lunch.

Church Sound System

We are looking for a volunteer with some knowledge in sound systems to take over the running and upkeep of the system.  This isn’t an onerous task and guidance will be given of the current system within the church.  Please contact the parish office if you can help.  Many Thanks.

Justice and Peace

Food Bank Supporters

The organisers report that the current needs are: tinned ham, tinned salmon, small jars of coffee, toilet rolls, toiletries (especially ladies’ deodorants), washing detergents and washing-up liquid.

Recycling bins

There are separate bins for paper/cardboard and bottles/cans by the gate of the main car park.  Please make sure you sort items and deposit them in the correct bin.  We quite often find recyclable items in the big general waste bin which is a shame, and even general waste in the recycling bins.  The council took quite a lot of coaxing to provide our recycling bins and it would be a shame to lose them.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Catholic Women's League

The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday 27th November at the earlier time of 7.30pm as at 8.00pm Chris Bartlett will be giving a talk about  internet safety.  Any members of the parish wishing to learn more about this are very welcome to join us.

Friends of St James’

The Friends of St James’ AGM will take place in the community centre small hall straight after the 11am Mass on Sunday 26th November.  All Welcome.

The Christmas Fayre

Sunday 10th December after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.

The Friends of St James' Christmas Fayre will take place in the Community Centre, featuring festive stalls with gifts, crafts, delicious delicacies from around the world as well as mulled wine.  Any children dressing up in costumes will get a prize and adults, please wear your Christmas jumper!.  There will also be exciting activities for children, including a guest appearance from Santa.

Donations of homemade Christmas delicacies (candied fruits, sweets, biscuits and cakes), foods from around the world, and bottles for the tombola (anything from alcohol to sauce to shampoo and olive oil but also in date and full!), CDs, DVDs and computer games (in excellent condition please).  Volunteers are also kindly asked to come forward to help set up, clear up and man the stalls.  Please sign up on the lists at the back of church or email the Parish office.

Raffle tickets (for our gorgeous Christmas Hamper and giant teddy bear) will be on sale at the back of the church after each mass and will be drawn at the market.


On Saturday 2nd December the parish Polish community together with the local Polish Playgroup invite Polish families to come join them in the community centre as traditionally Saint Nicholas brings presents on 6th December.  Contact Katarzyna for details and to register your kids as places are limited

Bollywood Dance Fitness

All are welcome from beginners to mixed ability, to join our dance class in a fun & friendly environment at St James' community centre, on Fridays from 2.00 to 2.45pm.  A dance routine with Bollywood music (Indian Film songs), that will make you smile, pump you with energy and burn your calories, with easy moves to remember forever.  If you are interested or want to give it a try, please contact Niljo Roy at email:

Lost property

A purse has been found in church.  Please contact the parish office for details.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·         Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 2nd December

Cleaning the Church

S Ingle, P Driscoll, J Rogerson, M Mitrovic

(Tuesday team – 5th December)


Wednesday Coffee

6th December

M Gyi, S Barradell, B D’Arcy


3rd December


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


M Walters

B Guyton

A Guyton

L McDonald

S May



K Salter

I Stewart

C Hairs

H Denham

D Ducat

M Ingledew


Ministers of Holy Communion

R Wright

J Bajorek

P Cantopher

J Callinan

H Rothon

K Chan

A Guyton

W David

B D’Arcy

T Forde

P May

S Ingle

R Del Guercio

Z Bajorek

T Troy





P Benson

M Wright




G Brookes

D Brookes

P Flockhart

A Huntington

S Ingle


Altar Servers

N Cracknell

R Norman-Brown

F Norman- Brown

D Poulton

A Poulton

O McCabe

J McCabe

J Lench

J Monaghan

J MacFadyen

P Marshall


*Can any servers change from the 6pm to the 9.15am please*

R Moon

F Ikenye

V Marcolina

M Lawrence

Z Teare

E Teare



P Cosgrave, P Dabrowski