Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,348.  Mass attendances were 587.

Sunday 26th February

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Saturday Vigil)

People Of The Parish


Ted Bryant RIP (E Bryant)


Jude Pimenta (Sr Ursula)

Monday27th February




Christian Unity (CWL)

Tuesday 28th February




(Please note change of time)

Requiem Mass for Kathleen Mooney

Wednesday 1st March

Ash Wednesday


(Whole school Mass)



Ann, Peter Ruggiro & Family


Eucharistic Adoration

People of The Parish

Thursday 2nd March




12.00 Noon

Keith Blacken RIP & Enda Blacken (Sr Ursula)


Requiem Mass for Beatrice Casey

Friday 3rd March



Vera Donnellan & Family (Sr Ursula)

Sunday 5th March

First Sunday Of Lent

6pm (Saturday Vigil)

Mary Casartelli


People Of The Parish


Joe Flynn (T Sweeney)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Fr David writes

This week as I was watching one of the reality programmes on the television before I nodded off, I was witnessing a mother of three, my own age, who was taken into hospital, having symptoms of a heart attack.  The programme is called “24 hours at A&E”.  The mother was understandably very distressed surrounded by her three daughters and husband.  In the process, a young doctor was very sensitively asking her questions to assess as correctly as possible her condition.  In the conversation that transpired between them, the young doctor asked her whether there were any heart problems in her family.  At this point, the woman disclosed tearfully, that not very long before, she had found her father on the floor at his home, dead of a heart attack.  This confession triggered a lot of emotion in her and through a brief interview with one of her daughters, we the viewers came to know how much their grandfather was a strong personality in the family and what a strong bond there was between him and their mother.  The mother, a lawyer, who had been trained to think of others before herself, put her own grieving on the backburner, and wanted to remain strong for the benefit of the rest of the family.  This information was of paramount importance for the doctor, because after all the medical results came out to be negative, the mother was diagnosed as having suffered a full blown panic attack.  Panic attacks have the same symptoms as a heart attack.  This particular mother balancing her life between taking care of her three children, her relationship with her husband, a professional career and on top of that, grieving for her father was too much for her body to take.  The anxiety was too much for her.  Although she was consciously repressing her anxiety levels, the body reacted for her.  As they say, the body never lies.

Each one of us knows what it means to be anxious.  During our lifetime we experience different levels of anxiety.  Some of us, are more inclined to be anxious than others.  Some of us are prone to anxiety.  We don’t all of us experience panic attacks, but we all experience some form of anxiety.  We are all aware of the social anxiety, about whether we can control the environmental forces we have created, about the security of jobs, anxieties caused by the pressures of our jobs, about terrorism and violence, about standards of service and justice in the community.  There is also religious/spiritual anxiety about changes in the Church for example, about the endless sufferings in a world created by God, about the future of faith itself.  There is also personal/existential anxiety that we feel from time to time about how our lives are going, about our families and our health, about significant relationships and loneliness and about a host of other things.  The causes of anxiety are endless.

In today’s first reading we hear how the people of Israel believed they were alive but alone, belonging to one.  Unattached.  While they were in exile in Babylon they were deeply anxious and afraid, believing that God had abandoned them and forgotten them.  But the prophet addresses their anxiety, assuring them that if a mother forgot her baby at the breast, God would not forget.  In today’s Gospel we hear the voice of Jesus speak similar words of comfort: Do not be anxious.  However part of us may react when we hear this.  That’s all very well, but when a mother doesn’t have food and clothes for her children, she cannot leave them hungry and naked as she meditates on the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.  If you are poor, you are always anxious because you are never certain of your daily bread.  Poverty and anxiety goes hand in hand.  As his disciples, Jesus asks us to see beyond our real fears to a God who knows us and loves us.

This is not easy.  When we are anxious it is difficult to pay attention to anything other than the anxiety.  Many people are exhausted coping with what life brings them.  Jesus asks us to risk having faith in him.  That he will never abandon us.  That he will always provide for us.  When we look back on our lives, we know the situations and the people that were placed on our path at our deepest moment of need.  At the time we only experience anxiety.  Looking back we know that we were guided and provided for.  God DOES provide.  We need of course to do our bit, but ultimately God provides.  That realisation helps me to feel a bit more at peace in a very uncertain and anxiety stricken world.

On Wednesday, as Christians, we are embarking on the graced filled period of Lent.  It’s a time of preparation to celebrate together the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Let us take part as fully as possible in the various events that St James’ is offering us during this period to help us experience a very special Easter.  Let’s start the journey by coming over to one of the Ash Wednesday services on Wednesday either the 9.30am or the 8.00pm Service.  Peace!

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

the next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 8th March between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

The Parish Pastoral Council

The next parish pastoral council meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th March at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  Parishioners are very welcome to come along for the first half hour of the meeting.  Alternatively, you may raise any relevant issue using the PPC mailbox which is

Evangelisation Pillar


A meeting for Confirmation candidates will be held on Monday 13th March at 7.00pm in the Community Centre.

Advanced Notice on Lenten Evening Talks (8 to 9:30pm)

Tuesday 7th March  Fr Denis McBride on Stations of the Cross.

A Redemptorist Publications bookstand will be available after Fr Denis’ talk.


Monday 20th March  Margaret Connell on Bach's St Matthew Passion.


Wednesday 5th April  Fr Geoff Wheaton on Christ's Passion and Crucifixion through Art and Scripture.

Please put the above dates in your diary.  The talks will be excellent preparation for us during Lent.  More details of the events will follow.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

We are looking for some additional people to become Readers and Eucharistic Ministers at the Sunday morning 9.15 Mass.  Training will be provided.

Children’s Liturgy

If your child is 3 years old or above, they are welcome to join us for Liturgy sessions at the 9.15am Sunday Mass each week.

Calling Children to Read and Sing at Mass

We are inviting children who have made their First Holy Communion and those who are older to become readers/singers at the 9.15am Mass on Sunday mornings.  We are hoping to start a Children’s Mass once a month at 9.15 am when the children do the Readings but also the singing and serving.  Please let the Parish Office know if you are interested.

Urgently needed

a pianist for Sunday 11am Mass.  Please contact the parish office if you are interested.

Youth Pillar

Whitstable Youth Retreat - 29th September to 1St October 2017

The Parish Youth Team are organising a retreat on the above dates at St Vincent’s Centre Whitstable.  All young adults who have been confirmed are invited to attend this retreat.

If you could confirm your interest to the Parish Office via telephone 01689 827100 or email

Communications Pillar

Parish Facebook Page

We have a Facebook page for the Parish and are posting a mixture of spiritual and informative items.  If you would like to receive these updates from the Parish on Facebook you can find the page by searching Facebook for ‘St James’’ the Great RC Church Petts Wood’ and click on ‘Like’.

The Parish diary is online

There is an online diary for parish events which you can find at or go to the parish website and use the main menu item "Parish diary".  Bookings will continue to be made through the parish office but hopefully the diary will help you to identify free dates for your events.

Social Pillar

Shrove Tuesday 28th February

Sign up on the sheet in the Church porch if you wish to eat hot delicious pancakes on Tuesday 28th February from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.  Booking numbers restricted to the first 30 who sign up.  This is a free event and is organised by the SVP and the senior youth group.  Book fast to guarantee a place is this event not to missed.  Email Peter Benson to book and for any queries.

CWL February Meeting.

The members of the Catholic Women's League will be meeting on Monday 27th February at 8pm in the Social Centre.  If you would like to join us or find out more about the League please come along.

Women's World Day of Prayer Friday 3rd March 2017 2.00pm at St James’

The women of the Philippines have produced this years’ service and the theme is 'Am I being unfair to you?' (God's question to the people of the Philippines).  Please come along and support our own Filipino community who are involved in the service.  Together with Fr.  David and people from local churches we will join with 170 countries and islands worldwide who will be praying for the Philippines from sunrise to sunset on this very special day of prayer.  Men are also most welcome.  Refreshments, including Filipino food, will be served afterwards in the Community Centre.

St Patricks Night ‘Craic’ Saturday 18th March 2017.  Organised by Knights of St Columba

Live music-disco-buffet-Traditional Irish entertainment to take place in the Community Centre from 7pm – 11pm.  Tickets £10 or £25 family ticket.  Now on sale after Mass.  All profits to the Development Fund.

The Friends of St James' – Coffee and pastries after Mass – Sunday, 5th March

You’re invited by the Friends of St James' to come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (or squash for little people!) and a pastry after Mass next Sunday in the Community Centre.  Meet members of our Parish and chat over a cup of coffee or tea and find out more about the Friends, what the group does, and the events it has planned for 2017.  Hot drinks are free to anyone wearing a Friends badge.  We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Finance Pillar

200 CLUB

A big thank you to the 69 people who have signed up for this important venture.  As you can see we are well short of our target so if you wish to join and have a form you have yet to complete I shall be grateful if you will return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible but at the latest by the 22nd March.  The cost is only £5 per month, with the first draw being held on 9th April.

First Prize £100

Second Prize £50

Plus Others…

Bumper draws in July and December with First Prizes of £500.

We have a large debt outstanding to the Diocese as a result of the refurbishment of the Community Centre, so this is a way of repaying this as well as having a little fun.  Please contact Ken Evans if necessary by emailing

St James’ Online fundraising

Please help us to raise more money by shopping online for St James’.  So far we have raised an amazing £2,235.  If you shop on the internet then this is the way to raise funds painlessly.  Please see further information on our website or simply click here.

Parish Life….

We welcome The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK on the 19th March at 5pm in the Community Centre.  More information to follow.  All parishioners welcome.

The Monday Club

meets from 1.30-4.30pm in the Community Centre.  Please come and join us – it’s fun!

Parent & Toddler Group

Please note that there will be no Parent & Toddler Group on Friday 3rd March.  The Women's World Day of Prayer will be taking place instead, commencing at 2pm in St James’ the Great Church followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.  The Parent & Toddler Group will return on Friday 10th March from 1.30-3.00pm.

Firm Believers

is our inter-church Fun-Fitness class to music.  It takes place every Tuesday (in term-time), 7.00 - 7.45 pm, in our Community Centre here at St James’.  Stay for tea or coffee and chat afterwards if you wish.  So come and give it a try, with a group of friendly ladies of all abilities - cost £5.  You're welcome to just turn up, or contact us (contact

Girl Guiding Association

Our Girl Guiding units are looking for new leaders to help run the packs.  If you feel you would like to help please contact the parish office for more information.

Appeal From Knights Of St.  Columba

Please continue to bring in your used postage stamps.  If they are on postcards, it is fine to donate the postcard as well.  Many Thanks for your continued support.

Furniture Appeal

If you have furniture which is in good condition, suitable for a child’s bedroom and you would be happy to donate please contact Pat by emailing  Collection is not a problem.

St James’ Preschool

The preschool has spaces available for September 2017 intake.  Please email: to register interest and arrange a visit.

Reminder for Parents

Food & Drink should not be brought into the church for consumption during Mass.  Thank you for your co-operation.

What Happens If You Have To Go Into Hospital?

In light of strict data protection rules it is essential that on entering hospital you indicate that your details or those of your relative are to be passed to the Roman Catholic Chaplain.  Also state that you or your relative would like the Roman Catholic Chaplain to visit you.  Chaplains visit the wards during the week and provide an on-call service in case of emergency.

St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School, Coulsdon CR5 3DE

Head teacher required for September 2017.  For further information and an application pack please e mail Mrs Jennifer Blackburne at  Closing date March 17th 2017

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping

5th March


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


Alice Neal

Chantal Cook

Eugenie Froud

Sheila Barradell

Peter Benson



Keith Lams

Lisa Rusmini

Sofia Cotta

Bruno Cotta

Riza Rowan

Rosa Del Guercio


Ministers of Holy Communion

Patrick Driscoll

Tony Babb

Bea Babb

Roger Wright

Patricia Cantopher

Bruno Cotta

Ken Chan

Brigid D’Arcy

Teresa Forde

Martin Smith

Vicky Terry

Nigel Longhurst

Ken Evans

Rachel Mwansa

Angela Evans




L Lynch

Sheila Barradell

Christine D’Arcy

Teresa Lowe



Peter Benson

Matthew Wright




Chris Delf

Mark Troy






Saturday 4th March



Cleaning the Church

Sue Ingle

Indi Hutchins

Patrick Driscoll

Janet Rogers

Marija Mitrovic