Attendance last week was 820.




Sixth Sunday of Easter

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Ernie Field, RIP (May Field and family)

11am – Ron Thompson, RIP (Margaret Thompson)




St Philip Neri, priest

9.30am – Betty and Thom Cotter




St Augustine of Canterbury, bishop

9.30am – Josephine and Seamus McMorrow




Feria of Easter

9.30am – The Confirmation Group (CWL)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Mike and Hilary Milton (Roger and Ellen Wright)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Welfare of Michael King (F & S Simon)




The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9.30am – Michael J Sullivan, RIP (Harrington family)




The Ascension of the Lord

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Denis and Agnes Crowley (Anniversary) (Harrington family)

11am – Inge Gattel, RIP (Benson family)



In our second reading today (1st letter of St. Peter), the apostle tells us to:

‘Always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you have. But give it with courtesy and respect, and with a clear conscience.’

Does anyone ever ask you why you are a practising Catholic? It may be at work, in the family, or in the pub. Could you say why you belong to the church?  We must always be ready to defend our faith intelligently, at the same time as respecting those who ask us. We must be ‘clued up’ on our faith, and must witness to it in sensitive and appropriate ways.


Last Wednesday, a small group of non-Catholics met to enquire about the faith and the possibility of being received into the Catholic Church. If you are not a Catholic, but would like to know more, do come along on Tuesday June 10th at 8pm (meeting room).  Catholics are also most welcome- and indeed, many of you will be able to contribute much.  I know Fr. Tom is keen to welcome new Catholics and the idea is to try and form a small group for him to take over in September.


Next Friday (30th) a small group from the parish and myself will be attending ‘Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord’- a one day conference on parish evangelism (faith sharing)- picking up on Pope Francis’ recent document, ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ (‘The Joy of the Gospel.’).  Many of you have purchased copies.  It is well worth reading (and really accessible).  The conference on Friday will (hopefully) give us pointers to evangelisation in the parish, and provide encouragement to form an evangelisation team.

Archbishop Peter and Bishop Pat will be at the event which - at St. Matthew’s Academy, Blackheath. If anyone else would like to go please drop me an email and book your own place TODAY by e mail ( as lunch is provided free and they need to know numbers.  I can offer one car place (leave church at 10.15am, returning about 5.30pm).


All these things are closely connected:  knowing our faith, confidently explaining it, witnessing to it, and sharing it with others.


‘The Joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.’  (Opening words of Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis).



Today2nd collection for our Maintenance Fund (please Gift Aid!). Essential work will be going ahead later in the summer on the tower, church wiring and lighting and other work to make the rear area of the church (and porch) water proof. But only if we can pay for it ! A monthly standing order of just £10 would be terrific if you could manage it. (Geoff is on holiday at present.)


Next Sunday is the feast of the Ascension of Christ into Heaven, and also World Communications Day (please take a flyer today). 2nd collection –supporting the work of the Catholic Communications Network (CCN).



Pondering the Word- a quiet and reflective look at next Sunday’s gospel (11am-12 noon).  Craft club and games – 1.30pm (hall).



NO Mother and Toddler at 1.30pm as it is half-term week.



Church cleaning- CWL members please (10am-11 am). (New rota in porch and on line.)


The LiveSimply Group is pleased to say that almost all of the actions we promised as a parish towards the LiveSimply Award are complete – many, many thanks to all parishioners who have supported in any way.  The official application is about to be submitted, and then assessors will visit the parish to ensure we have carried out our promises!  We hope to receive the Award on July 13th, as part of our 75th celebrations.


Day for Catechists at the Cathedral, Saturday June 28th.  ALL catechists (1st communion, confirmation, baptism prep. Journey in Faith, etc.) Please take the sheet from back corridor and let me know a) that you can go and b) which two workshops you would like to attend.  I would grateful to know in a day or two, I can book you all in.



Euch.Ministers and Readers Many thanks to those who have signed up. Important meeting on Wednesday June 11th (in church) as follows:


Meeting for all readers (inc. new people) at 7.30pm.


Short meeting and training session for new readers at 8pm.


Meeting for all ministers (incl. new people) at


Short meeting for new ministers at 9pm.


There is still room if you would like to offer for one of these ministries. (List in back corridor).


Many thanks to everyone who was involved in the confirmation Mass last Sunday. Bishop Pat was delighted with the occasion, and our young people are an inspiration to us all. May they grow and mature in their faith.


Thanks also to parents who have given in school forms (last day today).These are simply internal parish forms, and will be a guide for Fr.Tom when parents start to apply for church schools in November/December.


A happy half-term week to our children and young people- and good luck to those facing exams soon.


Fr. Bryan.



The LiveSimply prayer

Compassionate and loving God,

you created the world for us all to share,

a world of beauty and plenty.

Create in us a desire to live simply,

so that our lives may reflect your generosity.

Creator God,

You gave us responsibility for the earth,

a world of riches and delight.

Create in us a desire to live sustainably,

so that those who follow after us

may enjoy the fruits of your creation.

God of peace and justice,

You give us the capacity to change,

to bring about a world that mirrors your wisdom.

Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,

so that the pillars of injustice crumble

and those now crushed are set free.


Linda Jones / CAFOD