A warm welcome to everyone, and especially to visitors to St James’ during this Christmas weekend.


Christmas is a wonderful season at St James’ and this is due to the hard of work of so many people. Your work is greatly appreciated. In particular I would like to thank the groups who cleaned the church and who decorated for this festival. I do hope more people will get involved in the future- it is our church- and that means all of us.


Our organists, choir and readers did themselves proud with the carol service last Sunday (the service devised by Bill Morley who continues in our prayers as he recovers from a serious stroke.) It was very cold and snowy but they deserved a much higher turn-out for their efforts. We thank Tim for leading our singing throughout the year, and also Jo who leads our folk choir. And the children enjoyed Christingle.


Thanks also to Sheila Simon for leading the Monday craft group and who raffled the lovely woollen crib set. There really is so much talent in our congregation! Thanks also to the Brownies and their leaders for the Senior Citizens lunch which I know was enjoyed by all, and also to those who turned out to sing carols in the snow- it was greatly appreciated by the houses we stopped at!


Teresa and I thank you for your many cards and gifts and are touched by your kindness.  May you all enjoy the Christmas season (which ends with the feast of Christ’s baptism on Sunday January 9th).


We celebrate (26th) the feast of the Holy Family. May you be united in your families, and may this be a time of joy and (where necessary) reconciliation. Our prayers are especially with the sick and with those of you who have the care of the sick, the elderly and the frail, and also with those of you for whom this Christmas will be the first without a loved one. May you know the deep peace that the Christ-child brings.


Don’t forget that we agreed to change our Mass times in 2011, and from next week Sunday Mass will be at 9.15 am and 11 am. Daily Mass this week will be at 10am and on New Year’ s Day at 12noon.


Enjoy the feast!  ............  Fr Bryan


Mass attendances last Sunday were 453.  .


Sunday 26/12/ 10

The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph


10am- Widows of Knights of St Columba (Llew Thomas)


11.30amPeople of the Parish




St John the Apostle

All daily Masses this week will take place at 10am instead of 9.30 and there will be no evening Mass or confessions on Tuesday 28th 


10am – CWL




The Holy Innocents


10am- Christopher Drew (Sheila Simon)

No Benediction or confessions after morning Mass today


7.15pmNo Mass or confessions this evening




St Thomas of Canterbury


10am –Rose McKenna (Margaret Kelly)




Of the Octave


10am –Bill Morley





Of the Octave


10am –Thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year





The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God

New Years Day Mass at 12noon –World Peace


6pm Mass (Vigil Mass of Sunday) –People of the Parish 


Sunday 2/1/11

The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ


Please note the new Mass times


9.15am –Deceased members of the Butler family (Found)


11am-Denise McDowall RIP (Kirsty Henderson)


It’s Christmas,


And everywhere are goodies-piled high, overflowing-

glittering trinkets of modernity submerging us,

imprisoning our souls,

offering us transient joy.


Yet in silent places of the heart we rebel

longing for that inner freedom of the Spirit

which came with the first Christmas,

and can transform us still.


We touch these gifts beyond price,

and, awakening to the sacred within us,

experience again that surprising, tender love

which- centuries ago-the shepherds encountered

in the midst of their work,  on those dry fields near Bethlehem.

A poem by Peter Millar.