Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,409.  Mass attendance 692.


23rd June


(Saturday Vigil)



The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist


6pm           People of The Parish


Sunday 24th June


9.15am      Feast of St Columba (L Thomas)


11am         Stephen Wyman RIP (Fry & Bridle Family)

Monday 25th June



9.30am      First Holy Communicants (CWL)


                  Joel Barclay Parker RIP (Parker Family)


Tuesday 26th June




9.30am      Gerard Whelan RIP (Howell Family)


Wednesday 27th June





9.30am      O’Flaherty Family RIP



10.45am    Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 28th June

Saint Irenaeus


9.30am      Winnie O’Connell (O’Mahony Family)


Friday 29th June


Whole School Mass

Saints Peter and Saint Paul


9.30am      Dorothy Robson (Foundation)


8.00pm      People of The Parish


30th June


(Saturday Vigil)


Sunday 1st July

Thirteenth Sunday


6pm           Ken Leftwich RIP (O’Mahony Family)


9.15am      People of The Parish


11am         Anna Vassallo RIP (V Terry)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.


Every day after Mass there is rosary.  All are welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea are served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collections

This week’s collection is a “3 in 1” collection for Communications, Day for Life and Apostleship of the Sea.

Future collections:

Friday 29th June – Peter’s Pence

Sunday 1st July – Maintenance Fund

Fr David writes…

I know that I am biased, but my parents were a delightful couple.  As a young boy I did idolise them.  I looked up to them as most children do.  It was only in my thirties, when incidentally I was also geographically far away from them in Melbourne, that I gave myself permission to start looking at them from a critical perspective.  From the perception that I had a perfect upbringing, I started to accept very slowly that it was more of a “good enough” upbringing.  This was a huge paradigm shift in my thinking.  It became very clear for me that to start understanding something of my own personal struggles at the time, I needed to connect with my parent’s narrative.  My parents could not have children for a long time.  They agonised over the prospect of having any children as any other couple would do.  It was only after 8 long and arduous years, after a few miscarriages that my mum conceived and gave birth to my eldest sister Grace.  They could not be happier.  Grace was a healthy beautiful baby girl.  The family was formed at last.  Little did they know, this euphoria was not to last for long as after only four months, Grace died.  Life turned very quickly from bliss to despair.  They had to learn very early in life that life can be cruel at times.  And to try to make sense of their fate.

After nine months of Grace’s death – my twin sister and I were born.  We were born in grief and so although they were over the moon with the birth of the twins, they could not allow themselves to feel the full on euphoria they felt for Grace in case they would be hurt again.  Although we felt totally loved, we also experienced their over protectiveness stemming from an understandable stance of anxiety.  This piece of information gave me an insight into my own psyche and behaviour.  Instead of blaming them, I felt more compassion towards them and inner healing started to emerge.  I had now felt empowered to live my life in a freer way.  This realisation confirmed to me the reality that we are the product of a narrative.

The more, as adults we are aware of our narrative, the less likely we would project our own unresolved issues on our children.  The more we can look at our children for who they are.  It’s very tempting for parents to consider their children to be extensions of their own lives, who should preserve the lineage and family interests or achieve the unfulfilled dreams of their own lives.  How blessed are those children whose parents have the ability to connect with them as individuals and have the patience to get to know them for who they are and not for who they wish them to be.  I remember very vividly in my teenage years, that I had to be assertive especially with my father who perceived my life journey in a very different way from what I was perceiving it to be.  It was not an easy time for both of us.  I can assure you.  He did find it difficult to let go of his dream for me.  Eventually he was the proudest of dads.  However the journey, as most authentic journeys, was not plain sailing.

The birth of John the Baptist is a sharp rebuttal to such automated expectations.  Every child is a unique creation of God with a clear mission from Him to fulfil.  She or he may become even a total rupture from the family interests and traditions and they will inhabit a world unfamiliar to us.  As parents, the mission is to let go of our own dreams for them and help them discern and realise God’s dreams for them.  In the barren womb of Elizabeth, the evangelist Luke sees depicted the sterility of Israel and the condition of death in which the whole humanity lies.  The desperate situation from which, without the intervention from above, it is impossible for life to sprout.  In the birth of John the Baptist, Luke captures the start of the realisation of this prophecy.  The central part of the reading of today develops the theme of the child’s name.  Naming is a significant concept.  It is at this point that the name he received gains importance because among the people of antiquity the name indicated the person, his condition, his qualities, his fate.  Now the reason why the Baptist cannot be called Zachariah becomes clear.  When he becomes a member of the people of Israel, he does not simply give continuity to the lineage of and tradition of the father – as the neighbours and the relatives think.  They have not had the revelation of heaven, but by the name of John, he marks the beginning of the new era.

Gone are the days of remembering the promises; for humanity the new day in which the prophecies are fulfilled has dawned.  John is separate from his father Zachariah.  The process of individuation needed to happen in order that John could embrace his calling.  John starts off a new era.  He is the witness to the faithfulness of God.  In the last verse, the childhood of John is summarised.  To each Israelite, the desert recalls a crucial time in its history and awakens emotions and feelings related to the journey from slaver to freedom.  The Baptist spends his adolescence and youth in the desert.  He prepares for his mission assimilating the spiritual riches that his people have accumulated through the desert experience.  His calling is totally different from his father’s.  Let us today in a special way pray for both the gift of wisdom to the parents of our parish and also let’s pray for our children that they would always be respected as unique human beings with a specific identity and mission in life, whatever that might be.

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

Please note that the next surgery will be on Wednesday the 4th July 2018.  Fr David will be available at 281A Crescent Drive from 5.00-7.00pm and no appointment is necessary.

200 Club

Unfortunately, due to new legislation we are unable to publish names of the winners only their numbers:

£100    No 180

£50      No 3

£25      No 88

£25      No 1

Congratulations to our winners.  Thank you for all parishioners who renewed subscriptions.  So far, the 200 Club has raised £6,250 for church funds.  However, there are still vacancies available.  For any wishing to join please contact Ken Evans.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

This takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30–9.00pm and concludes with Benediction.  The next one will take place on 1st June.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Pastoral Pillar

Helplines and Counselling Services

As part of our care for the community a list of helplines and counselling services has now been added to the parish website and placed in the porch.  The purpose of this is to give contact details of various organisations which can provide help in difficult times thereby enabling people to seek privately the information and support they may need.

Service of Remembrance for Bereaved Families & Friends.

Losing a baby or a child of any age is one of the most painful experiences anyone may ever have to face.  On Sunday 1st July you are warmly invited to a Service of Remembrance for Bereaved Families & Friends.  It will take place at 3pm in St James' Community Centre.  The service will be a time of music, prayer, poetry and reflection.  We do hope you will be able to join us & to stay afterwards for refreshments.  Please pass this on to anyone you know who might benefit from this service.  All are most welcome.

Evangelisation Pillar

There will be a meeting for all catechists on Wednesday 11th July 8pm in the Community Hall.  Please join us for a glass of wine / juice and nibbles to celebrate our achievements, and to share and support the catechist family.

Youth Pillar

Youth Film Night – Save The Date

The youth film night for people aged 12+ will be held on Saturday 21st July at 7pm in the Community Centre.  The film showing will be ‘What We Did on Our Holiday’.  Food will be provided.  There will be a suggested donation of £2.  We look forward to seeing you there!

St James’ Pre School

Noah’s Arc

The Pre School would like to invite parishioners to come and see the rehearsal of their fantastic play ‘Noah’s Arc’ on Monday 9th July, after morning Mass at 10.30am.  If you would like to show your support to our younger parishioners, please contact the parish office on 01689 827100 to reserve a seat.

Pre School Places

If you are interested in a place at St James’ Pre School, please email  There are limited spaces available for September 2018.

Justice & Peace

The Justice and Peace Group will meet on Wednesday 27th June at 7.45pm in the Parish Office meeting room (281A Crescent Drive).  All parishioners are assured of a warm welcome.

Special Foodbank donations

We should like to thank the Denhams for the wonderful donation of food and household goods they collected for the Foodbank.  They held a birthday tea party for neighbours and parishioners last weekend, requesting only donations for the Foodbank.  Thank you to them both and to their guests who donated over 70kg of goods.  The volunteers at the Foodbank were extremely touched by this gesture.  J&P Group.

Foodbank request

The food and drink needs haven’t really altered much, but they still need tinned potatoes, tinned tomatoes, long life fruit juice and jam, plus squash, biscuits and cold meat.  However, they have run very short of toiletries and household goods.  So basically, all toiletries, apart from feminine wear, are needed as are washing powder and washing up liquid.

Remember CAFOD in your Will?

Once you’ve taken care of your loved ones, could you include a gift in your will to your worldwide family?  Pick up a leaflet at the back of church to find out about the free will-writing service for CAFOD supporters, email or call Hannah Caldwell on 020 7095 5367

Petts Wood Catholic Women's League

Our June monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th June at 8pm in the Community Centre.  Please note the change of day.  At 8.30 we have Chris coming along to advise us on 'Keeping Safe at Home' in view of the recent spate of burglaries and car thefts.  Members of the Parish are very welcome to join us.

Advance notice - Our Annual Teddy Bears' Picnic will be held on Thursday afternoon, 19th July - hopefully outdoors in the Church garden.  If anyone is looking for a home for soft toys please bring them along and put them in the box at the back of the church ready for our children's tombola.

Social Pillar

Film Night

The next Film Club will be on Saturday, 14 July.  We will be showing The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, a highly entertaining and touching British comedy/ drama.  It was released in 2011 and has a great cast of actors, including Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.   As before please feel free to bring a cold snack with you if you wish.  The film will start at 7.45pm and runs for just under 2 hours.  Sign-up sheets are in the church porch.  We do hope you will join us!

Garden Party and Fun Run

The time for our major summer event, the Garden Party and Fun Run, is rapidly approaching.  There are plenty of ways to help and get involved:

On the day, Sunday 8th July, you can donate cakes and/ or food from your country.

You can help man a stall for an hour.

You can help to set up on either the Saturday or Sunday or, very importantly, be part of a group that clears up at the end of the event.

You can buy some raffle tickets, they are on sale from today onwards at the end of every Mass.

You can come and enjoy the event from 12.00 until 4.00.

You can run in the fun run.  Starting point is beside St James’ School at Jubilee Park.  This is a fun event suitable for all to walk, jog, run.  You can choose to do one or two laps.  Fr David is running again so you could sponsor him to show your support.  At the back of the church there are sign up forms for this and all the other ways you can get involved.  Marshalls are needed for the fun run so this might be something you could help with.

Sign-up sheets are at the back of the church.

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Youth Pillar

St James’ Youth Group

The next Junior Youth Group will be held on Saturday 30th June in the Community Centre from Noon to 2pm.  £1.50 per session and this includes lunch.

3rd Petts Wood Family Quiz

Matt and Josh would like to give many thanks to all those who attended or donated towards the Quiz Night on Friday 15th June.

Thank you also to everybody who helped or supported the evening, as it was a great success, raising approximately £420 to be split equally between our two causes:

Joshua Towell is raising funds for his Humanitarian Aid Expedition to Borneo.  This Summer, Ravens Wood School will be returning to the village of ‘SK Laksian’, where we will construct a fresh water supply system for the village and the local school community.


This Summer, Matt Delamain will be going to Kenya with his Explorer group.  Whilst out there, he will be working with a charity called “Harambee for Kenya”.  This charity takes in young boys who are homeless off the street and gives them a better life including an education and friendships.

We would also like to thank St James’ Parish for allowing us to use the Community Centre, and the 3rd Petts Wood Scouts for allowing us to run and organise the evening.

Polite Reminder

The Parish disabled parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders only.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·        Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas: Thank you for helping.

Saturday 30th June 2018

Cleaning the Church

P Driscoll, J Rogerson, M Mitrovic (Tuesday Team – 3rd July)


Wednesday Coffee

27th June

M Howell, S Barradell


1st July 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


M Sands

B Guyton

A Guyton

S Barradell

K Edwards



J Bajorek

M O’Mahony

C Hairs

H Denham

H Marvell

M Ingledew


Ministers of Holy Communion

H Rothon

P Crosland

C Wakefield

C Cosgrave

P Cosgrave

A Guyton

K Chan

T Forde

M Howell

S Cotta

Z Bajorek

T Troy

A Bunnage

P Murray

V Terry





P Troy

M Wright




L Lynch

S Barradell

K Walsh

L Moore


Altar Servers


D&A Poulton

P Marshall

A Lynch

L Delamain

V Marcolina

J MacFadyen




M Shea, T Wrafter