The Week of Accompanied Prayer is now just one week away and will be a spiritual event of great significance.  Sixty people are taking part, and many others are part of the organising team, offering hospitality, welcoming etc.  Many thanks to everyone.  Doreen Hairs writes:


For all parishioners who are NOT themselves participants, you can still support the Week.  Here are three suggestions:


1.      Since the church is open every day, Monday-Friday from 7.30 in the morning to 9.00 at night, could you pop in at least once, for a time of quiet personal prayer?  And please remember Participants and Guides in your private prayer at home, with this special Week.


2.      Could you sign up as a Welcomer for the WAP? It would be very helpful and much appreciated if you could please offer some of your time- the schedule is in the lobby at the back of the church. The Welcomer’s role is simply to be in the area at the back of the church to greet Participants and offer a light refreshment, which will be on-hand. Our aim is to have two people per slot.


3.      Or maybe bake a few small cakes or cookies to leave in the Welcoming area?


We look forward to welcoming the many trained and experienced Prayer Guides to Petts Wood. The opening service is next Sunday (3rd) at 3pm in Southborough Baptist (across the road) for all Participants.


Please pray also for Pope Benedict who officially retires this coming Thursday evening. We wish him a fruitful and peaceful retirement.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 663.




Second Sunday in Lent (C)

6pm – Noah Mark Rothon RIP (Rothon Family)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Jimmy Clancy RIP (Leish O’Sullivan)


Monday 25/2/13

Feria of Lent

9.30am – CWL




Feria of Lent

9.30am – Deceased relatives of the Kelly family (M T Kelly)




Feria of Lent

9.30am – Mr and Mrs Nally, RIP (Mrs O’Leary)




10am – Requiem Mass for Willy Grenouille.



St David, Patron of Wales

9.30am – The Maree family (A & P Lane)




Third Sunday in Lent (C)

6pm – Secondina Rabbini RIP (Lisa Rusmini)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Agatha Yee RIP (Victor Brittain-Wong)


Today (Sunday) we welcome Monica Conmee who will speak on behalf of CAFOD (2nd collection for Lent Fast Day- last Friday.)


This afternoon: Petts Wood Festival Chorus at 2.30pm.  Holy Week choir at 4.30pm.


St Patrick’s Night Social (Mar.16th), tickets available TODAY! - supporting our refurbishment programme- let’s have a sell-out !



CWL meeting at 8pm including talk on Relief and Refugees by Breda Ford and a brief introduction to World Youth Day (in Rio) by Zosia Bajorek.


CWL AGM on March 25th at 8pm.



Lection Divina (today’s gospel).  1.30pm at Southborough Baptist Church, repeated at 8pm at Christ Church Willett Way.  A prayerful and reflective reading of the gospel of Jesus’ transfiguration.  Lasts for one hour. Do give it a try.........


Journey in Faith at 7.45pm.



Justice and Peace Group at 7.45pm.


Baptism rehearsal at 8.15pm.



Mass at 10am (requiem)(NOT 9.30am) for Willy Grenouille, 92 yrs, (from Ely, Cambridgeshire) formerly a resident here.  Followed by burial at St. Luke’s.  Our prayers are with the family at this time.



Stations of the Cross at 7pm.


Women’s World Day of Prayer at Crofton Baptist Church, 2pm - all welcome. (Flyers in porch.)


Manna Centre Clothing.

Thanks for your magnificent response! Due to be collected tomorrow (Monday).


Cabrini Children’s Society (Purley) are looking for a volunteer receptionist (see board).


Coloma School (Croydon).  Vacancy for Physics Team Leader (see board.)


Hope for a New Beginning

Beginning experience - ministry to the widowed, separated and divorced led by a team of trained volunteers.  Next at Aylesford, 5th - 7th April. Contact Helen on 01293 881887.



‘Resurrecting’ - a poem for Lent 2.  (I wonder if Peter, James and John felt a bit like this as they witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration?)   By Pete Anderson.


The sun, warms my back

while the black earth in my hand

carries the memory of winter’s

icy, iron grip.


Frost, fingers

spring’s, first bold beginnings


but, the budding of trees

betrays nature’s

secret understanding

of death and resurrection.


This is a good time for me,

between snowdrop and daffodil;

I would wish


to spend



on the threshold of things-




even here,

I grope for meaning

(instead of simply being);





suggest to me

a process

rather than

a condition

an ebb

and flow,

a signpost

rather than

a destination.


For now

it is sufficient

to have caught

a glimpse

of that possibility.


This time,

between snowdrop and daffodil

encourages me

to wait.



Every blessing for this second week of Lent, Fr Bryan.