Thank you for your offerings last week of £1604.98 and £708.16 for Ecclesiastical Education.  Mass attendances were 871.




Fifth Sunday of Easter (C)


6.00pm Ivy Sawyer RIP (McCabe Family)


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am Brigit Donovon RIP (M Ramadan)





St Mark Evangelist


9.30am Sick Members of the CWL and Parishioners (CWL)






9.30am  The Dobson Family (M Howell)






8.55am Rubello Family (J Keen)

(Mass at St James’ School – please note change of time)


1.00pm  Requiem Mass for Michael Wrafter




Feria/St  Peter Chanel


10.30am  Requiem Mass for Kay Livingston

(Please note change of time)




St  Catherine of Siena


9.30am David Hawkins RIP – 1st Anniversary (A Hawkins)



Vigil Mass


6.00pm Jim Macey RIP (Deasy Family)




Sixth Sunday Of Easter


9.15am  Pauline Bishop RIP (M Ingrams)


11.00am People of the Parish


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.


Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the Church.    All welcome. 

Fr David writes…

What a week!  On one hand I am celebrating and on the other hand I am accompanying parents who have been devastated because their child had not been successful in getting a placement at St James’ Primary School.  The heartache is real for these parents who like all parents want the best for their children and their dream of having their child at our local Catholic Primary school has been shattered.  They feel bereft.  They feel bereft because in their minds, the school and the parish are an integral element of their lives as Catholic parents.  On the other hand I feel happy for those other children who have been successful in getting a place at St James’ Primary School.

This intense week has given me the opportunity to reflect upon the relationship between the parish of St James’ and the school which although obviously have a good relationship with one another, on the other hand they are two different entities altogether.  The Parish is much larger than the actual school.  They both do have different aims within our community.  St James’ Parish is here to cater for the pastoral needs of all parishioners.  The parish’s mission is to bring people together and be inclusive regardless of schools, age and gender.  Its mission is not primarily focussed for the parents and children who attend solely St James’ Primary School.  Although I am very proud of our parish school, my primary aim is to help those parents and children who do not attend St James’ to feel that they are as valued and cared for pastorally the same as any other parent or child.  My dream is to break the mentality between them and us.  Unfortunately the school is not big enough to cater for all our children.  That is a reality.

On the other hand, the parish is there to cater spiritually, socially and pastorally for all who enter through its doors.  Parishioners are welcomed to St James’ Parish and I do understand that we are human and maybe we do have our own motivations to join the parish.  But we need to keep it clear in our heads that primarily the Parish is for all of us who are searching to find an oasis in our lives where we can search for God, explore the reality of God in our lives as individuals and as families, to socialise with same minded people and together build a community of faith where love reigns.  We need to keep this as a focus in our minds.

Using the parish to get our children in the school hurts people who genuinely want their child to have a Catholic education and are not successful in getting a placement in the school.  We need to be honest with our reasons why we come to church.  Nobody likes to be used.  Even the parish does not like to be used.  On the other hand I believe that God has his ways of attracting people to him.  God can use our twisted motivations in order to speak to us.  But I felt as your pastoral leader, I needed to share with you my thoughts on the subject.  St James’ Parish is blessed to have a very good school attached to it as it tries to uphold its Catholic ethos within the community and academically it is a very fine school.  But as anything it can be a curse too.  At a time when emotions are very high, I wanted to address this issue this weekend with you as I thought it is very important to be reminded of the aims of our parish.

Moving on, I also want to publicly congratulate our Confirmandi for the successful Car Wash fundraiser event last weekend and this weekend and for their enthusiasm to organise the South American Night on the 7th May.  All proceeds from these events are going to sponsor the parish overseas project this year – St Helen’s Parish in Arequipa Peru.  Let us keep them in our prayers as they go on their retreat on the last weekend of this month and then having their Confirmation on the feast of Pentecost on the 15th May.  In speaking of Young people I wish to encourage more post confirmation young people to be part of the Youth Ministry which is catering for the youth in our parish.  I wish that you will keep Saturday the 21st May in your diaries to come over for an evening together with the newly confirmed youth for a Pizza evening in the Community Centre.  God bless you all.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 26th April, 5.00pm – 8.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary.

Second Collections

Will take place this weekend for the maintenance of St  George’s Cathedral.

Our Parish Faith Formation

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome Oliver Deane-Bowers, his parents Monika and Luke and godparents Helen and Katy.  We also welcome Heath Roberts, his parents Laura and Lee and godparents Geoff and Nishka.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 7th May, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

2016 Confirmation Programme

The next meeting will take place on Monday 25th April, 7.00pm-9.00pm in the Community Centre.

Year of Mercy - Group Discussion

The second in our series of group discussions on the theme of Mercy will take place on Tuesday 3rd May at 8pm in the Community Centre.  The title is: “The First Gaze of Mercy” and we will be discussing the issues which come out of Matthew 28: 1-10.  We do hope you can join us.

Parish Group Activities

Traidcraft Stall

Will take place this weekend after all Masses.  Stock up on your favourites as there will not be another stall until early July.  Thank you for your continued support.  J&P


The next meeting of the Catholic Women’s League will be at 7.30pm on Monday 25th April and will be held in the Community Centre.  We have a retired City of London Police Officer coming to talk about personal safety.  This talk, which starts at 8.00pm is open to any members of the parish who would like to learn more about keeping safe.

J&P Plant Sale – Advanced Notice

In aid of St Helen's Parish Peru, will take place over the weekend of 21st/22nd May, please consider if you are gardening.  J&P

Launch of the Friends of St James

On Saturday 14th May from 7.00pm, you are invited to join us for an evening of wine, art and canapés to celebrate the launch of the Friends of St James’.  The evening is free and no tickets are necessary.  We look forward to meeting you!

Firm Believers

is our inter-church Fun Fitness class to music.  It is every Tuesday (in term time), 7.00pm-7.45pm, in our newly refurbished Community Centre here at St James’.  Stay for tea or coffee and chat afterwards if you wish.  So come and give it a try, with a group of friendly ladies, of all abilities – cost £5.  You’re welcome to just turn up, or contact us at  Maybe bring a friend.  Wear trainers, any comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel, and get fit and trim for spring.

Social Evening

On 21st May the Community Centre will be open after the 6pm Mass, this coincides with the launch of the Youth Café, all are welcome!

Deanery Event

Deanery Pilgrimage to Cathedral

Home-school-parish deanery pilgrimage to St George’s Cathedral Southwark on Saturday 17th September 10.30am for 11.00am.

Diocesan Events

Celebration of Marriage

The annual Mass in Celebration of Marriage will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 18th June at St George’s Cathedral Southwark.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th+ Wedding Anniversary this year and would like to attend, please complete the form at the back of the Church as soon as possible.  Invitations will then be sent out from the Archbishop.

Mass for Migrants

We are invited to attend this annual Mass at Westminster Cathedral on Monday 2nd May at 10.30am.  His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be the principal celebrant.  There will be a banner procession at 10am and witness testimonies at 10.15am.  Full details on the notice board.  J&P Group (on behalf of Southwark Justice and Peace Commission).

Youth Ministry

Youth Group

The next session will be held on Saturday 30th April, 12.00pm – 2.00pm. 

Charity Car Wash By The Confirmation Candidates

Once again this weekend you all have an excellent opportunity to leave Mass with a clean car and a healthy conscience.  The confirmation candidates will be washing cars, five pounds plus any donations gratefully accepted, in the upper car park.  First come, first served as realistically they will only be able to wash 10-12 cars per session.  All money raised is going to support the parish project in Peru.  Thank you for your support and generosity.

Confirmation candidates

St James’ Water Bucket Challenge

This Sunday after the confirmation charity car wash, if the parish after the 3 Sunday Masses can raise at least £200, then some of the confirmation candidates can throw buckets of water over Michele and Zosia.  All proceeds go towards the Peru St James’ Community Project, and it is as a thank you for the young people for working so hard over the last two weeks.

South American Evening – Saturday 7th May

We invite you to take part in our South American evening on Saturday 7th May from 7.30 to 10.00pm.  It promises to be a fun- filled evening with food, music, dancing and a quiz.  In addition we have been given two authentic Peruvian pictures which we will auction on the evening.  We are asking for donations of food for the evening.  We may have South American parishioners who could share their country's dishes with us or others who perhaps already have a favourite South American dish that they could prepare for us.  Any queries /offers of food can be directed to Mary O'Mahony.  Food can be dropped off on the evening or earlier that afternoon if that is more convenient.  Tickets cost £5 or £15 for a family ticket.  All proceeds are going to support our parish project in Peru.  Thank you.

Youth Ministry - Youth Retreat 30th September-2nd October 2016

The Parish Youth Team are organising a retreat on the above dates at St Vincent’s Centre Whitstable.  All young adults that have been confirmed are invited to attend this retreat.  The cost will be £75.00.

If you could confirm your interest to the Parish Office via telephone 01689 827100 or email

Youth Café

On the evening of 21st May the youth of the parish will be holding their first Youth Café at the Social evening.  If you have any bean bags or rugs (in good condition) that you think would be suitable to furnish our Den then please contact the Parish Office. 

Sponsored Bike Ride

Flavio Iorio will soon be taking part in a charity bike ride which is being organized by the Rotary Club of St Leonards-on-Sea.  This year the cycle challenge takes place on Sunday, 24th April 2016 and will be following the shorter route of 25 mile.  All monies raised will be donated to St Michaels Hospice  (a care home for the terminally ill), the Hastings Lifeboat, as well as to the appeal raised by Fr Gerald Flood in Biggin Hill to provide a water well with pump and storage tank for Fr Alex and his huge parish in Kenya (cost £14,000).  A sponsorship form is available at the back of the church.

Lost Property

All lost property will be at the back of the church this weekend.  Any unclaimed items will be taken to the Charity shop.