There is much information on Briefly this week and it will not be online (or next week) as webmaster is on holiday. So please take this copy and display at home!

This weekend we remind ourselves that we are a LiveSimply parish - while the G8 leaders are trying to nudge the world forward a bit on the way to Justice and Peace (the heart of our Christian message).  Many thanks for your goods for the Manna Centre, which will be collected this week.

We have a special 2nd collection today for the family of Ambrose Lekule who was murdered in Tanzania at the end of April. Ambrose was Fr.Arbo’s brother. Father writes:

‘It has been a very painful experience losing my brother in such an evil manner. We believe that his killing was arranged by corrupt people in the union of which he was chairman, but this may never be proved officially.  Our focus is to resettle the family (wife Eva and three children) in Dar-es-Salaam, both for their security and to be nearer other parts of the family.’

I know you will respond.  (We hope to have a visit from Fr. Arbo later in the year).

If you missed the maintenance fund collection last weekend would you please place your contribution in the small wall safe (Mass intentions) in the main porch.  Please use a special Gift Aid envelope if possible.


At our 11 am Mass we welcome the following children into communicant membership of the church:

David Augustyn

Cameron Barlow

Siary Blanco

Emily Bolton

James D’Silva

Eve Dudley

Amy MacIsaac

Valentino Marcolina

James Pradic

Gianfranco Rusmini

Raphael Santorin

Aurelia Santorin

Leaticia Santorin

Samuel Selman

Isabelle Stoneham

Natalia Turowska

Owen Walters

Oliver Wright


Thanks to all their parents and catechists for bringing them to this moment- and especially to Miriam (Travers) and her team for their marvellous work.

I do hope that all parents will bring their children to Mass each Sunday without fail, and  be responsible for the continuing spiritual formation of their children.

Mass each Sunday should be a priority for all Catholics.

We celebrate with all the children, and also welcome grandparents and other family members to our Parish Mass today. (Just a reminder that photography is NOT permitted during Mass - there is ample opportunity after Mass).



Mass attendances for last Sunday were 942.




12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am (Sat) – Peter & Ann Ruggiero (welfare)

6pm – Reg Griffin, RIP (Wedderspoon family)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Frank Dawson, RIP (First Anniversary) (Dawson family)



No Monday Mass




9.30am – Gerald Coleman, RIP (F & S Simon)

7.15pm – Kathleen Helm, RIP (M Stanley)




9.30am – Private Intention (G & B Ford)




9.30am – Richard Horner, RIP (G & B Ford)



St Irenaeus, bishop, martyr

9.30am – Private Intention  (David & Mary Kelly)



Ss Peter and Paul, apostles

9.30am (Sat) – First Holy Communicants (CWL)

6pm (Sat)  – Dorothy Robson

9.15am – Richard & Ellen Nelligan, RIP (Mary Ardron)

11am – Elena Lams, RIP (Lams Family)


Monday: St James’ School starts a special week of prayer.

Catholic Womens’ League at 8pm. CWL welcomes new members; open to all ladies of the parish.


Tuesday: Mass at 9.30am.  We shall be joined by yrs 5 and 6 from St. James’ school.  The KS1 children are touring the church at 10am.

Mass at 7.15pm. I do hope this Mass will be viable.  Several people requested it but it has been poorly attended.  It is very informal and a bit different from usual.........Coffee after Mass.

Journey in Faith at 8pm.  A new Journey in Faith course will start in September for any non-Catholic interested in learning more about the Faith.  Full details soon but I am always happy to chat with anyone who might be interested.


Wednesday: Autumn Fayre Meeting  (meeting room, 8pm). The core group really would appreciate some more people, so come on folks, roll up - it won’t happen by magic.  There is so much to do and October will be with us before we know it!

Justice and Peace Group at 7.45pm (hall). Again- all members please.

Parents (only) of children in present school years 6 and 7, meeting in church (8pm-8.45pm) to discuss support for the youngsters as they go through secondary school.


Thursday: Mass at 9.30am.  We shall be joined by yrs 3 and 4 from St. James’ school.

Project Board (Plant. Dev), 8pm in meeting room.


Saturday: Mass at 9.30am.  Exposition/confessions at 10am, church cleaning at 10.30am.(CWL members please). Many thanks to yr 3 cleaners who have set a high standard!  (On July 6th it is yr 6 parents).  Many thanks to everyone for taking a turn.

St James’ School Summer Fair- 12noon - 3pm- please support!!


Next Sunday (30th) Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul.  Communion ‘breakfast’ for all our 1st communion children after the 11am Mass, with presentation of certificates.

2nd collection for Peters Pence – From our diocesan directory: ‘By reason of the bond of unity and charity, the Bishops of the Church with their people join together to produce those means which the Holy Father (the Pope) and the Apostolic See (Rome) needs to exercise the works of mercy and charity, and its Services of the Universal Church.’


Flavio Iorio thanks all those who supported him and daughter Simona on their sponsored bike ride, raising a total of £1,082.00 in aid of RNLI and the Knights of St. Columba.


The Knights celebrated their 75th year in the parish last Saturday, and Grand Knight Flavio Iorio was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all the work of the knights here and in the surrounding area. KSC are keen to attract new members: any Catholic man 18 plus would be most welcome. Meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month.


Advance notices

Wed.July 3rd – baptism prep.- for parents who have been invited- 8.15pm.


Fri.July 5th- Diocesan Auditor meeting members of Finance Committee. (10.30am).


Sat July 6th – Gardening session ( on the LiveSimply garden and also hedge cutting around the site !!(Could we please have an army of cutters/clippers- please bring your shears, gloves etc... If you could spare an hour it would be greatly appreciated.).


Sunday 14th JulyMass with Anointing of the Sick, 3pm. Followed by tea (SVP). Drivers wanted!! Could you please bring one person to this Mass (and return them home at about 5pm?).  List in porch, please sign TODAY if possible.


Also: Important meeting for young people presenting for confirmation in 2014 (hall-


Wed. July 17th.  Baptism preparation for  parents who have been invited (8.15pm).


Thurs July 18th.  Teddy Bears Picnic (parish garden, 3.30pm).


Pastoral and Advisory Team (presbytery, 7.45pm).


Sunday 21st July.  Fun Run and Parish Picnic (after the 11am Mass).  Forms for runners available in porch or on line.


Quiet Day.  Saturday 7th September at Christ Church URC, Willett Way, 9.30am-1.30pm, including shared lunch.  ALL ARE WELCOME to experience some ways of praying quietly led by Sr. Sheila Barrett.  This is a follow-up to the Week of Accompanied Prayer, but not limited to those who took part in the Week.  More details nearer the date but please put in your diaries now!


As we all continue to feed on Christ the Bread of Life, a poem to help us on our way:


Unless a seed dies (Anne Lewin)

Christ is in me, the life

Within the seed-case of my self,

Waiting to be set free.

Light growing in darkness,

In secret, patiently

Pushing against self-will.

Christ is the secret that

I cannot keep, he will

Break through entombing

Fearfulness; my seed-case

Broken open will release

His life, his image

Forming my maturity.

Every blessing, Fr Bryan.