Attendance last week was 626 .




7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

6pm (Sat) – Nuala Daly, RIP (Roger and Ellen Wright)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Joan Mary Crosland, RIP (2nd Anniversary) (Crosland family)





9.30am – Helen, RIP (Maureen and Bernard Wynne)





9.30am – Cornelius O’Shea, RIP (E. Gibson)





9.30am – Fr. Francis Ghan, RIP (CWL)





9.30am – Private Intention (M. Howell)





9.30am – Well bring of Cliff Hart (BD)




St David, bishop, patron of Wales

9.30am – Welfare of Emma Daly (Mary Hutchinson)




8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

6pm (Sat) – Secondina Rabbini, RIP (Lisa Rusmini)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Bridget Donovan, RIP (Mary Ramadan)



With this edition of Briefly you will have been given a copy of our Parish Mission Statement. This is the result of many hours of thinking and praying- mainly by the Pastoral and Advisory Team. It tries to express what we are about as a Catholic parish community. Let’s all try and live it, and pray that it will permeate everything we do at St. James’.

The readings today are all about human behaviour. Moses reminds the Jewish people that we should mirror the holiness of God (who alone is holy) in our lives. We must never nurse grudges- indeed, we must love all people equally, living lives of generosity and mutual forgiveness.

If we don’t our souls become corroded and eat away at us....until (unless we are careful) there is nothing left! The behavioural sciences tell us as much. We are to try and see the world as God sees it- a wonderful and complex creative work of art, where everything and everyone have their rightful place.

But how does God see the world?

Jesus teaches us that God’s world is inclusive- indeed, he ‘sends his rain to fall on honest and dishonest people alike.’  What a scandal But there you go............That is the essence of our faith, and indeed, the essence of God- totally loving, just- and holy- a trinitarian community of perfect love- an eternal dance in which we are invited to join. That is what the church should reflect, and what we should be like in our personal lives. 

Of course we fail- much of the time. But this is not the point. In every single Mass we ask God to ‘not look on our sins but on the faith of your church.’  God is not so much concerned with our sins (though perhaps we should be)- rather his agenda is looking at what with, his grace, we might become. God wants us to enter into his own dynamic life- not standing still, but growing and growing, until we perfectly reflect his holiness. It’s the process that counts. Becoming, truly human, becoming truly holy- becoming, actually, like God.


Today (Sunday):

2nd collection for our Maintenance Fund. The church tower needs urgent attention as it increasingly lets in water.  This is of course on top of our hall improvements.  So please continue to give generously to this fund!  It is worth repeating that we have to raise all our own funds - we do NOT get handouts or grants from anyone!  And please give through Gift Aid, which will not cost you a penny but will benefit the church enormously.  If you are not in the scheme, Geoff Ford will advise you.  (Geoff is usually around after the Sunday morning Masses in the counting room in the corridor).

This evening:

7’s and 8’s at 5pm

Confirmation group at


Pondering the Word (11am - 12 noon, church).  A quiet hour reflecting on next Sunday’s gospel reading - all most welcome.

Craft and games (including table tennis!)- 1.30pm (hall). All welcome.

CWL meeting at 8pm- all ladies of the parish most welcome.


Festival Chorus rehearsal at 7.45pm.  Tickets for the concert available next Sunday (£5) (concert-Sunday March 23rd-7.30pm).  The choir this year are supporting Bromley and Lewisham ‘Mind’.


Our Indoor Boot Fair. (11am- 2pm) – refreshments include burgers and bacon butties! Come and grab a bargain!  Many thanks to hand-bill distributors and to all the organising team.


Next Sunday:

AGM of the Social Club in the bar at 12.15pm, after the 11 am Mass.  All parishioners are entitled to attend and vote.


Lent starts on Wednesday week (March 5th), Ash Wednesday.  Masses here will be at 9.30am and 7.30pm (NB time).  Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. (The other one being Good Friday).

The Lent course will be hosted by the Methodist church (Mondays starting March 10th- 1.30pm- 3pm, repeated at 8pm). ’Looking Through the Cross’ (£5) is available from the repository.  The sessions will be based on this, so it would be helpful, but not essential, to have read it.  It is an excellent contemporary (yet orthodox) interpretation of Christ’s crucifixion- the absolute heart of our faith.

The course will be a major project of adult catechesis and will hopefully attract large numbers, especially those of you involved in teaching and/or leadership in the parish, as well as parents at home on Monday afternoons, and working people in the evenings. Each session is ‘stand alone’- and will be presented by an ordained minister (see programme in porch.) If you cannot commit to all six sessions, just come when you can!


St. Patrick’s Night Social – Saturday March 15th- tickets on sale after Mass today.  Supporting the youth groups of our parish (KSC).


Renewal of Marriage Vows in the cathedral on Saturday  21st June. Do sign up if you are celebrating a special anniversary this year (eg, 1st, 10th, 20th, 25th, etc).  Archbishop Peter would like to invite you to this special Mass.  List on porch table.


Please buy the church papers and other publications and keep abreast of what is happening in the Catholic Church throughout the world.

We are approaching the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ election, and we have witnessed a wonderful new and fresh approach in his ministry so far.  His teaching document ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ (‘The Joy of the Gospel’) is first class and I have ordered copies for sale in the parish.  Its style is easy and user-friendly, and focuses on the church as a witnessing and evangelising (faith sharing) community- and above all, a joyful community!


We welcome visitors and newcomers- do make yourself known and come into the adjoining hall for coffee etc. after the 9.15 and 11 am Masses.