Today we warmly welcome Jim Simmons from CAFOD Southwark who will be speaking at each Mass.  I know you will be generous in your Lenten fast envelope. 


Thank you also for bringing in food and clothing for the Manna Centre (in wheelie bins please in porch.)


This evening (Sunday) we have the PWFC concert at St Michaels Locksbottom at 7.30pm. A few tickets are left!


Parish Forum on Monday at 8pm in the Social Centre. Please come along to this important meeting when the accounts for 2010 will be received and we shall begin to focus on the key issues which emerged from the survey and take into account your feedback. 


St Matthew’s Gospel – the 4 sessions begin on Tuesday and it is encouraging to see those who will be attending.  Do sign today if you would like to take part.  Tuesday’s session will be led by Fr. Robert Lane, Vicar of St Francis since last September.


Justice and Peace meet on Wednesday at 7.45pm. All most welcome. 


Do remember Stations of the Cross on Fridays in Lent at 7.30pm and Confessions heard from7pm. 


A busy week.  We all need a bit of today’s Gospel to help us get through – please pray for me as I will for you.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 741

Sunday 20/3/11

 Second Sunday of Lent (A)


 6pm – People of the Parish


9.15am-   Joseph Tevlin RIP (M Riley)


11am –  Christopher Walsh RIP (L Benson)


Second collection for CAFOD




9.30am- Nora McKeown (the Huntington family)


1-30-3.30 pm - craft/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome!


Parish Forum, 8pm.  In addition to the accounts, new ideas about planning to maintain and improve our buildings will be explained, and there will be a brief resume about the outcome of the hall survey





9.30am-   Joshua Canning


7.15pm-  Those preparing for the Easter sacraments


Evangelium -8pm in 281A






9.30am –Gerald Grace (M&P Cantopher)


Justice & Peace Group -7.45pm in the social centre.




9.30am – George Hilborne Rip (the Huntington family)  




The Annunciation of Our Lord


9.30am –  Holy Souls


Confession at 7pm and Stations at 7.30pm

Sunday 27/3/11

Third Sunday of Lent (A)


 6pm – Deceased Members of the Healy family (E Thomas)


9.15am-  Kenneth Jackson RIP (the Jackson family)


11am –People of the Parish 


Taize service 7pm - all warmly welcome to this meditative and moving form of worship.


Gift Aid -Thanks to all who have gift-aided their 1st and 2nd collection offerings during the 2010/11 tax year.   Boxes of Gift Aid envelopes for the new tax year are now ready for collection next to the pulpit. If you cannot find your box please speak to Geoff Ford (the Gift Aid Administrator) – Email him at .

If there are any gift-aiders who are concerned that the tax they have paid is not at last equal to the refund we will seek, please contact Geoff as soon as possible.  You must have paid at least £25 in tax for every £100 put in the Gift Aid envelopes.  Please speak to Geoff if:

 a)      You wish to know the total recorded amount of your offerings during the year (e.g.  for completing a Tax Return)

b)      You move or marry and change your name.  It is important that our record of your name and address is recognisable to the tax man

c)       You wish to transfer your gift aid into your spouse’s name (perhaps because you have stopped working and no longer pay tax)

d)      You would like to Gift Aid your contributions to St James but have not yet completed a declaration form.

Welcomers’ meeting; Wed. 30th Mar at 8pm in the social centre.

Autumn Festival 1st October 2011!  Please put this in your diaries now! More info very soon.

Please remember the sick in your prayers: Bill Morley, Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel, Christopher Drew, Ernest Field, Rita Williams, and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).

Please pray for the soul of Joyce Dyke (Barbara Carvalho’s mother.)  Joyce died last week (92 years) and was a home communicant for many years her requiem (funeral) Mass will be on Tuesday week March 29th at 10.30am. Our prayers and sympathy to Barbara and the family.

Every blessing,  Fr Bryan