Thank you for your offering last week of £1,335.41; and of £623.20 for the Needs of the Diocese.




29th Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm Joshua Canning -3rd Anniversary RIP (the Canning family)


9.15am For our Missionaries


11am People of the Parish







9.30am For Peace & Victims of War (Justice and Peace)  






9.30am Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion




Feria / St John Paul II Pope


9.30am Anne Mary Cooper


Please note that this is the Harvest Mass with the children from St James School.




Feria /St John Capistrano


9.30am In Memory of baby Paddy Moon (the Moon family)




Feria /St Anthony Mary Claret


9.30am For a Private Intention



6pm (Vigil Mass) John Pullen RIP (Georgina Tomkins)




30th Sunday in Ordinary Time



9.15am For Peace & Victims of War (Justice and Peace)  


11am All Parishioners




Seeing your Life Through the Lens of the Gospels

Matthew 22:15-21


The story sees a mixture of religion and politics, a potentially explosive combination.  Jesus does not ask us to avoid politics, but that our involvement in the affairs of the world should be informed by the perspective of the reign of God. How does the Gospel give you a vision of how your involvement in society should be?


The Pharisees and Herodians were not natural allies but a shared dislike of Jesus brought them together in an attempt to discredit him. Perhaps you experience the same opposition in society today when you profess to being a Catholic. Jesus did not get into an argument with them but simply professed his belief in the priority of God in his life. What have you found helpful in bearing witness to the fact that you are a Catholic?


Jesus recognises that we can be faced with conflicting claims for attention. He does not tell us how to solve that dilemma, but challenges us to make sure that our allegiance to God takes priority. When have you been faced with a conflict of loyalties? What helped you to get your priorities right?


…. The opening of the letter from Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, which we hear today, compliments the Thessalonians, who were newly converted Christians, on their faith and perseverance, and reminds them of God’s love for them. It is apt today as we celebrate Mission Sunday and reflect on the Church’s mission to spread the Good News. 


As followers of Christ, we are tasked with passing on the message of his love. Those who have experienced God’s love will want to pass this gift on to others. Paul’s message to the Thessalonians is positive and life-affirming: ‘We always mention you in our prayers and thank God for you all’. Appreciating others and acting with encouragement is part of our call to respect life and human dignity. When we pray for each other and help those in need, we are doing just that.


‘Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live for ever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect’. Pope Francis



October Devotions, rosary, benediction, and Marian hymns continue today at 4pm.



Saturday Morning Mass


As from yesterday, 18th October, there will not be a 9.30am Mass here on Saturday mornings.  If you happen to have a Mass booked for a Saturday morning it will be re-scheduled for another time.



The second collection today is for World Mission Sunday.


Today, Pope Francis has invited all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission.  


In his message, the Holy Father focuses on ‘the joy of the Gospel that fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.


World Mission Sunday is a celebration of grace and joy. Grace because the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father offers wisdom and strength. Joy because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, supports and accompanies our missionary efforts. The joy experienced by Jesus leads me to offer you a bright jewel from Scripture which we find in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 10:20-23).’


Pope Francis urges each of us ‘to recall the ‘first love with which the Lord Jesus Christ touched our hearts for the first time, not for the sake of nostalgia but in order to persevere in joy.’


Please give generously today. Thank you.



Advance Notice


On Monday November 10th, clergy and people from the Parishes in Bromley Deanery will gather here with us for the Annual Requiem Mass for the clergy who have served in our Parishes. This concelebrated Mass will be at 11.30am. 


We owe it to all those priests who have served us to make every effort to be present and to pray for their souls as well as to remember them. TC



Day of Recollection for Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers – November 15th


The annual day of recollection is scheduled to take place at Bishop Thomas Grant School on Saturday November 15th. Booking forms are available in the church porch. Please take a copy and send it directly to the address given on the form to book your place. 



First Holy Communion in 2015


For children currently in Year 3 or older. Sessions will start in January and parents will be invited to register their children for these in November.


Please look out for the tear off slip in Briefly next month.



The Children’s Liturgy Group


It is wonderful that so many children want to attend our Children's Liturgy Group during Mass. 


Children attending the Group should be aged 3 years and above and should be happy to be left on their own to hear about the gospel during these sessions.  Children any younger tend to be fretful; and this is a Liturgy of the Word and is not intended as a crèche.


A leaflet with more information is available in the carousels at the back of the church.  Thank you.



Parish Curry Night Saturday - November 15th


You can book your place from this weekend by contacting Peter Benson or Suzanne Horner.  Tickets are: Adults £10; Children £5; Family Ticket £25. 


There will be live music from a fantastic local band ”Iron Mountain“ and curry from Rajdoot in Petts Wood. Book early to avoid disappointment.  All proceeds are in aid of Parish Funds.





The Parent and Toddler Group runs every Friday from 1.30-3pm. New members would be very welcome. Spare toys for age 2yrs+ and volunteers to make tea and coffee would also be very welcome!  Email:



More Volunteers Are Desperately Needed - Please!


Could you help to make coffee after Masses on Sundays or after the 9.30am Mass on Wednesdays?   Could you be a Welcomer and give out Mass leaflets on Sundays before each Mass?


If you can help, please e-mail Rosa Del Guercio at:



The Parish Volunteer/Duty Rotas


The rotas, including the cleaning rota, are all available on our parish website:  Please check the lists every week so that you can take your turn!  Thank you.