Mass attendances for last Sunday were 777.




6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – George Chavannes, RIP (Edna Chavannes)

11am – Welfare of Fr Michael Branch (Ann McDonald)


Monday 20/5/13


10am – REQUIEM Mass for Kathryn Renehan





11amREQUIEM Mass for Gerald Colman





9.30am – Jim Rawling, RIP (Jean Rawling)





9.30am – Mrs Ena Kelly, RIP (Wharton Family)





9.30am – Christine Cattaway, RIP





6pm – Daniel Carrigan, RIP (Gwen Carrigan & Family)

9.15am – Ernie Field, RIP (May Field & Family)

11am – Lill and Pat Foy, RIP (Melling Family)


Pentecost was the main harvest festival for the Jews of Jesus’ time.  It took place 50 days after Passover.  As Christians, we celebrate it 50 days after Easter, and for us it marks the coming of God’s Holy Spirit - the spirit of the Father and the Son - on Mary and the apostles, who are expectantly gathered in prayer.  It also marks the end of Easter season.


The Holy Spirit is God’s energy – he is the ‘Lord and giver of life’ (creed).  He is the aspect of God who energises us, giving us a joyful confidence to build up Christ’s Body (the church) and also to witness to him in our lives.  Each of us receives the Spirit at our confirmation, and on this Pentecost Sunday it is appropriate for us all to ask: what gifts(s) has the Spirit given me, that I can offer in helping to build up and sustain our church community?


We thank God today for the variety of gifts, and people, which make up our parish community.  On our website we boast that we are an ‘open’ community - we do not make distinctions between people and all are welcome, and all have a role to play.  May the Spirit continue to empower and encourage us - all of us - there are no ‘insiders’ or ‘outsiders’ – all of us are commissioned, through baptism and confirmation, for some form of ministry within the church.  It is truly wonderful to see so many people taking responsibility for areas of our church life.  So let us rejoice today - the birthday of the church - and pray that we may continue to be led by the Spirit, and live and love in the Spirit.


As a parish we constantly, through our various teams and groups, reflect on what we are doing and how we might provide a more effective service to everyone. Consequently, from next month (June) there will be the following changes:

From Saturday June 1st, there will be Mass each Saturday at 9.30am (preceded by Morning Prayer at 9.10am).  This will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (‘confession’) (10am- 10.30am).  From June 1st, church cleaning will be from 10.30am-11.30am.

There will be no Mass here on Mondays starting June 3rd and Monday will from then be my day off (formerly Friday).

As from this week: no more exposition/confessions on Tuesday after Mass.

From Tuesday June 4th an evening Mass will be offered at 7.15pm.  We shall pilot this through the summer and hopefully it will become permanent.

I am hoping that these changes will encourage more of you to come to Mass during the week, and also to the sacrament of reconciliation from time to time.

Today (Sunday)- Second collection for our Maintenance and Refurbishment Fund- please give generously- and use a Gift Aid envelope!!

It is planned to completely renew the hall toilets this summer.



Requiem for Kathryn Renehan (37 yrs) at 10am. Prayers please for husband Willo, and all the family.


Pastoral and Advisory Team (PAT) – 7.45pm, 283, Crescent Drive.



Requiem for Gerald Colman (93 yrs) at 11am. Prayers please for Peggy and the family.


(NB: NO 9.30 Mass on Monday and Tuesday and I hope parishioners will support both these requiems with their prayerful presence).


Journey in Faith at 7.45pm.


Petts Wood Churches Together meeting at 7.30pm at Friends meeting house.



Baptism preparation (for parents who have been invited). Meeting room, 8.15pm.



Holy Communion at home

The Blessed Sacrament is taken faithfully and regularly to a number of our parishioners who are housebound.  If you know of any Catholic who would appreciate this service please let either Fr Bryan or Madeleine Howell (co-ordinator) know. (This also applies if you are unable to get to Mass on a Sunday for any period of time, e.g. through illness).


Parish Prayer Garden

The next session will be on Saturday June 1st (9am-1pm).  Please contact:


Many thanks to the anonymous donor who has given £200 towards seats for the garden.  And thanks also to the garden team.


Confirmation 2014

A year away but an important meeting for parents (only) of young people in present school year 8 on Wednesday June 5th at 8pm in the hall.


Readers meeting for all Sat/Sun Mass readers.  Wednesday June 5th at 8pm in church.

Contact:  Please let Colin know if you are unable to make this meeting.


Easy Fundraising

Many of you shop on line- if so, please remember the parish!!  Painless and at NO cost to you- please go to the home page of our website for details.  Over 2,000 businesses and companies participate.  We could potentially raise thousands of pounds if you participate!  It is very simple and just requires a few clicks of the mouse.  Please give it a try- and thank you!


Blue sheet: an excellent summary of our parish forum on May 2nd- take a copy from the porch table if you missed it last week- giving an update of where we are in our refurbishment and maintenance programme.


Jeu d’ésprit

a poem for Pentecost by Ann Lewin.


Flame-dancing Spirit, come,

Sweep us off our feet and

Dance us through our days,

Surprise us with your rhythms,

Dare us to try new steps, explore

New patterns and new relationships,

Release us from old routines,

To swing in abandoned joy

And fearful adventure,

And in the intervals,

Rest us,

In your still centre.

Fr Bryan.