Thank you for your offerings last week of £1318.00 Mass attendances were 703.

Sunday 19th February

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm (Saturday Vigil)

Eileen Gorman (T Sweeney)


Deceased members of the Keane family


People of the Parish

Monday 20th February




Fr David Camilleri

Tuesday 21st February




Mary Kelly

Wednesday 22nd February

The Chair Of Saint Peter The Apostle




Patrick Kirwan RIP (R & E Wright)


Eucharistic Adoration

Thursday 23rd February

Saint Polycarp


Margaret Cushman RIP

Friday 24th February



Mary Clarke RIP (Wharton Family)

Sunday 26th February

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Saturday Vigil)

People Of The Parish


Ted Bryant RIP (E Bryant)


Jude Pimenta (Sr Ursula)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Second Collections

There will be a second collection next weekend in aid of “Poor Parishes’

Fr David writes

Violence begets Violence.  We have all been hurt deeply in our lives in one way or another.  We all have allowed someone to hurt us.  Most of the time, the closer we are, the more vulnerable we are and so it is understandable that we get very hurt by someone whom we care about.  That’s painful.  We all have an Achilles heel and when that is triggered we tend to react.  Some of us react by getting angry – others experiencing even rage which might also translate itself into physical or verbal violence.  On the other hand, some of us react by withdrawing from the other person.  We do this in order to protect ourselves or for some of us because we cannot handle confrontation.  And yet when we do not express how we feel, we could be carrying the hurt and hatred towards the other person sometimes for a lifetime.  This happens within families and friendships.  Unknowingly we can carry the negative feelings towards the other person with us wherever we go.  The longer we carry the negative baggage, the more difficult it is to let go and liberate ourselves from the pain.  The other person might have moved on and is oblivious of the pain inflicted on us and yet we would feel stuck in the process.

Sometimes friendships end, for one reason or another, but the resentfulness remains.  We try to conceal it by being civil with one another but we know that things are not the same.  If nothing is done – nothing is expressed – (sometimes there needs to be a third person to mediate in order to allow some kind of openness of feelings), then the hatred, resentfulness and bitterness would be expressed indirectly by for example resisting an issue which has nothing to do with the argument in a meeting where the two of you are.  They would not be able to express what they are feeling directly and so they sabotage a meeting with their negativity.  They would not be able to differentiate between the “idea” and the “person” who is suggesting it. 

A good facilitator would be able to help all those involved to place their cards on the table before continuing discussing the issue involved.  If one of the two persons involved would not be able to decide to stop the pattern and transcend the dynamic, it would end up like a ping pong game.  One would be hurting another directly or indirectly.  The pressure cooker must be able to release some of its steam otherwise it might explode for no reason at all one day.  If we react by violence both in action or words, the violence has a way of exhilarating.  If the other person in question does not want to move on, then you need to begin the healing on your own.  Why?  It’s because you deserve to live in peace.

In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus address himself to the question of how his disciples should conduct ourselves when we are faced with hurt and hatred.  Jesus once more develops the Law that he had received as a Jewish Man.  Jesus quotes the ancient law of retaliation which fixed the boundaries of vengeance.  This was introduced as a legal practice to limit blood feuds between communities.  The law of “an eye for an eye” limited the retaliation to the penalty of the same injury.  In its time, therefore, the law was merciful because it stopped whole families being wiped out.  Jesus however revokes the law saying that his disciples must not be provoked into retaliating for the wrongs done against them.  The disciples must not allow another person’s hostility to be their cue for action.  Their cue for response is taken from the nature of their discipleship not from the wrong they have experienced.  The Law enjoined the Israelites to love their neighbour; however their neighbour was understood as another Israelite.  Jesus rejects this interpretation – this limitation of love.  In asking his disciples to love their enemies he is lifting all limitations to love.  No one is excluded from Christian Love – Agape – not even those who persecute the disciple.  Jesus argues that the love that his disciples give people is not related to the love they receive from others.  It is not a social contract.  It is because the disciple loves because that is what the “nature” of the disciple involves.  Love is offered not because Jesus thinks that it will change the enemy into something else.  It might though disarm the enemy.  On the other hand it might not.  In this way, I find it very hard to believe that some people who claim that they are Christians, on the other hand their whole discourse is one of retaliation, mistrust and exclusion.  That is not what Jesus was on about.  Jesus was about helping us to live in peace with ourselves and others as much as possible.  No one is saying that it is easy to live by Jesus’ values.  No one though can doubt their wisdom once we experienced forgiveness in our own lives.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

the next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 21st February between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Evangelisation Pillar

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome, through Holy Baptism: Patrick Leo Clark, his parents Jane and Thomas and godparents Sarah, Emma and George; Ariela Nanna, her parents Mandy and Dominic and godparents Grace and Jordan; and Scarlett Lily Jeevaratnam, her parents Angela and Mark and godparents Melina and Alessandro.


A meeting for Confirmation candidates will be held on Monday 20th February at 7.00pm in the Community Centre.

Advanced Notice on Lenten Evening Talks (8 to 9:30pm)

Tuesday 7th March  Fr Denis McBride on Stations of the Cross.

Monday 20th March  Margaret Connell on Bach's St Matthew Passion.

Wednesday 5th April Fr Geoff Wheaton on Christ's Passion and Crucifixion through Art and Scripture.

Please put the above dates in your diary.  The talks will be excellent preparation for us during Lent.  More details of the events will follow.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

We are looking for some additional people to become Readers and Eucharistic Ministers at the Sunday morning 9.15 Mass.  Training will be provided.

Children’s Liturgy

If your child is 3 years old or above, they are welcome to join us for Liturgy sessions at the 9.15am Sunday Mass each week.

Calling Children to Read and Sing at Mass

We are inviting children who have made their First Holy Communion and those who are older to become readers/singers at the 9.15am Mass on Sunday mornings.  We are hoping to start a Children’s Mass once a month at 9.15 am when the children do the Readings but also the singing and serving.  Please let the Parish Office know if you are interested.

Urgently needed

a pianist for Sunday 11am Mass.  Please contact the parish office if you are interested.

Youth Pillar

Whitstable Youth Retreat - 29th September to 1st October 2017

The Parish Youth Team are organising a retreat on the above dates at St Vincent’s Centre Whitstable.  All young adults who have been confirmed are invited to attend this retreat.

If you could confirm your interest to the Parish Office via telephone 01689 827100 or email

Communications Pillar

Parish Facebook Page

We have a Facebook page for the Parish and are posting a mixture of spiritual and informative items.  If you would like to receive these updates from the Parish on Facebook you can find the page by searching Facebook for ‘St James’ the Great RC Church Petts Wood’ and click on ‘Like’.

The Parish diary is online

There is an online diary for parish events which you can find at or go to the parish website and use the main menu item "Parish diary".  Bookings will continue to be made through the parish office but hopefully the diary will help you to identify free dates for your events.

Social Pillar

Shrove Tuesday 28th February

Sign up on the sheet in the Church porch if you wish to eat hot delicious pancakes on Tuesday 28th February from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.  Booking numbers restricted to the first 30 who sign up.  This is a free event and is organised by the SVP and the senior youth group.  Book fast to guarantee a place is this event not to missed.  Email Peter Benson to book and for any queries.

CWL Military Whist on 25th February.

The CWL will be holding another of their popular Military Whist Drives on Saturday 25th February.  The doors will open at 7.30 with instruction for those who have not played before or need a reminder.  Play will begin at 8pm.  Tickets are £6 which includes a light supper and prizes for the winning tables.  This is a fun evening suitable for both adults and children who are able to join in and play cards.  The bar will be open and there will be a raffle.  All profits will go towards various charities.  Book your places by phoning 020 8467 3697 by 20th February.

CWL February Meeting.

The members of the Catholic Women's League will be meeting on Monday 27th February at 8pm in the Social Centre.  If you would like to join us or find out more about the League please come along.

Women's World Day of Prayer Friday 3rd March 2017 2.00pm at St James’.

The women of the Philippines have produced this year's service and the theme is 'Am I being unfair to you?' (God's question to the people of the Philippines).  Please come along and support our own Filipino community who are involved in the service.  Together with Fr David and people from local churches we will join with 170 countries and islands worldwide who will be praying for the Philippines from sunrise to sunset on this very special day of prayer.  Men are also most welcome.  Refreshments, including Filipino food, will be served afterwards in the Community Centre.

Finance Pillar

200 CLUB

We are organizing a 200 club starting in April.  Application forms are attached and Ken Evans will be giving a short presentation after 9.15 and 11am Masses this weekend and 6pm next Saturday.  Please give this matter your consideration.

Justice & Peace Group

will meet on Wednesday 22nd February at 7.45pm in the Parish Office meeting room (281A Crescent Drive).  All parishioners are assured of a warm welcome.  We would like to thank all of those who came to the Care of Our Common Home event on Saturday 11th February and who made it such an enjoyable afternoon.

Deanery News….

St Joseph's e dintorni

Calling all Italians, their families and friends from St Joseph's, Bromley and all surrounding Catholic parishes.  Our first Italian Sunday Mass will be presided by Fr Saju on the 26th February 2017 at St Joseph's RC Church, 1 Plaistow Lane, Bromley, BR1 2PR, at 12.30pm followed by a bring-and-share lunch at the Holy Trinity Convent hall, behind the church, where we'll celebrate the Carnevale season together.  After Mass, all children are invited to dress up as their favourite character or mascherina! If you'd like to join us, please show your interest by texting your name and email address to Carmela G on 07833 648265.  Further details will be sent.  Do bring a friend - the more the merrier!

Parish Life….

The Monday Club

meets from 1.30-4.30pm in the Community Centre.  Please come and join us – it’s fun!

Parent & Toddler Group

A Parent & Toddler Group meets every Friday during term time in the Community Centre from 1.30 – 3pm.  Parents with babies from 0 up to age 5 are welcome to attend.  Do come along and enjoy the companionship and the fun.  Refreshments provided.

Firm Believers

is our inter-church Fun-Fitness class to music.  It takes place every Tuesday (in term-time), 7.00 - 7.45 pm, in our Community Centre here at St James’.  Stay for tea or coffee and chat afterwards if you wish.  So come and give it a try, with a group of friendly ladies of all abilities - cost £5.   You're welcome to just turn up, or contact us (contact

Girl Guiding Association

Our Girl Guiding units are looking for new leaders to help run the packs.  If you feel you would like to help please contact the parish office for more information.

Bromley Borough Foodbank

Thank you for the continued support in the form of donations left in the box at the back of church.  We have some incredibly generous parishioners for whom the Foodbank is very grateful.  The current shortages are of rice pudding, custard, desserts, shampoo, shower gel, washing up liquid and washing powder.

Appeal from the Knights of St Columba

Please continue to bring in your used postage stamps.  If they are on postcards, it is fine to donate the postcard as well.  Many thanks for your continued support.

St James’ Preschool

The preschool has spaces available for September 2017 intake.  Please email: to register interest and arrange a visit.

The Vocation of healthcare – Making people whole

The Catholic Medical Association Kent Branch is holding meetings in Canterbury and Chislehurst in March.  Please visit their website at Catholic Medical Association - Kent event or see the poster at the back of Church.

Chislehurst - Friday 10th March at 7.30pm St Mary the Virgin.  28 Crown Lane BR7 5PL.

Canterbury - Friday 17th March at 7.30pm The Church of St Thomas of Canterbury.  59 Burgate, CT1 2HJ.


Both meetings start with Mass at 7.30pm.  We will have some pizzas and refreshments etc., for you.

Reminder for Parents

Food & Drink should not be brought into the church for consumption during Mass.  Thank you for your co-operation.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

26th February


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


Amber Lench

Belinda Guyton

Andrew Guyton


Mike Cooper

Karla Edwards


Mary O’Mahoney

Katherine Salter


Childrens Mass

Peter Lowe

Peter Dabrowski

Ministers of Holy Communion

Patrick Driscoll

Clare Wakefield

Simon Poulton

Cheryl Cosgrave

Phil Cosgrave


Martin Smith

Madeleine Howell

Sofia Cotta

Will David

Doreen Hairs

Zosia Bajorek

Teresa Troy

Barbara Bridle

Angela Bunnage

Pat Murray



Geoff Brookes

Doreen Brookes


P Flockhart

Anne Huntington

Sue Ingle



Paul Cosgrave  R Monaghan



Paul Cosgrave

Peter Dabrowski





Saturday 25th February


Cleaning the Church

Susan Lams

Linda Monsah

Dominika Generowicz

Kathryn Salter