The Gospel reading today has an apocalyptic ‘feel’- death, judgment, Heaven and Hell - the themes that seem to permeate these last weeks of the church’s year, and which take us into Advent and the new church year (starts in a fortnight’s time on December 2nd).


However this should be a time of great hope and rejoicing- not depression and brooding. However bad things might be (or how we perceive them to be) the central tenet of our faith is Jesus’ resurrection, the power of which...


Dispels all evil, washes guilt away, restores lost innocence, brings mourners joy; it casts out hatred, brings us peace, and humbles earthly pride...Christ that Morning Star who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light on all mankind.’    (Exsultet - Easter Vigil.).


What wonderful words!  But do we believe them? Let us all try and live their reality as we approach Advent.  Let us allow Christ to continue his transforming work in us through the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession).  There will be ample opportunities here.



Mass attendances last Sunday were 762.




Thirty Third Sunday (B)

6pm – Chris Barrett RIP (Loma Barrett & Family)

9.15am – Deceased members of Lowe & Self families.  (K. Self)

11am – People of the Parish


Monday 19/11/12


9.30am – Elizabeth McDonagh RIP (Wharton Family)





9.30am – Dr. Michael Kelly RIP (David & Mary Kelly)




The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9.30am – Rita Cassidy RIP (David and Mary Kelly)




St. Cecilia

9.30am – John Arundel RIP (Sheila & Austin Barradell)




Clement I, pope and Martyr

9.30am – Pauline – Special Intention (Ketrine)




Our Lord Jesus Christ the King (B)

6pm – Dr. Philip D’Souza (Rebello Family)

9.15am – In remembrance of Joshua & Alex Canning RIP (Howell Family)

11am – People of the Family


TODAY (Sunday):

2nd collection for our Maintenance Fund - please keep giving generously!  The roof is well under way but there is much more to do!  And please give through Gift Aid! (email Geoff Ford).


Orpington Foodbank - many thanks for the food you have brought in today.  Many families in the borough are really struggling and your kindness will make all the difference.....


This afternoon at 3pm our special Mass for the Departed. Followed by refreshments.  Many thanks to all who are involved in this major event.


LiveSimply:  We remind ourselves today that we are a LiveSimply parish and we shall reflect that in the liturgy.  The LiveSimply prayer (on this sheet) will be prayed at all Masses this weekend.



Christmas choir.  8.30pm.



Lectio Divina - looking prayerfully at next Sunday’s gospel - with Peter Robinson (NB time 8pm in church).  ALL most welcome (ends 9.15pm latest.)


Project Board at 8pm (meeting room.)



Baptism preparation (for parents who have been invited).  8.15pm in the meeting room.



1st communion classes – 4.45pm.


Carol singing as the Petts Wood lights are turned on.  3.30-4.00pm on the Daylight Inn side of the station. Please come and sing carols for 30 mins. We are hoping for hundreds of singers from all our nine PW churches.



Sale of Christmas/repository items in the hall after the Sunday morning Masses.  Please come and buy bits and pieces for Christmas


ADVANCE NOTICE:  St James’ School Christmas Fair is on Saturday 1st December, 12pm to 3pm.




4 Tuesdays at 8pm (27/11, 4/12, 11/12 and 18/12 A prayerful look at the Sunday gospels for Advent (St. Luke’s gospel).  I hope as many of you as possible will come along to these sessions (ending 9.15pm latest) and allow God’s Word to penetrate deeper....... One of our Year of Faith initiatives.... It is also a great preparation for Mass the following Sunday..........Not a ‘discussion group’ – you don’t have to say anything!


Penitential Service with visiting priests to hear confessions.  Wednesday December 19th at 7.30pm.  I hope we shall have a full church as we all, as a community, open our hearts to God’s forgiving and healing love.  Please put this in your diaries.


St James’ Carol Service:

Sunday December 23rd at 4pm (by candlelight). With our special Christmas choir, readings etc. followed by refreshments.  A great way to end Advent and prepare for Christmas.


Important - Advance Notice. (From Doreen Hairs).

Week of Accompanied Prayer - Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th March 2013

Early in the New Year, further details will be given about this special Lent Week, which we are hosting with other churches in Petts Wood.  To be part of this, all that is needed is that each day of the Week you spend a period of time in personal prayer, and then say something brief about the experience to a prayer guide, in complete confidence, at a time convenient to you.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to grow in your prayer, having a short retreat in the midst of daily life.

There will be a Taster Session on Sunday 20th January at 3-4pm.  Please put the dates in your new diary, and plan to participate.




Please make sure you are at Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. This is fundamental to our lives as Catholics. I detect quite a bit of ‘drift’ in many people. Those who have children in church schools have stated that they attend Mass here weekly.  (If we have missed Sunday Mass we should  go to confession before receiving communion again.)


If you are a UK taxpayer please give regularly through Gift Aid (see details above). Many thanks  to those who do so already but there are swathes of people who do not. Remember  -our only income is what we give! (and what HMRC give us back through Gift Aid!).


If children are disruptive during Mass – parents please take them to the back corridor immediately until they are settled. And please, NO food or drink whatsoever during Mass, only soft toys and books, and please discourage talking. Several parishioners are really concerned about these issues and a few now worship elsewhere.


Parents in the baptism preparation process –please register your attendance each weekend (front right of church)


Duties -  please always find a substitute if you cannot manage a weekend duty (eg, reading, welcoming, etc....)


Please let me know of any sickness (yourself or others) or if you are going into hospital, etc...


I am always happy to be contacted by parishioners – e mail is best ( or by ‘phone.


School Supplementary Information Forms (SIF’s) (church school application forms) to me by December 5th at the latest please.


Convalidation of marriage. If you were not married in a Catholic ceremony (and if there are no impediments) please contact me so that your Marriage can be convalidated and recognised by the Catholic church. Without such convalidation you are not recognised as married and should not receive communion.  Flyers about this in the porch.

The LiveSimply prayer

Compassionate and loving God,

you created the world for us all to share,

a world of beauty and plenty.

Create in us a desire to live simply,

so that our lives may reflect your generosity.

Creator God,

You gave us responsibility for the earth,

a world of riches and delight.

Create in us a desire to live sustainably,

so that those who follow after us

may enjoy the fruits of your creation.

God of peace and justice,

You give us the capacity to change,

to bring about a world that mirrors your wisdom.

Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,

so that the pillars of injustice crumble

and those now crushed are set free.


Linda Jones / CAFOD


Every blessing, Fr Bryan