Attendance last week was 733.




Fifth Sunday of Easter

6pm – Bridget and Paul Wiggins

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Fausto Suzzara, RIP (Denise Suzzara Delf)




St Dunstan, bishop

9.30am – Ann and Peter Ruggiero




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Mary Casartelli




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Bridget and Paul Wiggins




Feria of Easter

9.30am – William & Nora Kirwan, RIP (Roger and Ellen Wright)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Mary and Jimmie O’Connor




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Peggie and Mai Linehan




Sixth Sunday of Easter

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Ernie Field, RIP (May Field and family)

11am – Ron Thompson, RIP (Margaret Thompson)



Today we warmly welcome Bishop Pat Lynch –our Area Bishop- who will confer the sacrament of confirmation on 23 of our young people (11 am). This is a wonderful day for our community as they begin to take on the responsibilities of being adult Catholics:


Angel Sriskantharajah, Anna Gibbs, Ashley Whyte, Bethany Meehan, Charlotte Lamb, Danielle Woolston, Danielle Chigonda, Elizabeth Salter, Emily Pradic, Francesca Saggers, Gabrielle Esparon, Helena Mather, Kate Benson, Louisa Day, Rachel Rajakariar,Simona Iorio and Sophie Burtcher, Alex Mulroy, Colm Dudley, George Garton, Joshua Antony, Rory Forde and Thomas Deasy.


Many thanks to their sponsors, parents and families- you are all most welcome here today. But also a huge thank you to their catechists, who have worked so hard over the past eight months. The young people will meet together again on Sunday 8th June at



Second Collection today for  Zambuko House, Harare, Zimbabwe.  A Jesuit project supporting 400 orphaned and vulnerable young adults. Please see display on main porch board.  We will give you more information in due course.  This is our parish’s Justice and Peace Project for 2014 – I know you will give generously.


Next Sunday- second collection for our Maintenance Fund- please Gift Aid!  I hope everyone by now has studied the sheet, which outlines necessary work and future plans.

(copies on porch table)

On Wednesday St. James’ School will be at the 9.30am Mass and this will be followed by a procession of Our Lady from church to school, with final prayers in the school grounds. There will be a police presence.  I hope as many of you as possible will join in with this special celebration.  ‘May is the month of Mary.’


Catechists Day at the Cathedral

Saturday 28th June, 11am - 4.30pm.  Archbishop Peter asks all catechists to attend if possible (children’s liturgy, 1st communion, confirmation, baptism preparation etc.)  There are a series of workshops (you choose two) covering all these areas, and the day ends with Mass at 4pm, with the Archbishop.  Would catechists please take the sheet headed ‘Centre for Catholic Formation’ from the porch table, and let me know by email if you are able to attend - by June 8th please, and which workshops you wish to attend.

Thank you.


CWL Quiz Night:

Saturday 31st May, 7.45pm for 8pm start, St. James Social Centre.

Price £6 to include a light supper.  Bar available.

Tables of 6. (You do not need to have 5 other people with you to come as we can sort out a table for you to join!) 

Proceeds from the evening will go towards the Catholic Women's League funds.

To order tickets please phone Jo 020 8295 4598 or Margaret 020 8467 3697.   


Eucharistic Ministers

Please book yourselves on to the one of the Days of Reflection at Emmaus, West Wickham.  I have made copies of the information so please take one today and book soon as they fill up quickly!  (An annual day of reflection is a requirement for all Eucharistic ministers).


If you would like to be a minister, or a reader, please write your name on the lists in the back corridor- many thanks to those who have already done so -we will contact you in due course.

Fr Tom Cooper spent last Tuesday here in the parish, during which he visited St. James’ School  and  also met a small group of parishioners.  He was (he says) thrilled by his welcome, and he is impatient to move in and start here! (Fr Tom will be with us on July 13th,when we shall celebrate our 75th anniversary as a parish, with Archbishop Peter).


If you are applying for entry to a church school (Catholic, C of E, primary or secondary) for Sept. 2015, please fill in one of our parish forms and return to presbytery by next Sunday at the latest. Forms on porch table.

Do keep up with things...there are always new notices on the porch board, Catholic papers and other publications, also our parish library. Do use these resources! We all need on-going formation in our faith.......


Every blessing for this fifth week of Easter.


Fr Bryan.



Jeu d’esprit

by Ann Lewin.   

A poem for Confirmation Day.


Flame - dancing Spirit, come

Sweep us off our feet and

Dance us through our days.

Surprise us with your rhythms,

Dare us to try new steps, explore

New patterns and new partnerships.

Release us from old routines,

To swing in abandoned joy

And fearful adventure.

And in the intervals,

Rest us,

In your still centre.