Thank you for your offerings last week of £1470.87 and £555.93 for SPUC.  Mass attendances were 947.




Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


6.00pm  Karl Hewston (D Marshall)


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am  Welfare of Margaret Walsh (Benson Family)







9.30am  Patty Sweeney


Tuesday 19/1/16

Feria/St  Wulstan, Bishop


9.30am Joan Hansford RIP (A Hansford)




Feria/St  Fabian, Pope & Martyr


9.30am  John Quinn RIP (The Wharton Family)



St  Agnes, Virgin & Martyr


10.30am  Requiem Mass for Ernestina Franciosa

(Please Note Change of Time)




Feria/St  Vincent, Deacon & Martyr


9.30am Mary Casartelli


Saturday 23/1/16

Vigil Mass

  Bridget & Paul Wiggins



Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Carey D’Souza RIP (Rebello Family)

  People of the Parish


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the Church.  All welcome.

Fr David Writes ……. 

Over Christmas I had my family visiting me.  I was blessed.  As my nieces and nephew are growing up, my family is expanding.  A niece and my nephew brought their boyfriend and girlfriend with them.  Although on one hand, it was disconcerting for me to see them growing up, as It meant that I was growing older by the minute, it was beautiful to see them in love.  As they were holding hands, looking in each other’s eyes and whispering occasionally in each other’s ears, no one could doubt that the spark was very much alive and active.  They were enjoying the present moment and at the same time – the future seemed full of promise.  I wanted to celebrate this stage in life with them.  My adult self plus my ministry through my priestly years had taught me that this infatuation does fizzle out and the reality of life which throws at us both joyful moments, but also painful ones, does catch up with us in one way or another.  And relationships do go through different stages.  For one reason or another, for some couples, the sparks do fizzle out completely as well.  For others, on account of charting their ways through trials and tribulations, they succeed not only to survive crisis in their partnership but they seem to be able to rekindle their love for one another in a more profound way.

In a similar manner, I remember at my ordination, my superior during the homily made an analogy between my newly ordained state as a priest to a ship in a sheltered harbour.  I was in my honeymoon stage.  People were more ecstatic than I to see me ordained priest.  My family and friends were proud of me and I remember having lots of offers to celebrate Masses and to speak to many groups and churches back home.  I was truly on cloud nine.  I was totally in a sheltered harbour.  Yet I remember him saying also that the worth of the ship is not when it is in a harbour but when it has to charter stormy weather outside the harbour.  And I can vouch for that after almost 24 years of priesthood.  The spark was not always there.  Actually there were times when I thought it had gone completely.  But thankfully nowadays I praise God for his faithfulness that through all I’ve gone through, I feel more grounded in my priesthood today.  I am sure that some of you may identify with what I am trying to convey this week.

In today’s gospel we see the beautiful story of Jesus at the beginning of his ministry being invited for a wedding in Cana.  His mother was there too.  The narrative is about a couple who somehow experienced a crisis.  They ran out of wine in the middle of the wedding.  For the Jewish community, wine symbolises passion and life.  So John is telling us that this particular couple at some particular stage of their relationship had run out of passion.  The spark had been extinguished.  Mary the mother of Jesus realised this and asked her son Jesus to intervene.  Jesus at the beginning told her that he is not ready yet to do anything whilst she immediately told them to do what her son tells them to do.  Jesus orders them to fill up six stone water jars used for cleansing, with water.  These jars filled with water for cleansing were transformed into wine and quality of the wine was much better than the one they started with, we are told.  Somehow our crisis can either break us or make us.  Somehow I believe personally that the transformation does not just happen.  We need to make it happen.  Sometimes we need to search for help.  We need definitely to be honest with ourselves and with the ones we are in relationship with.  Definitely we need to make choices and put priorities right.  I would like to pray this week for those within our congregation who are feeling that their wine has ran out.  May they find the courage and the strength to reach out for help and may they find the right kind of help to see them through.  The inclusion of a deeper spirituality would definitely help us through. 

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome Ethan Andrew Cliffe, his parents Helen and Andrew and Godparents Wendy and Simon.

Manna Centre collection

A collection is taking place this weekend of unwanted warm clothes (90% of the Manna Society's clients are male).  These will be collected by the Manna Centre which is a Day Centre for the homeless near London Bridge.  At this time of year coats, scarves, gloves, jackets, shirts, jeans and anything to keep a homeless person warm is very much appreciated.  Thank you, J&P Group.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place this Tuesday 19th January, 5.30pm – 7.30pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary. 

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 23rd January, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

New Year’s Resolution – Volunteer with CAFOD

Are you a people person who can reach out to others in your parish and get them involved in CAFOD activities? Are you a confident public speaker who would enjoy raising awareness of our faith and global social justice in churches or schools?  Or are you organised and would relish helping to co-ordinate CAFOD activities across an area?


CAFOD are looking for volunteers to be ambassadors for in the Archdiocese of Southwark in a variety of roles.  If you are interested please get in touch with Eileen, Nalini or Marine for more details or book a place on the next CAFOD energiser day on Saturday 23 January 2016, 10am – 3:30pm in Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, Waterloo: Phone 020 8466 9901, email or online

Prayer for Christian Unity

Petts Wood Churches together is organising Prayers Around the Cross Service – in Taizé Style – during the Octave for Christian Unity.  This year it is our turn as the parish of St James’ to organise it.  The Ecumenical Service will start at 4.00pm on Sunday the 24th January.  Afterwards all are invited for tea/coffee at the newly renovated St James’ Community Centre.  Please do come and experience this kind of meditative prayer.

2016 Confirmation Programme

The next session will take place on Monday 25th January at 7.00pm in the Community Centre.

CWL Meeting

The next meeting of the Catholic Women’s League will be at 8.00pm on Monday 25th January and will be held at the back of the church.  Please come along if you would like to learn more about the CWL.

Launch of Community Centre

On Saturday 30th January at 8.00pm, you are invited to join us for an evening of wine and canapes to celebrate the launch of the St James’ Community Centre.  This is a ticket only event and these can be reserved via the Parish Office via email or telephone 01689 827100 and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Please note no children at this event.


On Sunday 31st January the Community Centre will be open again after both Masses with refreshments being provided.  All parishioners are welcome to come along to these events.  No tickets required.

Quiz Night – save the date!

The St James’ Youth Ministry will be holding a family quiz night on Saturday 6th February in the Community Centre.  Tickets now on sale after Mass - £5 per head or contact the Parish Office.

Week of Accompanied Prayer (WAP) – Sunday 8th February to Saturday 5th March 2016

There will be a Taster Session this Sunday, 3-4pm at Christ Church URC, Tudor WayCome and find out more about this Retreat in Daily Life, and some of the Guides will lead us in different ways to pray.  Then during the Week itself they will gently encourage each participant individually as they focus on growing in closer relationship to God through personal prayer.  Have you taken a flyer for further information?  Invitations will be available after the Taster Session, and then at the back of church.  To secure a place please return your completed form to the box provided, or apply online, as soon as possible.

Petts Wood CWL are supporting our local Bromley Women’s Refuge

During the first weekend of February (6-7th), the CWL will be collecting new goods to give to the Women’s Refuge.  Items requested include new toiletries, bedding, towels and underclothes.  There is a list of items needed on the CWL notice board at the back of the church.  Thank you for your support.

Memorial Book

The Petts Wood CWL have very generously purchased a Memorial Book and case from a donation they received from the late Jean Rawling.  If you would like the name of a deceased family member put into the book, please complete the slips at the back of the church and leave in the box provided.  The book and case will be brought over to the church in the coming weeks.


An enormous thank you to everyone who has so generously supported the Traidcraft stall in 2015.  Total sales and donations were £2,403.90 and in addition to assisting impoverished producers by your purchases, from the profit £400 will be sent to our Overseas Charity, St Helen's Parish in Peru.  The full accounts will be available on the website in the minutes of J&P January meeting.  J&P Group.