Today (Palm Sunday) is the start of Holy Week. Do try and observe it as best you can, amidst the stresses and strains of everyday life. All the details are on the special sheet for you to take home- they are also on our website. And please display a poster.


The story of Holy Week is really two stories - the first, about the torture and execution of an innocent Man, accompanied by political and religious manipulation, fear, financial bribes (Judas)  and so on .......(sounds familiar?)- a story of human sin.


The second story (which can only be read with the eyes of faith) is about the incredible love of God for us, and for the whole of his creation. So the two stories interlink. God takes the worst that we can do and transforms it by the love of Jesus, and through this unique action (Jesus’ sacrifice = gift of himself to the Father), the whole world is offered the possibility of reconciliation with God. If we want it.


Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day (which starts with the Vigil Mass at on Saturday) are called the Holy Triduum – the most solemn three days in the Christian calendar. Please try and be at the main services (and especially on Holy Thursday at there is NO morning Mass).


On Wednesday morning, in our cathedral, Archbishop Peter will consecrate the holy oils (and we shall present these at the evening Mass) and all the priests of the diocese renew their priestly vows for another year.


There are two Stations of the Cross on Friday- 10am here (for children of school age and above); and 10.30am at St. Francis, Willett Way (for adults), which will be led by people from all our seven church communities in Petts Wood. Both services should last about 40 mins. I do hope you will come to one of them.


On Easter Day you are respectfully reminded that your offering is your personal gift to your parish priest.


Readers and ministers please sign up and make sure that all services are covered.


Easter publications (inc. calendars and booklets for children) may be purchased.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 675.


Sunday 17/4/11

 Palm Sunday

We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat 3pm), Aidan Ikenye (7mths) his parents Charles and Lydia and godparents Tagesa and Sheila; (Sat 4.30pm) Joshua Barrett (4mths), his parents Nicholas and Julie and godparents Thomas and Tatiana; and Sebastian Mataj (3mths), his parents Enis and Susanne and godparents Katie, Mark and Flori. 


 6pm – Joshua Canning 


9.15am- People of the Parish


11am –  Eileen O’Shea RIP (Eileen Gibson)


Taize service for Palm Sunday at 7pm


Please support Falvio Iorio on his bike ride today for the Knights (list in porch- thank you.)




Feria of Lent


9.30am- Mary Webb  RIP (Ned)

Confessions 10am


1-30-3.30 pm - craft/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome! 




Feria of Lent


9.30am-  Those mourning the loss of loved ones

Confessions 10am


7.15pm- Those being received here on Easter Day


Evangelium -8pm in church




Feria of Lent


9.30am –Archbishop Peter

Confessions 10am

(Mass of Chrism at the Cathedral 11.15am – blessing of the Holy Oils)


8pm Choir – final Choir practice for Easter


Holy Thursday


Feria of Lent


No 9.30 Mass today


8pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper - the Parish of St James  (A Dalgleish) - followed by watching until 11pm (Night Prayer at 10.45pm.) Please sign list for a 15 minute slot.


Good Friday


Feria of Lent


10am - Children’s Stations of the Cross (for children of school age- not younger)


10.30am - Stations of the Cross (for all PW Churches) at St Francis Willett Way.


3pm - Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday and collection for Holy Places


8pm - Taize round the Cross


Easter Sunday 24/4/11


8pm  (Sat) - no 6pm Mass today - First Mass of Easter, Lighting of the New Fire, blessing of the Paschal Candle and Easter Vigil - Joshua Canning


9.15am – Ted Bray (T Saunders)


11am – People of the Parish - with reception of five adults into full membership of the Catholic Church; Andy Delamain, Andrew Guyton, Alex Boot-Handford, Matthew Robson and Richard Swann.


Thank you to everyone who helped to clean the church for Holy Week yesterday. 

Please remember the sick in your prayers:  Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel, Christopher Drew, Ernest Field, and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).

Every blessing for this Holy Week, Fr Bryan