We welcome our first communion children (group 1) at 11am:


Daniel Akester

Freddy Caple

Douglas Chigonda

Isabella Coles

Jack Doyle

Millie Haslett

Emma Mannix

Joshua Mulhall

Josie Swann


Ava Blighton

Joseph Canning

George Clifford

Rachel Dobson

Alexia Griffin

Kian Lams

Megan Morrison

Oscar Rothon

Olivia Wright



We pray for them all at this important stage in their Catholic formation and also for their parents who have brought them to this moment. The example of parents cannot be overstated - fulfilling our promise to come to Mass each Sunday as a family and making this a priority; coming to confession at least once a year as taught by the church;  praying together as a family and talking about the faith.  All these things leave an indelible mark on our children, which they will carry into adulthood.


We pray that our young communicants will receive all the encouragement they need from parents and families, who themselves share their children’s faith.  May we all grow more and more into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

So a big thank-you to all parents, and also to Miriam Travers and her team of catechists, who have done a wonderful job! And a warm welcome to grandparents and family members who have come to Mass to support the children.

Second collection for the Maintenance Fund (please use Gift Aid envelopes).  The toilets in the hall will be completely refurbished during the school summer holiday.  (NB: hall closed from July 28th- Sept. 8th.)


Manna Centre Food collection

Thank you for the dried foods and tins etc....

If you have forgotten today please bring things in during the week (8.30am-10.30am (not Monday).



Mass attendances for last Sunday were 673



11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6.00pm Knights of St Columba  (KSC 327) celebrating 75 years. (Llew Thomas)

9.15am – Daniel Carrigan, RIP (Gwen Carrigan & Family)

11am – Welfare of Hannah Cott (Leish O’Sullivan)


Monday 17/6/13

No Monday Mass





9.30am – Tony Parkinson, RIP (BD)

7.15pm – Gerald Colman, RIP (M Stanley)





9.30am – Repose of the Soul of Gerry Colman  (Colman Family)




St Alban, pro martyr of Britain

9.30am – Chris Byrne, RIP (Deasy Family)




St Aloysius Gonzaga

9.30am – Chris Cosgrave, RIP (O’Mahony Family)




12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am (Sat) – Peter & Ann Ruggiero (welfare)

6pm (Sat)  – Reg Griffin, RIP (Wedderspoon Family)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Frank Dawson, RIP (First Anniversary) (Dawson Family)



Masses at 9.30am and 7.15pm.


Journey in Faith at 8pm.



Mass with St James’ School in church, 9.30am

(Yr 5: peace and reconciliation). (please turn over.....)


Confessions: 1st communion group 2,



Parents meeting (present school year 8), hall at 8pm. (should finish by 8.45 pm).  To explain the arrangements for confirmation- May 2014. (parents only - not young people.)



Church cleaning (Yr 3 parents), 7pm.



1st communion rehearsal (group 2)



Next Sunday (23rd). A very special 2nd collection for the family of Ambrose Lekule RIP (Fr. Arbo’s brother) who was murdered in Tanzania at the end of April.  Many of you are known to Fr.Arbo through U Touch Africa, and also through St. Josephs, Bromley where he was the assistant priest.  We pray for Eva and her three children, and for their future.  Please use a spare Gift Aid envelope if possible.  Thank you.


Advance Notice.

Meeting for parents (present school years 6 and 7) on Wednesday June 26th at 8pm.  We are hoping to form a group for this age group so that their formation in the Catholic Faith is sustained and deepened as they progress through secondary school.  I know many parents are concerned about this and hope that as many as possible will attend (should end by 8.45pm). (NB: This meeting is for parents only - not young people).


LiveSimply Garden:  see porch board.  Next gardening session on Saturday July 6th 9am-1pm. This is going to be a great project! Please come along in your togs and bring tools if poss. (contact: joe.falzon@stjamespettswood.org )  There is a wealth of gardening talent in the congregation!!


Fun Run

Sunday July 21st

Please return entry forms and fees to the church shop (repository).  Entry forms can be downloaded here.  If you would like to help on the day, please contact: chris.delf@stjamespettswood.org


The Fun Run will be followed by a barbecue/bring your own picnic in the parish garden.  It would be great to see everyone there !!


Bluebell Railway Trip with St. Michael and All Angels, Farnborough, £25.  Coach leaves St Michael’s at 10.15am on Wednesday June 26th returning at about 6pm.

They have 10 seats to fill.

Contact: john.miles74@yahoo.com immediately if you would like to go.


Religious Poem Competition

Write a poem and win £250 for church funds!

I am sure we have many budding poets. Go on to info@unitedpress.co.uk (entry is free: deadline January 31st 2014).


Every blessing, Fr Bryan



Stop Press!  Buy a tree! Perhaps in memory of a loved one, perhaps as a gift. Details on porch board and forms in the carousel in porch or read all about it and download a form here: