Attendance last week was 722



6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

6pm (Sat) – Rachel Loader, RIP (McCabe family)

9.15am – Kenneth Craen, RIP (Jeanne Craen)

11am – People of the Parish





9.30am – John and Dolores Ash and family





9.30am – Mary Kelly





9.30am – Teresa Linehan, RIP





9.30am – Annie Conlon, RIP




St Peter Damian, bishop

9.30am – David Kelly, RIP (J Craen)




The Chair of St Peter, apostle

9.30am – Jayne Corcoran, RIP (H & T Forde)




7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

6pm (Sat) – Nuala Daly, RIP (Roger and Ellen Wright)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am –  Joan Mary Crosland, RIP (2nd Anniversary) (Crosland family)


Today is Education Sunday, and we are delighted to welcome (Lady) Anna Bosher, Head Teacher of St.James’ School, who will be speaking at the 9.15 and 11 am Masses.

The word ’education’ derives from the Latin ‘educare’; which means to ‘lead out.’ The work of education is to bring to the surface what is in every child- his or her gifts, talents and abilities-and to build on them.

But education in a Catholic school is much more than this, and is to do with the ‘hidden wisdom of God...that (he) predestined to be for our glory before the ages began.’ (St.Paul in today’s 1st reading – 1 Corinthians.)

So the key thing to be brought to the surface in a child is nothing less than the Spirit of God. And this same Spirit - the Spirit of God the Father and God the Son- is the ‘ambience’ in which Catholic education is conducted.

We thank God today for all our Catholic schools and for all who work in them (see poster in porch), and we give special thanks for St.James’ School, praying that it may continue to follow its mission statement: ‘Walking in the Footsteps of Christ.’


Our first (indoor) here on Saturday 1st March (11am - 2pm) Can you please deliver some handbills? They are in packs of 25.  Please sign list clearly in back corridor.  It would be great if this could be done today (Sunday) or early this week.

Thanks to those who have brought in mens’ clothing for the Manna Centre: your gifts will be collected this week, and will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks also to the many parishioners who have engaged in meetings in the parish recently; the Fundraising Team, the Project Board, the LiveSimply group, and those who came to the Deanery Catholic Youth Project meeting.  People in these groups have put in many hours of (voluntary) time, all in the service of God in the parish, and we shall all benefit from their praying, thinking and planning.  It is all very encouraging .


Lent 2014 in Petts Wood.

The theme this year is based on Graham Tomlin’s excellent paperback Looking Through the Cross’ (the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2014) The sessions  (6) – all of which will be led by the clergy and ministers of our Petts Wood churches - will be on Mondays starting March 10th, at the Methodist Church parlour (1.30pm and repeated at 8pm).

I do encourage you to buy (and read!) the book- we have some copies for sale in the repository at the back of church (£5) -but this is not essential.(ISBN 978-1-4081-8847-7) or also available online.

It tries to apply the message of the Cross to our lives today, (and, I think, succeeds brilliantly) and deals with evil, power, identity, suffering, failure and reconciliation,

The sessions are NOT discussion groups but rather input from clergy, although there will be a short opportunity for some feedback.  Each session can be ‘stand-alone’ if you cannot manage all six. The 1.30pm sessions will be convenient for parents who need to collect children from school.

Please book those Mondays in Lent NOW!


Schools are on half-term holiday this week.  It would be great to see some families and young people sometimes at the daily Mass (9.30am). (Our servers are always welcome to serve during school holidays).  May this week be a time of rest and recreation for all our teachers, children and young people.

Every blessing, Fr Bryan




NO Pondering the Word this week.  Starts again next Monday.

Craft and Games at 1.30pm (hall). All very welcome.


Next Sunday – 2nd collection for our Maintenance Fund.

Extensive modifications to the hall are planned for this coming summer (details very soon) but we must pay for them!  

Please continue to give generously and please use Gift Aid if at all possible (standing orders would be fantastic).  And remember that we have to raise every penny ourselves, we receive no funding from the Diocese or from anyone else!


Geoff Ford is always happy to advise (in strictest confidence) on financial giving to the parish.

Geoff is usually around between the Sunday Masses and after the 11 am.


If you are celebrating a special wedding anniversary this year (e.g. 1st, 10th, 20th, 25th, 40th, etc…..) Archbishop Peter would like to invite you to a special Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday 21st June.  Please sign list on porch table.


Three piece suite (including 3 seater couch) available –free on collection- but does not have the fire safety label. Floral pattern. Contact Jill Lehane on 01689-600417 or



Saturday March 15th. St. Patrick’s Night, including Irish Dancing, live music and DJ.

Tickets from next weekend for this Knights of St. Columba event, supporting the youth groups of the parish.