Attendance last week was 676.




The Most Holy Trinity

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Fr. Bryan’s Intentions (Howell family)

11am – Norman Cambridge, RIP (Therese Grey)




9.30am – Miriam Abramoff, RIP (Patricia Cantopher)










9.30am –





9.30am –





9.30am – Maurice Ingledew, RIP (Mary Ingledew)




St Aloysius Gonzaga, religious

9.30am –




Corpus Christi

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Thanksgiving for the Confirmation Catechists (Gibbs family)

11am – Michael O’Sullivan (Leish O’Sullivan)



George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of our great ‘metaphysical’ poets.  Towards the end of his short life (he died of consumption), he took Holy Orders in the Church of England, and became Vicar of Bemerton, near Salisbury, where he exercised a wonderful ministry of teaching and pastoral care.  Here is his ‘Trinity Sunday’. – not just a poem but a prayer which, I think, we could all use from time to time.


Trinity Sunday


Lord, who hast formed me out of mud,

And hast redeemed me through thy blood,

And sanctified me to do good;


Purge all my sins done heretofore,

For I confess my heavy score,

And I will strive to sin no more.


Enrich my heart, mouth, hands in me,

With faith, with hope, with charity;

That I may run, rise, rest with thee.


We warmly welcome our First Communion children (11am) :-


Joe Cassar, Ryan Connolly, Jasmine Cornally, Lydia Delamain, Phoebe Dinsdale, Daniella Edwards, Isabelle Kirby, Madeleine Lawrence, Natasha Mather, Miranda Garrison-Melvin, Faye Griffiths, James Monaghan, Stephanie Nwokolo, Aukse Paskauskas, Kristina Paskauskas, Gabia Paskauskas, and Alessandro Rusmini.


We welcome too their parents and families on this happy occasion.  A huge thank you to their catechists who have worked so hard.  We pray that these children will be brought to Mass each Sunday and that they will grow in their faith.


Today (Sunday):

2nd collection for the Catholic Trust for England and Wales (if you did not donate last week).


This evening at 6.30pm (hall), meeting for parents and young people (present yr 8 and above) who are considering confirmation next year.  Parents please contact Fr. Bryan if you are unable to make the meeting (about 45mins).



Pondering the Word at 11am

Craft and Games at 1.30pm.



Mass with St James’ School in church at 9.30am.


Meeting at 8pm in the hall, for everyone involved in our 75th anniversary Mass on July 13th at 11 am.

Archbishop Peter will preside and there will be several visiting clergy. This will be a big event and there are many duties to be covered, welcoming, stewarding, transport, etc.  If you can help, please come along (about an hour).


Also please sign up for the light buffet which is being laid on by the parish- we do need to know numbers - the list will close on June 29th (lists in back corridor.)


Finally please indicate (same list) if you will be at the garden party after the Fun Run on the 20th (this will also be the parish’s formal farewell to Fr. Bryan and Teresa).




LiveSimply Inspection. A team from CAFOD will be visiting to look at the evidence we have accrued over the past two years and to interview members of the LiveSimply group and other parishioners.  They will decide if this has fulfilled all the criteria for the Award.  If successful it will be presented at the Archbishop’s Mass on July 13th.



St. James’ School Summer Fair

12 noon- 3pm – please support!


Next Sunday is the solemnity of Corpus Christi.


2nd collection for our Maintenance Fund. (NB if you are a Gift Aider and use an ordinary envelope, please write your correct number and your name on it.

Plans are now in hand for the re-wiring and lighting of the church during August, and also for essential work on the tower and back corridor areas, to prevent flooding. (The hall refurbishment will now have to wait until August 2015).

If you are not a Gift Aider, please contact Geoff Ford, Geoff is around after the 11am Mass on Sundays.  It will not cost you a penny but is of tremendous benefit to the parish.


Rainbows are looking for two new leaders (ideal for mothers with a child coming up to 5 and want a place in Rainbows).  Full training given. Please contact Suzanne Horner


Going into into hospital (or nursing/care home).  

It is very important that all Catholics when being admitted register their religion as Roman Catholic and whether they desire a visit from a Eucharistic Minister or a Priest.


All too often people fail to do this, and staff do not know their wishes in an emergency. Family/friends accompanying a sick person need to ensure that this important matter is attended to.


Caritas Roadshow

‘Being a Church for the Poor.’

St. Peter’s, Woolwich, next Saturday 21st June 10am-3.30pm; workshops, stalls, etc.... talks by Bishop Pat (see poster on porch board).

Bring your lunch.



Be kind to our planet

One of the LiveSimply promises was to publish ideas (in Briefly and online) of how we can be more environmentally friendly.  They are meant to be thought provoking but not patronising!  Ideas from children are encouraged – please send suggestions to  We missed last week, so two for this week:

You can now recycle food and drink cartons (Tetra Paks) by rinsing, squashing and placing them in your Bromley green box.

Emissions caused in producing 4oz of lamb are equivalent to driving 10 miles in an average car.