When WW1 ended in 1918 it was said to be the ‘war to end all wars.’ But twenty years later, the world was at war again (1939-45) and there has not been a single day since then that there has not been armed conflict in some part of the world.



War is a catastrophic human failure, the result of a deep wounding in the human soul.  When these wounds are not treated and when a true moral vision is obscured, a desire for retribution can emerge which can have cataclysmic results. Stalin, Hitler Mussolini and Saddam Hussein are examples of this. 


Another term for this wounding might be original sin from which the Christian sacrament of baptism frees us. But we must be careful here. Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were all baptised Christians, but all of them unleashed some of the most terrible violence and destruction the world has ever seen. Sacraments are not magic: they are rather an offer from God to transform our lives, and to transform the world (and in that order.)


This is why Christ came – to offer us the option of a new, transformed world, and to enlist us in his cause. But we can refuse his offer, or think that we are powerless, or just become cynical. Two weeks today, on the feast of Christ our King, we shall remind ourselves of Christ’s ‘manifesto’ for the world, and for our lives. He envisions the world as....


a kingdom of truth and life;

 a kingdom of holiness and grace;

a kingdom of  justice love, and peace.

..........Do we?


Mass attendances last Sunday were 624.




33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Remembrance Day

6pm- People of the Parish

10am-Bob Macey RIP (Maureen Jackson) 

11.30am –Lilly O’Connor RIP (Rosemary Scott)

We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat 4.30pm) Aidan Corcoran, his parents David and Claire, and godparents Paul and Michelle.


Second collection for Archbishop’s Admin Fund


Christmas choir practice (3.30-5pm) - in church







9.30am –Gerald Grace (M & P Cantopher)


Children’s Liturgy Group leaders meeting – presbytery 8pm







9.30am – Joan Headington (CWL)

Benediction and confessions after morning Mass


7.15pm – Peter Luckett (F & S Simon) – confessions heard from 6.45pm







9.30am (in church) - St James School

-  the Lowe family (K Self)


St Vincent de Paul society initial meeting – 7.30pm – meeting room






The Dedication of the Basilicas SS Peter & Paul

9.30am –Elizabeth Rogers (CWL Southwark)


Joint PAT and MaP team – 7.45pm meeting room







9.30am – Michael Kelly RIP (Mary Kelly)

Saturday 20/11/10


12noon- annual Mass for those buried in St Mary’s Church, Crown Lane, Chislehurst

Sunday 21/11/ 10

Our Lord Jesus Christ the King 

6pm- Chris Barrett (Loma Barrett)

10am- People of the Parish

11.30am –Maire Molloy (M & C Travers)

Wednesday 24/11/10


Welcomers meeting -8pm in the meeting room



Can you please help to clean the church for Christmas? - Saturday 11th December 9am-12noon- list in porch – thanks. 


The Rainbow Christian Centre. We are in danger of losing this bookshop and resource centre. If you know of anyone who might be interested in taking over the lease, please contact Diana Pattison in confidence on 01689 821789.

School Application Forms (SIFS) to me personally please after Sunday Mass, from today to be returned to me no later than December 5th


First Holy Communion. Preparation for year 3 children (or ANY child who has not received first communion) who are NOT at Catholic schools will start after Christmas. Parents please take letter from porch and return to presbytery asap.


Penitential Service 7pm on Wednesday December 1st with priests from our Deanery hearing confessions. I do encourage everyone to make their confession at this service – please make this a priority in your diaries.



Siphon off the grit

So the water runs pure

Gurgling in its proper channels,

Then you will see shimmering behind

Its true Life

And your soul, too, made of the same

Indestructible light,

Your consciousness is the water

Through which you gaze,

And if it be pure

You shall see God as promised

………a poem by Joyce Povolny


Every blessing Fr. Bryan