Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,504.  Mass attendance 774.


Sunday 14th May


(Saturday Vigil)

Fifth Sunday Of Easter


6pm Bridie O’Neill RIP (M Scott)




9.15am Francesca Margaux Sio RIP (Mr and Mrs John Sio)


11am  Frank Molloy (Leish O’Sullivan)


Monday 15th May


9.30am Fr David Hutton RIP (Howell family)


Tuesday 16th May

Saint Simon Stock


9.30am Edith Mary George (Family members)


7pm Confirmation Mass


Wednesday 17th May



9.30am Private Intention (E Cushman)



10.45am  Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 18th May



9.30am Tom Duffey RIP (Teresa and Hugh)



Friday 19th May



9.30am Katie Garrad RIP (Jo Keen)


Sunday 21st May


(Saturday Vigil)

Sixth Sunday Of Easter


6pm  Frank O’Leary RIP (M O’Leary)


9.15am People of the Parish


11am  Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Offertory collections

Next week’s second collection is for the Maintenance Fund.

Fr David writes…

I honestly consider my time working at St Raphael’s hospice, paradoxically, as an intensive course on the meaning of life.  Entering the door of the hospice every day was like entering a different world with its own time and space.  Life and death somehow merged into one.  Time took on an urgent and qualitative dimension.  Through my interactions with the patients, I used to be plunged into the harshness of the reality of my mortality and at the same time it awakened me to the richness and giftedness of my life.  Listening to the stories of the patients as they disclosed to me some of their regrets, their unresolved relational issues with family members and friends, acknowledging their own fear of death and articulating their own grief in missing life and their beloved ones, I used to internally promise myself that I had to live my life with more intent and focus.  Ministering to the terminally ill, pushed me to face the existential questions that in my normal life, I could easily escape by drowning the questions in mindless activism.  We could easily live our lives as comatose beings refusing to address the difficult facts of life and death.  We can numb our fears of mortality by all kinds of addictions.  I truly believe that our age of innocence ends once we become conscious of our own mortality.  Then we either live our lives anxious and fearful, which could also hinder us from living and opt for just surviving, or else this awareness might help us to take life by its horns and try to make a difference in life and live life to the full.

I have been privileged to experience many healings happening in families as they became more open and authentic with one another on their death bed.  I have been moved in witnessing reconciliation between members of families who were ready to ask for forgiveness and so were able to let go of resentfulness and past hurts.  In the hospice, one does not experience physical miracles and healings, but one does experience emotional and spiritual healings and miracles.  These healings can be much deeper and will always help the patient to die with more dignity and with inner peace.  Of course not every death is peaceful.  We do have choices even at our most vulnerable moments.  And some choose sadly to hold on to resentfulness even until their end.  At the end, every word spoken or every gesture taken by their dying beloved takes on powerful significance to their relatives.  They hold on to them like gold dust.  They would remember them forever.

In today’s gospel, Jesus is with his disciples and he is preparing them for his death and so departure.  They are feeling anxious about their future.  Who are we now without Jesus?  What is going to happen to us?  They felt abandoned by Jesus.  As some of us do, they did not want to listen to the harshness of the message which he was trying to convey to them.  We too sometimes, are in denial as our loved ones are trying to explain to us that they are dying.  The reality is so hard, that we do not allow them to be honest with us.  We cannot cope with the raw truth.  So we deny them telling us what they need to tell us.  We miss out on our authentic goodbyes.  Jesus is trying to tell them not to be anxious or afraid as he was going away not to abandon them but to prepare a place for them.  Thomas tells him “Lord we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”  There are no maps into the future with specific routes clearly arrowed.  Jesus simply points to himself: “I am the Way, The Truth and the Life”.

Jesus is the way by which we travel to the fullness of God.  As God looked to Jesus to reveal his true self, we look at Jesus to reveal God.  Jesus is the true icon of God.  Through Jesus, God has a human face.  Jesus is the face of God.  However, the disciples learn soon after Jesus leaves them that they don’t have ready answers to everything.  Jesus trusts his followers down the ages to face the confusion and complexity of the world.  That’s why he doesn’t leave answers to everything.  However he keeps reassuring us that in the midst of our troubles and sufferings, we are not abandoned to cope by ourselves.  He is truly the way, the truth and the life.  We can count on his love and presence through the gift of his spirit and also through the gift of the community that he provides for us as our support and lifeline.  What is God trying to convey to us this Sunday through the gift of his word?

Confirmation 2017

This week the following young people will be Confirmed on 16th May at 7pm by Bishop Pat.  Please keep them and their families in your prayers.

Olivia Bermingham

John Brand

Matthew Brand

Tim Byrne

Luke Colligan Wilson

Eleanor Deasy

Hannah Deasy

Matthew Delamain

Antonia Dunning

Ciara Froud

Sara Hobbis

Joanna Kalinowska

Leon Kilonzo

Katherine King

Joseph MacIsaac

Alex Monaghan

Chantelle Omotosho

Ellen O’Sullivan

Annabel Pradic

Abi Prifti

Millie Rothon

Georgina Ruber

Daniel Salter

Isabella Smith

Matthew Smith

Lucie Smyth

Johnny Sriskantharajah

Ethan Travers

Kathryn Wedderspoon

Moya Wright


Parishioners are warmly invited to attend and celebrate with them.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 23rd May between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Mass in celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage

St George’s Cathedral 17th June 2017.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th+ wedding anniversary this year and would like to attend the Mass then please give in your names as soon as possible.  Forms can be found at the back of church.

A Thank you ….

Volunteers Event Saturday 3rd June 7.00 to 10.00pm

At the end of a beautiful and moving Easter season, I was once again reminded of the many gifts held by so many in our parish.  With this in mind I am now inviting all volunteers in the parish to an evening on Saturday 3rd June to say thank you for your service.

So if you are a member of any of the groups below please contact the office before May15th so that we can finalise numbers for catering.

Are you a church cleaner, a Welcomer, a Reader, a Eucharistic Minister, a Catechist?

Do you help with the bar, serving coffees, collecting and counting money?

Do you help with any of the uniformed groups or in the parish office?

Are you a member of the finance committee, J&P or the PPC?

Are you a server or involved in providing music at any of the Masses?  (Year 8 and above because there will be a different event for the younger volunteers.)

Do you prepare the flowers for the church?

Do you lead any of the various groups: CWL, Knights, Parent Toddler, Friends of St James’, Liturgy Group, Dad & Me?

If for any reason you are not on these lists please contact the parish office to book your spot at the event.

I hope as many people as possible will attend and allow me on behalf of the parish to say thank you for your service.

Every Blessing

Fr David and the Parish Pastoral Council.

Parish Life……

On Sunday 14th May the Confirmandi will be washing cars to raise funds for St Helen’s in Peru.  Bring your cars to the top car park before the 9.15 and 11.00 masses ready to be collected at the end of Mass.  The cost is £5.  If any regulars at the 6.00 Mass want their cars washed they are very welcome to bring them along on Sunday morning.  Thanking you for your support.

Parish AGM

The Parish’s Annual General Meeting (the AGM)

This year’s AGM is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 21st June at 8pm in the Community Centre.  The meeting will include information about, and from, the PPC and parish groups and activities.  The Parish Groups are invited to prepare a presentation giving us an overview of the year and their aims for the next.  All parishioners are very welcome to attend so please put this date in your diary now.  We will let you know more in the coming weeks.  Thank you.

Young Church

Catholic Youth Ministry Mini-Module – Sunday 21st May 2017.

If you are called to youth ministry, have ideas and suggestions that you would like to put into practice for the youth in your parish or simply would like to know more about how to get involved, you are invited to attend the ‘Catholic Youth Ministry Mini-Module’ on Sunday 21st May at 2pm at St Joseph’s Church (Upper Room), Plaistow Lane, Bromley.  Get together with other youth ministers from parishes across Bromley to learn what is on offer for the youth of our deanery, share experiences and best practice and discover the wide range of support available to help shape a dynamic and engaging youth ministry programme in your parish.  For more information: (RSVP:  We look forward to seeing you!

Youth Development Meeting

We are inviting all who are involved with youth in the Parish and young people who may be interested, to come for a meeting facilitated by Susan Longhurst, Bromley Deanery Youth coordinator on Wednesday 31st May at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

Justice & Peace Group

Plant sale next weekend

This is in aid of St Helen’s Parish, Peru.  It will be held in the yard adjacent to the Community Centre after all Masses.  Enter via the car park or hall.  Annuals, perennials, vegetables, children’s tombola, cookies and cakes stall.  Hall & bar open on Saturday after evening Mass.  Experienced gardeners from the parish will be available for advice, and there will be assistance with your purchases by some of our young parishioners.  Plant donations can be left by the gate at the far end of main car park any time on Saturday or bring with you before Mass.

Enquiries to

Please do NOT park to the right of entrance to main car park (far end) in order to allow access to the plant sale and for people delivering plants.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Manna Society

With homelessness in London particularly, on the increase, the great work of the Manna Society can't happen without the support and generosity of people! As a parish we have been generously supporting this worthy cause through 6-monthly collections over a number of years.  The next collection will be on the weekend of 13/14 May 2017.  Take a look at the display at the back of the church for more information and ideas of items that are much needed!  This collection is for clothes (mainly men’s) and toiletries.


Thank you for your generous support last week when receipts were £257.


Teaching Vacancies

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Eltham have two job vacancies from September 2017.  Positions available are Assistant head teacher and class teacher.

St Anselm’s Catholic Primary School, Dartford have two job vacancies required from September 2017.  Positions available are Assistant head teacher and KS2 class teacher.  Please see notices at the back of the church.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

21st May


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Lench

J Samuels

Lisa Foster

L McDonald

S May



M O’Mahoney

K Salter

C Hairs

A Hansford

L Benson

M Morley


Ministers of Holy Communion

C Wakefield

S Poulton

C Cosgrave

P Cosgrave

P Driscoll

A Hawkins

D Hairs

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

V Terry

N Longhurst

T Willard

R Mwansa

K Chan




G & D Brookes

P Flockhart

A Huntington

S Ingle



P Cosgrave   R Monaghan


L Delamain   M Edwards

Saturday 20tth May


Cleaning the Church

CWL, Eucharistic  Ministers