The conversation between Christ and Simon Peter in today’s gospel is one of the most poignant in the whole of the Bible.  Peter has denied Jesus three times on Holy Thursday night - through cowardice, weakness, sheer terror- and now the risen Christ asks him three times, ‘Do you love me?’

Do we love Christ?  And what precisely does this mean?  To say that we love someone is pretty strong stuff (whatever the kind of love it is).  It means that the other person is very important to us (and in marriage, exclusively important to us) – we pledge our loyalty, our affection, to those we love.  So, Jesus asks Peter, ‘Do you love me ?’ In the light of Peter’s past performance it was a reasonable question.  But Jesus had to be certain, because he wanted Peter to ‘feed my lambs’, i.e. lead the church.

But what about us?  If we are honest (are we?) we must admit that we, like Peter, deny Jesus many times each day, by our thoughts, words and actions - just think about it - (we used to call it ‘examination of conscience’ in the good old days). We really do want to follow Jesus, but somehow we seem trapped and get it wrong Oh so often.  Is there no way out?

Well, actually, yes. Not a way but a person - the very same person who interviewed Peter on that beach, with the simple (but life-changing) question, ‘Do you love me?’

Yes, Lord, you know that I love you’ answers Peter.’ And that is all (!) it took for Peter to become the first Pope.

Do we make the same reply? Do we really love the Lord?  Do we show this by our faithful attendance at Mass Sunday or do we so often makes lame excuses?  Do we ever pray? How? Are we really engaged in the practice of our Catholic Faith (including being brave enough to express doubts).  Do we ever go to confession and tell the Lord that we love him?

Do we love Christ, or merely tolerate him, giving him the occasional nod at Easter and Christmas, and sometimes first communion and confirmation?  Is our faith simply a matter of thoughtless conformity or are we prepared to mature and grow, to take responsibility in the Christian community, to ‘feed the sheep’ by building up our parish community in faith, hope and love?

‘Do you love me?’ Jesus says to each one of us.   What’s your reply?

Mass attendances last Sunday were 679.




3rd Sunday of Easter

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Ting Ting & Dominic Wells (The Howell Family)

11am – Bridget Donovan RIP (Mary Ramadan)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Holy Souls




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Baby Beau Tanner RIP (Mary & Seamus O’Mahony)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – King Richard III RIP (S Simon)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Mary Webb RIP




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Louise Mages (Howell Family)




4th Sunday of Easter

6pm – Maria Mody RIP

(Marie & Bill Morley)

9.15am – John & Teresa Lynch RIP

(Mrs Jackson)

11am – People of the Parish


Today (Sunday) 2nd collection for Maintenance and Refurbishment Fund, also many thanks for your food for the Orpington Foodbank.  Never has our support been more needed - or appreciated.



Project Board – 8pm in the meeting room.



Journey in Faith - 7.45pm in meeting room.

Firm Believers (see below) at 7pm.



Meeting for First Communion parents (hall - 8pm-9.15pm).



First Communion classes - 4.30pm


Sunday 21st:

Kainmari Curry Evening - 4.00pm (sold out!)

2nd collection for Ecclesiastical Education. (Supporting students training for the priesthood and diaconate, and for some on-going formation of the clergy.)


It is with sadness that we report the death of Christopher Cosgrave (92 yrs).  ’Christie’ was one of our longest serving members and a stalwart of the parish, absolutely regular with Olive (d.2011) at the 11am Mass.  Our sympathy and prayers to the whole family, most of whom worship here. Christopher’s Requiem will be here on Wednesday May 1st at 10.30am.

Also sad the death of Doris Ryan (90 yrs - late of 19, Southlands Grove).  Another longstanding member of our congregation.  Doris’ funeral is on Friday (19th) in Southend, Essex.

We remember them both in our prayers-may they rest in peace and rise in glory.

281 and 281A Crescent Drive (the left hand house) now has tenants (one in each flat) so please no longer knock or ring there!

There will soon be access to the rear of 283 (my study, with its own bell) but until then please ring front door bell of 283.


Firm Believers, our inter-church, fun, fitness class, from 7pm - 7.45pm Tuesdays in our hall.  Restarts this Tuesday April 16th.  Suitable for all levels of fitness - go at your own pace.  Wear any comfortable clothing and shoes and just turn up. This is your chance to get fitter and slimmer for Spring.  Relaxed atmosphere, come and give it a try for £4 a session.  Stay on if you wish for tea, chat etc.


Church cleaning:

Many thanks to the volunteers who cleaned this weekend.  (Please see porch for new rota).


Work on clearing the site for the LiveSimply Garden will now start on Saturday 27th April (any time between 10am and 4pm).  Come on folks, lend a hand for an hour please......Please sign list in the porch.  This garden will be a place of peace and beauty, fit for contemplation and worship, as well as respect for nature.


Thank you so much for your Easter offering (see top of Briefly).  Teresa and I are touched by your generosity.  May this Easter period (which lasts until Pentecost) be full of good things for you and your families.

Fr Bryan



‘Simon Peter’ by Lisa Debney.

What else to do but fish?  To put out once again into the deep.

Attempting to relive the moment we first met when life became abundant with potential.

Busyness is all. It takes away the aches of scenes replayed each night in restless sleep.

We work, caught up in our own thoughts, but sullen swell of sea still drags me down.

I cannot walk on water, fish for men; however hard I trawl, I harvest nothing.

Morning sends uncertain light; instinctively I wait to hear the crow of dawn announcing failure.

But this day brings the quiet rush of pebbles on the shore, caught up in patterns more immense than they.

And suddenly it starts again, the second chance, replayed from the beginning.....all life around me teems with possibilities once more.

The sun breaks through the mist; I hurl myself into the sea not caring if I sink or swim- to reach you is my only aim.

You stand there, on the edge of life, calling out against the empty fears of night; I run to you, we sit around the flames, we eat and talk.

Three times you ask, and three times I respond; there is new strength in each reply.

I feel you woven through my life, know that even on strange shores you will be there.

I gather nets into my hands, they will not break.

Tomorrow I will fish again.