Every Sunday we celebrate together, as a Catholic community, the Eucharist – which means ‘thanksgiving’ – and the main thing we give thanks for is for our liberation from sin by Jesus- known as the ‘Christos’, or anointed one of God. Sunday is the day of the Lord’s resurrection (and, therefore, ours.) Alleluia!

In Biblical times, disease- and especially leprosy- was associated with sin. In the Old Testament reading and in the gospel today, we hear of two healings from leprosy, and their inner significance is that they make the people healed liberated from sin, clean and holy, able to be reintegrated into the community (from which they would have previously been banned.)

We do not suffer from leprosy – but we do need to be cleansed by Jesus, to grow in his holiness, and we too, need (constantly) to be reintegrated into the community of the church. We do this each time we go to confession (the sacrament of reconciliation), when we own up to our spiritual ‘leprosy’ and when we apologise, not just to God, but to the church, through its appointed minister. And we leave confession cleansed, healed, and ready to continue our following of Jesus.

There has been a drastic decline (at least in England) of people going to confession. There are probably many and complex reasons for this. A small group in the parish is thinking very hard about the sacrament of reconciliation here in the parish and they will be sharing their thinking with you, for your comment, in the near future, so that we may make this whole area more accessible to more people.

But back to ‘Eucharist’ – ‘thanksgiving.’ We have so much to give thanks for – in our personal lives, and in our parish life together. The church, every day at the eucharist, gives thanks for creation and for re-creation in Christ (in the preface of the Eucharistic prayer.) The whole point of the gospel story today is not just that the leper was healed- but that he turned back to give thanks to Jesus!  And so he continued on his journey into holiness- and so must we.

But hang on- Jesus healed not one but ten lepers! Yes-his mercy is limitless. But only one turned back to say ‘thank you’ -(oops!) And he was an outsider (ugh!) It is often the most surprising people who really ‘get it’- who see the point of following Jesus. People who have love and thanksgiving in their hearts. Like you. And me.

Next Sunday will be our ‘5 in 1’collection for Catholic Education Service, Apostleship of the Sea, Day for Human Life, Catholic Assoc for Racial Justice, Catholic Youth Services.

Saturday 26th October

Fr Arbo Lekule will be instituted by Bishop Pat Lynch as parish priest of St John Fisher, Kidbroke at 6.00pm.  He would value our presence but please let their parish office know by 21st.  Email carolannmurray@hotmail.com or phone 020 8856 4536 as they need to know catering numbers.  Please pray for Fr Arbo’s new ministry at Kidbroke.

Thank you for your offering for CAFOD Harvest Fast Day (with Gift Aid) £2,580 and for the Autumn Festival (approx.) £3,000.





9.30am – Elizabeth O’Connor, RIP




28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Sat) – In remembrance of Frank Donelan (21st Anniversary) (Donelan family)

9.15am – Ben and Jo White, RIP

11am – Carmen Novaes Suzzara (Delf family)




No Monday Mass





St Teresa of Jesus Virgin

9.30am – Katherine Walker, RIP (M. O’Leary)









St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop

9.30am –




St Luke, Evangelist

9.30am –





9.30am – John O’Connor




29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Sat)  -

9.15am – In remembrance of Joshua Canning (2nd Anniversary) (Canning family)

11am – People of Parish


Today (Sunday) – 2nd collection for the Needs of the Diocese- enabling the Archbishop to make grants to smaller, perhaps struggling, parishes.

We welcome Patricia Colling, who will be speaking at all Masses to thank you for your generosity to CAFOD last week (see top of Briefly).

And thank you for your Manna Centre food- it will be collected this week- if any more please leave in corridor at back.

We also welcome our uniformed groups to the 11 am Mass, and also our young people who are preparing for confirmation next May, who will be presented to the congregation today. Their formation is well under way and I am really grateful to the hard work of all the catechists involved.

Do remember that all young people in school years 7 and 8 are welcome to the ‘7’s and 8’s’ group (Sunday, 5pm-6.15pm.  Next meeting 20th October).  Again many thanks to leaders and helpers.



Craft group in the hall at 1.30pm.


Justice and Peace members will be setting up our display in the Methodist Hall for One World Week (from 8pm).



One World Week Exhibition in the Methodist Hall- 10am-1pm.

Do drop in for a coffee and see what all the PW churches are doing to promote ONE World!  We shall be showcasing CAFOD, LiveSimply (Kainmari), Manna Centre, etc.....a great opportunity for outreach into our community!

Also on Saturday 19th:

St James’ School PTA Quiz Night at 8.00pm.  Everybody welcome.  £7 per person, maximum of 10 people per table.  Bring your own drinks and nibbles.  No tickets will be sold on the door.  Email Helen Bromfield for more information.


Reception Year parents please (10.30am-11.30am). Many thanks to those who cleaned this weekend.

First Communion classes- 4.30pm.


Next Sunday- Special One World Week Service

4pm at the Methodist Church- with renowned Christian Aid speaker Chris Andre-- Wilson- please make the effort to come- and please bring a simple plate of food to share for ‘high tea’ after the service (which will last about 40 mins.)

Our own folk choir will be taking part and we are heavily involved. It would be really good to see our young people at this service.


Notes from Quiet Day 

Sister Sheila Barrett, who led our recent Quiet Day, has kindly provided us with her speaking notes from the opening session of the Day. We are happy to provide a copy of these notes, together with a copy of other handouts from the Day, to anyone who is interested. If you would like copies, please indicate this by writing your name clearly on the sign-up sheet in the church lobby.



This year's Autumn Festival was a great success with over 250 adults and probably the same again in children enjoying a lovely afternoon of delicious food and fun activities.  Members of the parish were very generous in donating wonderful raffle and tombola prizes and we were all spoilt with home made Malaysian and Italian food as well as home made burgers at the BBQ.  At least 60 people volunteered to help man stalls and the uniformed groups organised activities to keep the children happy.  The lucky raffle winners have all been contacted and we would ask you to collect your prizes as soon as possible.  The lucky programme was number 8 so if you have that programme please do drop an email to Sue David to claim your prize!Thank you to everyone who contributed in some way to this successful event which raised about £3,000 towards to refurbishment of our building.



Eco tip of the week

Household cleaning – the LiveSimply way


To polish sealed wooden floors, mix one part white vinegar to one part vegetable oil.  Then soak a cloth in the mixture and polish as you would a car. The end result is amazing.



‘I broke the rules’

a poem by Stuart Barrie- a Glaswegian poet.


I did not just care for the deserving poor.

I did not just care for the innocent in prison.

I did not just care for those sick through no fault of their own.


I broke the rules.

I broke the rules to back the outcast.

I broke the rules to bear the broken.


I cared because I loved.

I loved because I am.

I am because I love.


(I am= ‘yaweh’ – the Hebrew name for God.)