Thank you for your offering last week of £1677.44.  Mass attendances were 833. 




5th Sunday of Lent


6.00pm Edith Mary George RIP (George Family)


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am  Noah Mark Rothon RIP (Rothon Family)


4.00pm  Stations of the Cross







9.30am Antoni, Nora, Romauld & Arnold Jakiewicz (M Zakiewicz)






9.30am  Kenneth Craen RIP (J Craen)






9.30am Ivy Nelligan RIP (CWL)


3.30pm  Reconciliation for Children & Young People


8.00pm  Lenten Reconciliation Service




St Patrick, Bishop, Patron of Ireland


9.30am  Marie Reid RIP ( E Smith)






9.30am  Hannah Kelly RIP (Ned)




Vigil Mass


6.00pm  In Loving Memory Of Mick Brace RIP ( G Tomkins)




Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord


9.15am  People Of The Parish


11.00am  Tom Benson RIP (Benson Family)


4.00pm  Stations of the Cross


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the Church.  All welcome. 

Fr David Writes…..

The older I get, the more I am becoming aware of my humanness and accepting of my shortcomings.  I feel that I am much less dogmatic about things than I used to be.  I don’t see life in black and white any more.  The grey areas somehow illustrate for me a more realistic picture of life.  My ability to feel vulnerable at some moments more than others, being very aware of the triggers that are pushed at times by others, the more I am in touch with my shadow side – those areas that I don’t usually like to acknowledge in me – the more I feel tolerant towards other’s choices, shortcomings and life.  Time is helping me to be less judgemental of others and less guarded of myself.  I am becoming more embracing.  Over all I feel more accepting of people where they are at in their lives.  Ironically I feel much more ill at ease around people who feel that they have it all together, who think that they are far better than others and self-righteous.

When I encounter these kinds of people, there is always a question that stirs up – “what are these people trying to hide or repress?  Why is it so important for them to be judgemental and dogmatic about things?  What are they guarding within themselves?”  Somehow there is a direct correlation between repressing one’s desires and longings and pointing one’s finger towards another person or a group who we feel strongly against.  Why can’t I allow the other to make his or her own choices even if I don’t necessarily agree with them.  We have heard of stories even within the Church circles, about people who were dogmatic about other’s choices and then in time it is uncovered that they in truth were hiding their own similar private demons.  What kind of torture it must be to live with yourself if you loathe your own self so much and then project that same hatred towards others who have the same desires as you do.

In today’s Gospel, we see a narrative which illustrates just this.  A woman was caught in adultery.  For one reason or another, she had transgressed her boundaries and committed adultery.  According to the law of her community she had sinned grievously.  She had been caught.  I am sure that there might have been many others who were not caught.  But this particular woman was caught in the act.  At this point my question is – where is the man in question?  No mention of him at all.  So she was dragged to the centre of the town or village in shame for everyone to see.  The Scribes and the Pharisees are zealous about the execution of the Law which means the execution of the woman.  They are in the moral majority for they clearly have the law on their side.  Thus armed they come to tackle Jesus on the issue.  Jesus reaction to all the fuss is to start writing on the ground.  But his questioners persist and Jesus responds not by taking the issue with the law but by taking issue with the lawyers.  When you remember the law but forget what the law is for, perhaps your memory is a bit selective.  Jesus does not say that the woman was innocent or argue that adultery should be taken off the books; but neither is he persuaded about the innocence of her accusers.  He asks them to exercise their memories and check their own track-record on sin.  If any are innocent, they throw stones.

This made them stop in their stride and connect with their own true selves.  Beginning with the eldest they all retreated, leaving the woman alone with Jesus.  And the woman hears the good news from Jesus “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”.  Jesus had mercy towards her.  Mercy does not suggest that the guilty are not guilty; it recognizes the guilt but does not demand satisfaction for the wrong.  In all this, mercy reflects the utter graciousness of the one who has been wronged.  As we continue on our Lenten journey this year, it is good to reflect upon our attitude towards others.  Are we very easy to judge other’s morals and choices?  If we are too dogmatic about things and people, we might need to ask – what are we trying to protect and hide within ourselves?  Have a great week. 

Stations of the Cross

We are all invited to come to pray this beautiful prayer together as a community in church during Lent.  This year we will meet on Sunday evenings at 4.00pm.  Please try to join us at least once as we prayerfully follow the journey of Jesus to his death on Calvary using different meditations and reflections.

On Palm Sunday 20th March, there will be a re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross at 4.00pm. 

Rotas for Holy Week & Easter Masses

Are now at the back of the church.  Could all Altar Servers, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and Welcomers please sign up where appropriate.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

Due to Lenten and Easter Commitments, the next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 12th April, 5.00pm-8.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary. 

Children's Liturgy

Unfortunately there will be no liturgy this week (13/3) due to a lack of leaders.  Children's liturgy will run every 3 weeks out of 4.  Thank you for your understanding.

St James’ Social Club AGM

This will be held this Sunday 13th March at 12.30pm in the Community Centre.

Items on the agenda will be as follows:-

1.      Minutes of last AGM;

2.      Election of Committee for 2016/2017;

3.      Financial Report;

4.      Amendment to the Club Rules;

5.      Any other business.

All are welcome to attend.

2016 Confirmation Programme

This Sunday 13th March at 3.00pm, there will be a Reconciliation Service for all candidates in the Church.

The next meeting will take place on Monday 14th March, 7.00pm-8.30pm in the Community Centre.

Dad & Me

The next session will be held on Saturday 19th March, 10.00am – 11.30am in the Community Centre.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 19th March, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

St Patrick’s Social Evening

The Knights are holding a St Patrick’s social evening on March 19th at 7.00pm in the St James’ Community Centre.  A light Buffet will be served.  Tickets will be on sale after all Masses for £8 per head or £25 Family ticket or email Terry Connolly.  All profits are going to the Parish Maintenance Fund.

SVP Family Race night with a difference

Featuring kids and parents as the jockeys.  Saturday 9th April from 7.00pm in the community centre with all proceeds to support the work of the SVP in the Parish.  Tickets available from Peter Benson, Graham Price or Chris Delf.  Email

Family ticket £20, Adults £8, Children £3.  Book early to avoid disappointment for this very popular event.  Pizza for all.  Tickets available after all Masses next weekend. 

Service for Bereaved Parents

Will take place on Sunday 17th April at 3.00pm in the St James’ Community Centre.

Week of Accompanied Prayer

Thank you for the team effort of so many, both in St James’ and our sister churches in Petts Wood, who contributed in so many different ways to our Week of Accompanied Prayer.  We thank God for the many blessings received.  Anyone who is interested in ongoing spiritual accompaniment should contact Doreen at for further information.

Mother & Toddler Group

Will be meeting here again in the Community Centre on Friday afternoons 1.30pm-3.00pm – term time only.

Plant Sale – Advanced Notice

The annual charity plant sale in aid of St Helen’s Parish Peru, will be held over the weekend of 21st/22nd May.  Gardeners of St James’, if you are seed sowing, propagating or dividing plants please consider adding a few extra for the sale.  Anyone tidying their garden who has an unwanted but healthy pant, please put it in a pot and find it a new home at the sale.  Flowers, veg, herbs, indoor plants will all be welcome.  Thank you for your support.  (J&P)

Youth Retreat 30th September-2nd October 2016

The Parish Youth Team are organising a retreat on the above dates at St Vincent’s Centre Whitstable.  All young adults that have been confirmed are invited to attend this retreat.  The cost will be £75.00.

If you could confirm your interest to the Parish Office via telephone 01689 827100 or email

Appeal from Knights of St Columba

Please continue to bring in your used postage stamps.  If they are on postcards, it is fine to donate the postcard as well.  Many thanks for your continued support.


The Archdiocese of Southwark is committed to the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults.  The Diocese co-operates fully with CSAS, the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service, which aims to help the Church become an example of best practice in the Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, and develop a “culture of vigilance” to ensure that children and vulnerable adults in our care are kept safe from harm.

The Safeguarding Representatives here in our Parish are Paula McCabe and Suzanne Horner, both of whom have received training for this role.  If you need to speak to them on any issue, they can be contacted via the Parish Office.  All enquiries will be dealt with in strictest confidence.

Traidcraft Stall

Sales last weekend amounted to £315.75.  Thank you for your continuing support (J&P)

Quizzing for Peru

The Justice and Peace Group would like to thank all those who supported the quiz night on Saturday 5th March.  Thanks to the generosity of many people, a total of £659 was raised for the parish of St Helen's in Arequipa, Peru (the parish overseas project for 2016-17).  Our thanks especially goes to Terry and Alice Wills of another parish who freely gave of their time to run the quiz.  The result was a dead heat which was resolved by a tie breaker question.

Lent & Easter 2016 at St James’

These two great seasons of the Liturgical year are an opportunity for every person to experience a closer journey alongside Jesus.  There are many activities and services available to nourish and enrich your journey.


Stations of the Cross (4.00pm, every Sunday) 

This is a procession telling the story of Jesus' Passion.  We will have different readings and reflections each week to remember the story through different perspectives.


Petts Wood Churches Together Talks
(Tuesday  15 March)

1.30pm – 3.00pm at Christ Church URC

8.00pm-9.30pm at Methodist Church, Queensway.

Please see poster at back of church.


Lenten Reconciliation for children and young people (Wednesday 16 March from 3.30pm)

Fr David will be available to hear Confessions from 3.30pm, particularly for any children or young people who would like Reconciliation before Easter.


Lenten Service (Wednesday 16 March, 8pm)

This service is an opportunity to reflect on the mercy and love of God.  Individual Confessions will be available after the service for anyone who wishes.


Palm Sunday (Sunday 20 March)

4.30 Experience the Stations of the Cross in a different way, as the stations are re-enacted with readings, reflections and music


Maundy Thursday (Thursday 24 March)

8pm Mass of the Last Supper. 

After Mass, we are invited to spend some time 'watching and praying' with Jesus.  Music will be available throughout this time, and the watching will end with Night Prayer at 11.50pm.  To make sure that there is always someone in the Church with Jesus, please sign your name against the time slots in the porch if you know what time you are planning to be present.


Good Friday (Friday 25 March)

9.30am Morning Prayer

10.30am Children’s' Stations of the Cross

10.30am Petts Wood Churches Together Service

3.00pm Good Friday Service

8.00pm Taize Prayer around the Cross


Easter Vigil (Saturday 26 March)

9.30am – Morning Prayer

11.30am - Święconka – Polish traditional blessing of Easter Baskets; all welcome.

8.00pm Vigil Mass


Easter Music


Every parishioner is invited to join our music ministry for the Holy Week and Easter Masses.  We welcome all people whatever you play or sing! You don't need to commit to every Mass - just whatever you are able to make.  If you would like to join us, you are welcome to come to our rehearsal on Saturday 19th March 9.30am - 11.30am.