Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,088.  Mass attendance 483.


Sunday 13th August


(Saturday Vigil)

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm          Ann Prifty RIP (Prifty Family)



9.15am      Francesca M Sio RIP (J&L Sio)


11am         Eileen Oshea RIP (E Gibson)


Monday 14th August

Saint Maximilian


9.30am      Ann & Peter Ruggiro


Tuesday 15th August

The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary


9.30am      The Matejka Family (H Denham)


8pm          Fr David Camilleri


Wednesday 16th August



9.30am      Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)



10.45am     Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 17th August




9.30am      Josephine & Seamus McMorrow


Friday 18th August



9.30am      David Forde (H & T Forde)


Sunday 20th August


(Saturday Vigil)

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm People Of The Parish




9.15am      Alice Barradell RIP (Barradell Family)

                  Francesca M Sio RIP (J&L Sio)


11am         Dolores & John Ash


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Second Collection

This week’s second collection will be for the St Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society.

The Christian people are often depicted as a boat, with Peter at the helm.  As in a boat, everyone has their part to play: kids to bring the excitement and the challenge, parents to take the responsibility, grandparents just to be there to comfort and reassure.  Without Jesus the disciples were getting exhausted, frustrated and probably bad-tempered and quarrelling.  When Jesus appears everything changes: first, terror and awed amazement, then Peter rushes to meet him – and loses confidence, only to be swiftly rescued.  How does Jesus come to me?  In the joys of family?  In the unwelcome criticism of an angry neighbour who tells me the truth about myself?  In the worries of a job or the agonies of a failed relationship?  In the staggering beauty of creation?  In physical pain?  In all these situations we may discover God’s presence, and without that presence we cannot expect to cope.  Jesus does not force himself upon us.  He just jogs us, and says, ‘Here I am if you want me.’  He may disappear into the sea-mist again for a time, and we may sink into the water like mistrustful Peter.  But it all ends with a welcome and a recognition that Jesus can help, even in a life-threatening situation.

(Fr David will be on holiday for a little while.)

Drop-In” – Evening Surgeries

There will be no drop-in evening surgeries until further notice.  So if you would like to see Fr David, please email him or phone the parish office for an appointment.  Thank you.

One Parish Weekend

Our Autumn Festival on 30th September

This year’s Autumn Festival will be held on Saturday 30th September from 12noon to 4pm.  This is something to look forward to in September - we’ve got exciting plans! - so please put the date in your calendars now.

Thank you to everyone who attended the planning meeting on 27th July and thanks for all of your offers of help.  We would like to invite as many parishioners as possible to join in, so please read the flyer attached to Briefly to find out more.  If you would like to help (we need you!), please fill in the flyer and return it to the box in the church porch.  If you prefer, you could also email Pam who is coordinating this event at

Justice & Peace Group

Foodbank current needs

Many thanks to everyone who responded to the call for food needed over the school holidays.  The Foodbank is currently asking for the following items: tinned vegetables, tomatoes and fruit, tinned meat for hot meals, tinned cold meat, rice pudding, tinned custard, squash, UHT milk.  Thank you.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Youth Pillar

Post-Confirmation Retreat

29th September - 1st October 2017

In collaboration with Southwark Catholic Youth Service, we are offering all young people who have made their Confirmation the opportunity to attend a Post-Confirmation retreat which promises both fun and faith exploration under the experienced guidance of the youth team in Whitstable (Costs tbc).  Please contact the parish office by 24th July 2017 to register your interest.

Communications Pillar

The Parish’s Welcome Booklet

The parish’s booklet has been revised and updated.  Copies are available in the repository for £3 a copy (to cover costs).

Time and Talents Questionnaire

Thank you to everyone who has completed a questionnaire.  We will be collating the information over the next few weeks and then members of the PPC will start contacting you.  If you haven’t completed a form but would like to help there are still some spare forms at the back of the church.

Pastoral Care Pillar

Peace Candle in Our Lady’s Chapel

A quiet space is available in Our Lady’s Chapel, and a book is available for anyone who wishes to write a prayer for peace or for their own personal intentions.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 19th August

Cleaning the Church

S Lams, L Monsah, D Generowicz, K Salter, M Gallagher


20th August


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Neal

L Samuels

J Samuels

M Ingledew

G Whitley



D Woolston

A Prifti

S Cotta

B Cotta

P Dabrowski

R Rowan


Ministers of Holy Communion

P Cosgrave

P Driscoll

T Babb

B Babb

P Cantopher

D Hairs

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

T Forde

N longhurst

P May

S Ingle

R Del Guercio

Z Bajorek



C Delf, M Troy