Today we focus on three themes:


Firstly, liturgically we celebrate the Ascension of Christ in Heaven. The crucified Jesus of Nazareth, whose Easter presence has been experienced by the first disciples, is now perceived to be one with God in the glory of the kingdom.  He is Lord of all creation, and ‘head of the Church; which is his body, the fullness of him who fills the whole creation.’(2nd reading- from the letter to the Ephesians).


Secondly, in union with the Catholic Church throughout the world, we are asked to pray for World Communications Day (take a card).  We reflect on Jesus’ command to share his Good News (‘gospel’) with the whole world.  The election of Pope Francis has had a huge impact on Catholics and non-Catholics alike and there is a constant demand for images, comment and in-depth analysis of the new Papacy, to which the Catholic Communications Network is trying to respond.  There will be a second collection today- I know you will give generously.


Thirdly we continue to celebrate the fact that we are a LiveSimply parish. 

Our parish group writes:

This weekend we are announcing a tree planting scheme. This gives you the chance to have a tree planted in a British woodland, thereby helping the environment and perhaps commemorating a special event, such as baptism or first Holy Communion, or the memory of a loved one.  It will contribute to the Principle of Living Sustainably and is one of the actions we signed up to as part of LiveSimply.  There is more information on the website or you can contact’

Our LiveSimply project goes from strength to strength; the Kainmari curry evening and the start of our parish prayer garden are but two examples, involving many parishioners; more are always welcome! This is an integral part of our mission, and of our living out the gospel - ‘living simply - so that others may simply live.’


Attached to this edition of Briefly is a summary of the parish forum held on May 2nd.  It is essential that all of us study this and internalise it.  The Project Board will be meeting with the Diocesan Financial Secretary in early June to discuss ways of moving forward.  We shall keep you fully informed.


Mass attendances for last Sunday were 639. 



The Ascension of the Lord

6pm – Richard Nelligan, RIP (Mary Ardron)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Claire Draper, RIP (S. Simon)


Monday 13/5/13

Feria of Easter

9.30am – Welfare of Seamus & Josephine McMarrow




St Matthias, apostle

9.30am – Welfare of Fr. Michael Branch (Kathy Kahn)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Martin O’Connor, RIP




Feria of Easter

9.30am – William & Nora Kirwan, RIP (Roger & Ellen Wright)




Feria of Easter

9.30am – Julie Devlin, RIP (Anniv.) (E. Gibson)





6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – George Chavannes, RIP (Edna Chavannes)

11am – Welfare of Fr. Michael Branch (Ann McDonald)


Today (Sunday) we welcome our uniformed groups to the 11 am Mass.



Zosia Bajorek and Fr. Bryan will attend a major session re: youth work (11-18 yrs) with input from the Comforti Institute (Scotland).  There will be initiatives here in the parish from next September and we shall need leaders (information in due course). Please start thinking about this because we are losing this age group in droves.



Mass here in church with St James’ School (KS1) at 9.30am.


Reflections on the Holy Land

Fr. Bryan and Teresa share their recent experience of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (8pm).



Eucharistic Ministers (home visitors) meeting in the meeting room at 10am. (About 30 mins.)



Knights of St Columba Open evening.  All welcome (hall, from 7pm)


Next Sunday is the solemnity of Pentecost.  Come to Mass in fiery colours!!


Second Collection  -for our Maintenance and Refurbishment Fund.


World Youth Day:

Pope Francis will be in Rio (Brazil) for World Youth Day 2013 (July16th - 30th July) and Zosia Bajorek from our parish will be going!  Please support her by buying religious icons, original artwork etc.

We also hope to sell some of this here in church in a few weeks time.




Monday May 20th

Requiem for Kathryn Renehan (37yrs) at 10am, followed by committal at Eltham crematorium. Her husband Willo (63 Kingsway) is in our prayers, as is the whole family.


Tuesday May 21st:

Requiem for Gerald Colman (93 yrs) at 11am, followed by committal at Beckenham crematorium, 12.45pm.  Our prayers are with Peggy and the family.


(There will be no 9.30am Mass on either of these days).


Wednesday June 5th:

Meeting for all readers – church, 8pm.

Meeting for parents (only) of young people in school year 8 (hall, 7.30pm - We should like to outline plans for confirmation in May, 2014.).

Parish Registration Forms:

We now have a completely new form.  If you need to register (or re-register if your details have changed) please take a form from the carousel in the porch and return to presbytery asap.  Thank you.


It is hoped that all parishioners will give regularly to the parish, and if they are UK tax payers, through the Gift Aid Scheme.  It is so simple but benefits us enormously as a parish.  For every pound you give, the parish receives another 25p from HMRC. Forms are available in the carousel in the porch.  Please complete and return to the presbytery marked ‘for the attention of Geoff Ford’.  Many thanks to parishioners who have joined the scheme recently.


Come in to the hall after the 9.15 or 11 am Masses for refreshments and a chat.  We are a community and need to know each other. So come on in, even if you do not usually do so..........The bar is also open after the 11am Mass.

Finally, First Communion items will be on sale this weekend in the hall after the 9.15 and 11 am Masses.


And now we take up the journey.....a journey of fraternity, of love, of trust among us.

Let us always pray for one another.’

(Pope Francis, elected 266th successor to St. Peter, 13th March, 2013).


Fr. Bryan.


The LiveSimply prayer

Compassionate and loving God,

you created the world for us all to share,

a world of beauty and plenty.

Create in us a desire to live simply,

so that our lives may reflect your generosity.

Creator God,

You gave us responsibility for the earth,

a world of riches and delight.

Create in us a desire to live sustainably,

so that those who follow after us

may enjoy the fruits of your creation.

God of peace and justice,

You give us the capacity to change,

to bring about a world that mirrors your wisdom.

Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,

so that the pillars of injustice crumble

and those now crushed are set free.


Linda Jones / CAFOD