Thank you for your offerings of £1429.53 (29/3), £3757.44 (5/4) and £678.25 for the Holy Places.  Mass attendances were 734 (29/3) and 983 (5/4).




Second Sunday of Easter


6pm Saturday  Margaret Thompson


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am Peter Keen RIP (Barradell Family)





Feria / St Martin I, Pope & Martyr


9.30am  Hugh & Mary O’Donnell RIP (Deirdre Marshall)


Tuesday 14/4/15



9.30am Mrs Bridie Ryan RIP (Hansbury & Harrison Family)






9.30am Christine & John Dobson (M Howell)






9.30pm Peter Keen RIP (Howell Family)






9.30am Marjorie Ingledew RIP (Mary Ingledew)




6pm Vigil Mass


Mary Webb RIP




Third Sunday of Easter


9.15am Deceased members of the Kelly family (M T Kelly)


11.00am  People of the Parish


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Looking Through The Lens of The Gospel

John 20:19-31

‘Peace be with you’ was the greeting of Jesus on meeting his frightened apostles. Who has come to you bringing peace at times when you were frightened? For whom have you been an agent of peace?

Thomas, doubting and questioning, is possibly a person with whom we can identify. What part have doubting and questioning played on your faith journey? How has your faith been strengthened by such moments?

Note the way Jesus dealt with Thomas. He did not give out because he doubted. He took him where he was and led him along to see the truth of his resurrection. Who has been that kind of a teacher for you, gently taking you where you were and leading you on to a deeper knowledge of some truth about life? For whom have you been that kind of teacher?

‘Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed’. That requires great trust. Perhaps you have had the experience of being trusted without having had to prove every step along the way. What was it like to be trusted in that way? Who have you been able to trust in a similar manner?

Holy Week & Easter 2015

The Holy Father and others have been drawing the attention of the world to the fact that many tens of thousands of Christians are suffering dreadful persecution and discrimination, and have been doing so for many years.

We, for our part have celebrated Holy Week and Easter wonderfully, joyfully in peace and freedom.  We ought to be most grateful for that.  Many and heartfelt thanks must go to those members of our parish community who have helped so generously with the gifts of their talents and time to lead us in the Great Liturgy of Holy Week and Easter.

Servers, Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Singers and Instrumentalists, Florists, cleaners...and above all, a wonderfully responsive, numerous community: All Magnificent!  Taken together you have constituted a really joyful blessing to your parish and our visitors, many of whom had deservedly complimentary things to say about it all.  So, Very Many Thanks and ‘Well Done!’ to everyone.  And very many thanks for your very generous Easter offerings.  Fr Tom.

But!  It remains fitting that we continue to remember and pray for our fellow Christians across the globe whose lives remain under threat and for whom the Way of The Cross is all too real because they live their faith and long to be able to celebrate it freely as we can.  So, while giving God thanks for our many blessings, we ought to continue praying for peace and goodwill towards those now suffering for our Common Christian Faith.

Second Collection

Will be held next Sunday for St George’s Cathedral.

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome Jessica, Alexandra and Daniel Boyle.  We also welcome Sigrid Wahlkvist and also Martin Gregory who was received into Full Communion on Easter Monday.

Reminders - Church Cleaning!

Saturday 18th April:  Year 3 Parents – Holy Communion Group 1

Saturday 25th April:  CWL

First Holy Communion 2015

Upcoming Sessions 4.30-5.45pm

Saturday 18th April:  Children only

Saturday 25th April:  Children only

Confirmation 2015

The next meeting will be a trip to Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 18th April.  Confirmation candidates will meet at Petts Wood Station at 4.30pm. 

Dad & Me Group

Will meet next Saturday 18th April from 10.00–11.30am in the Social Centre.

Farewell Drinks

Since I’ll be leaving on Sunday 19th April, the 11.00 Mass will be my last here at St James.  There will be drinks and snacks in the Social Centre after that Mass.  I do hope you’ll come in for a drink and to say goodbye.  Fr Tom.

St Georges Cockney Social Evening

The Knights of St. Columba are holding a social evening on Saturday 25th April in the Social Centre in aid of the church development fund.  £8 per ticket, £15 Family tickets.  Pie, Mash and Mushy Peas will be served. See Frank, Terry or Parish Office for tickets....Tickets selling fast.......

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

The Southwark Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes will be take place on 21st – 28th August 2015.  Cost will be £770 by air and £705 by train.  If you are interested please contact Canon Edward Perara Tel:  020 8399 9500.  More details are available from poster in Church Porch

Common Objections to Catholicism

A series of talks addressing popular objection to and misconceptions about the Catholic faith, and how to answer them are being held at the Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, London SE1 7HR.  More details regarding the times, dates and subject matter are available on the poster in the Church Porch.

Find out more about CAFOD and how you can help

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development?  Come to our Understanding CAFOD workshop Saturday 25th April, 11:30am – 3:30pm at St Stephen’s Catholic Church, Welling DA16 3QL.  You will find out about CAFOD’s basis in scripture and Catholic social teaching, how we work overseas and choose our partners and how you can help by volunteering here in your own community.  For more information or to book a place please contact CAFOD Southwark on 020 8466 9901 or


Just a reminder that there is a box at the back of the church for any donations to the foodbank. This is for anyone who might want to contribute more regularly. The items are collected weekly

Plant sale

(Flowers and veg) in aid of Zambuko House on 6th & 7th June.  If you are tidying the garden and have any unwanted plants please do not discard but find them a new home at the sale.  Gardening enthusiasts please pot on any excess seedlings and cuttings.  Thank you. J&P Group.


If you have any Windows 7 computers not being used and would like to donate them to a worthwhile charity could you please contact Frank Simons at or 01689 827100.  Thank you.