This weekend we remember the dead of the two world wars of the twentieth century.  Those wars increasingly recede in our memories.  Most (but not all) of us in church today will have no memory of the second world war, which ended 67 years ago.  But many of us will have had relatives who were killed in that conflict, some at a very early age.  And with love, we remember them.

However a crucial part of our remembering must be penitence.  Whatever the rights or wrongs of particular armed conflicts, the violence of war is a stark testimony to the failure of the entire human community to live with itself in peace and security.  It is a terrible example of what the Bible calls SIN.

Adam and Eve still disobey God and go their own way - and sin enters the world.

Cain still kills his brother Abel - and violence continues to disrupt the human community.

So the true spirit of Remembrance Sunday should be a recognition that ‘we are all in this together’- or as St Paul wrote in his Letter to the Romans ‘All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.’  We all have the potential for violence within us - in our attitudes, our speech and in our relationships.  We can all cause so much damage. And, if we are honest, we do.

The world (that includes you and me) needs to be ‘redeemed’.  There is something very wrong or distorted about our lives, and the life of the world.  As Catholics we believe that God has given the world (and us) just what it needs.  Actually, just who it needs.  The God-Man who is able to heal, forgive and restore all that is wrong with us. But we, of course must co-operate.

‘God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have everlasting life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world- but that the world, through him, might be saved.’ (John’s Gospel,3.16 ff).

The future of God’s world, and of the human race, must lie in inter-dependence and co-operation, not the futility and havoc of war.  And the Catholic Church has a vital role to play in this.  It is to be the ‘leaven’ in the life of the world.

“Thus the church, at once ‘a visible organization and a spiritual community’, travels the same journey as all of humanity and shares the same earthly lot with the world: it is to be a leaven and, as it were, the soul of human society in its renewal by Christ and transformation into the family of God.”  (Gaudium et Spes 40-).

Mass attendances last Sunday were 643.



Thirty Second Sunday (B)

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Oliver Groom RIP (Anniversary) (The Muzzelle Family)

11am – Stewart Stanley Lowe RIP (Teresa & Peter Lowe)


Monday 12/11/12

St Josaphat, bishop and martyr

9.30am – Mary Peachey RIP (Teresa West)





9.30am – Maurice Cantopher RIP (P. Cantopher)





9.00am – Private Intention

Mass in St James’ School





9.30am  - John Arundel RIP (Pat & Teresa Troy)





9.30am – CWL Members




Thirty Third Sunday (B)

6pm – Chris Barrett RIP (Loma Barrett & Family)

9.15am – Deceased members of Lowe & Self families. (K Self)

11am – People of the Parish



Second collection for Archbishop’s Administration Fund.  As you can imagine it costs much to run this huge Archdiocese of Southwark.


We welcome our uniformed groups to the 11am Mass.


Welcome also to any visitors.  Do come in to the adjoining hall after Mass for refreshments.



Finance committee (Presbytery.  10.30am).


Christmas Choir, first practice (for carol service on 23rd Dec. and Midnight Mass). 8.30pm -10pm.

ALL welcome but commitment over the 6 rehearsals essential!



Journey in Faith - meeting room.  8pm - Any non-Catholic warmly welcome.



Mass in St James’ School (NOT here) at 9am.

Yr 6 on ‘Remembrance’.  I do hope all the usual Wednesday congregation will be there , it is a great support to the children and to the school. Coffee in school after Mass.



First Communion – parents’ session. 

8.15pm -



Church cleaning (10am - 11 am) – parents of children in school year 6 (and this includes all schools - not just St.James’ School parents!).

Many thanks to the Reception parents for cleaning the church this weekend.


Day of Recollection for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers - Bishop. Grant School, Streatham.

List on porch table of those who are going so that car sharing can be arranged.



Mass for the Departed at 3pm. (fulfils the obligation).  Signs are that there is going to be a big take up.  Thanks to everyone who is making this happen. Tea etc in the hall after this Mass.


Please bring non-perishable food for the Orpington Foodbank next weekend (17/18th November).  See list of food types needed on the notice boards or take a flyer or look on the parish website.  Our gifts are always very much appreciated by the Foodbank volunteers.


Advance Notice:

Christmas Mini Market.  Repository items, cards, books etc…after the 9.15am and 11 am Masses on November 25th.

The day before (Sat. 24th) we sing carols at the turning on of the PW lights(4.30 - 5pm- Daylight Inn side).  Please come and sing - we need hundreds of singers!!


School registration – no more registration.  Many thanks to parents who have so willingly co-operated.  For those applying to church schools – your SIF form must be returned to me by Wednesday December 5th at the latest.


Financial Giving to the parish.

If you are a UK taxpayer PLEASE give through the  Gift Aid Scheme because we can get 25p back from HMRC for every pound you give!  It costs you nothing but greatly benefits the parish (almost £20,000 in the last tax year !). Our treasurer Geoff Ford (01689-872125) will advise you.  Geoff is usually around after the 11am Mass on Sundays.)


Every blessing,


Fr Bryan.