Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,496.  Mass attendance 686.


10th March


(Saturday Vigil)



Fourth Sunday Of Lent


6pm           Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)

Sunday 11th March

9.15am      Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am         People of The Parish


Monday 12th March



9.30am      Jimmie & Mary O’Connor


Tuesday 13th March



9.30am      James Mulroy (G Mulroy)


Wednesday 14th March





(Please note change of time)



Mass at St James’ School

Year 4 Mass – All Welcome


9am           John McDevitt RIP (Bunnage Family)



10.45am    Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 15th March



9.30am      Tom Duffey RIP (T Forde)

Friday 16th March



9.30am      Fr David Camilleri


17th March


(Saturday Vigil)


Fifth Sunday of Lent


6pm           Dorota Krotoff RIP & Danuta Kukula RIP (S Kukula)


Sunday 18th March


9.15am            Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am         People of The Parish




Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea are served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collection

Next week’s second collection is for the Parish Maintenance Fund also the new boxes of gift aid envelopes will be available for collection.  Please take your box.

Fr David writes…

We have an intrinsic desire to love and be loved.  I truly believe that the deepest wound that anyone can possess is the one of feeling unlovable – believing that you are intrinsically damaged.  In today’s world, the real spiritual pain around is to live a life encumbered by baggage from the past.  Carrying stuff that we feel we cannot even forgive ourselves for.  We try to numb the pain of guilt and shame by escaping into frantic lives of activism or addiction.  We live a life in the dark.  What can we do with all this baggage inside of us?  Stopping or being in silence means coming face to face with our true selves resulting in self-loathing.  We start to blame ourselves for our fate, misfortunes and past.  With blame comes anger.  And when anger sets in, it can easily move into depression.  This is when darkness sets in.  And seeing no way out – pushes us into despair.  We can live an existence in existential malaise.

The worst thing we can do in these circumstances is to isolate ourselves.  This can actually be dangerous.  And yet it is easy to fall into this temptation because in these moments, our focus turns inward, leaving us no energy to look outside of ourselves and reach out for help.  Our salvation comes in the form of a very loving person who tries to penetrate the thick shell that we build around us to protect and punish ourselves at the same time.  And yet only the gift of the realisation of being loved, with our warts and all, will free us from our primeval wound of self-rejection.  The gift of a person in our lives who can see us as we are, who has the ability to see through our masks that we create and yet deeply love us, is the greatest gift of all.  On the other hand, our greatest fear is that if people really see through us, and really get too close to really know us, they would reject us.  So we prefer to live our lives harbouring secrets and guarding ourselves against self-disclosure.  We waste so much time rejecting love from others.  However it is only true unconditional love that really can heal and liberate us.  Once we risk opening ourselves to be loved, we are transformed into light.

In today’s gospel a Pharisee Nicodemus goes to talk to Jesus in the night.  Only John the Evangelist speaks of Nicodemus who is a distinguished character among the Pharisees.  He was perhaps a member of the great Sanhedrin, who, taking advantage of the darkness and silence of the night goes to Jesus, not to be seen by his colleagues.  He goes to Jesus in secret.  Nicodemus is in search of light and intuits that Jesus, the young Rabbi, could give it to him.  In his encounter with Nicodemus, Jesus challenges him and us, to rethink our understanding and image of God.  Jesus reveals a much bigger God than we can imagine.  A God who does not condemn but loves, who does not punish but lifts up.  Who does not destroy but reconciles.  God is not about death but about life.  God’s Son comes as a Light and Healer to enable us to realise and experience the great love and mercy of God.  God so much loves us that, by his grace, he recreates our darkest nights into the morning light of hope.  In reality encountering Jesus, like Nicodemus, is the only way how we can feel reconciled with ourselves, others and God.  Some of us might be carrying baggage from the past.  We might also be engulfed by shame and guilt.  For many years our soul seems to be starved for some air.  How can one encounter this God who does not condemn but loves us as we are?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation which seems to have lost a lot of its appeal in today’s world is one way of encountering this God of life who is yearning to liberate us from our shame and guilt and invites us to new life.  Most of us would have difficulty in imagining ourselves as God’s work of art.  It takes less effort to see ourselves as God’s mistakes.  It is Gospel that we were created in God’s love, that we are God’s work of art.  We need to start imagining ourselves as God see us.  If only more people would experience this reality.  We would not need to always resort to medication.  Lent gives us the opportunity to reflect again about the task of restoration and allow God to bring out the best of us.  Like all restorers, God needs light to work.  We should trust God’s good intentions and come out where we can be seen.  Who knows, we might even begin to value God’s work ourselves.  And if that happened, we might see more of God’s art in other people.  Healing happens when we allow ourselves to be touched by God’s mercy.  I would like to encourage you to seek an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent.  There is actually an opportunity for you if you wish, to come to St James’ on Monday evening at 7.30pm to the Lenten Reconciliation Service.  There will be different priests to go to.  It is an opportunity for us to encounter this God of mercy as a community and individuals, who is yearning to liberate us from our guilt and shame and restore us into life again.  I pray that you will risk allowing him to do this in you.  God’s continual blessings on your Lenten Journey!

The Sign of Peace During Mass

As we are in the middle of winter, and flu and cold viruses are currently very active, it will be perfectly ok (and probably much wiser!) for the time being to offer each other 'the Sign of Peace’ at Mass by simply nodding and smiling to those near you but without shaking hands.  This will hopefully help our parish community to maintain good health, as far as possible, so thank you for your cooperation.

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

The next surgery will be on Wednesday the 14th March 2018.  Fr David will be available at 281A Crescent Drive from 5.00-7.00pm and no appointment is necessary.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

This takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30–9.00pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Mass in celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage

St George’s Cathedral 16th June 2018.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th+ wedding anniversary this year and would like to attend the Mass then please give your names as soon as possible.  Forms can be found at the back of the church.

Easter Choir (children)

We are still looking for singers and musicians (violin, cello, recorder, guitar) for the children's Easter choir on 1st April at the 9.15am Mass.   There will be 2 rehearsals on Sundays (March 11, 25) from 5-6pm in the main church.  If your child is aged 6-13 and would enjoy being part of this choir, please email your interest to  We look forward to enhancing this liturgical service with the talented children in our parish.

Evangelisation Pillar

Lenten Programme

Stations of the Cross

Every Sunday in Lent at 4.00pm.

Lenten Reconciliation Service

Monday 12th March at 7.30pm.

Re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross – Palm Sunday

A Re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross for the whole family is being produced on Sunday the 25th March at 4.00pm – Palm Sunday.  We are looking for Actors and Readers.  All the family may take part in this Devotion.  There will be two rehearsals:

·         Saturday the 24th March at 3pm – 4pm

·         Sunday the 25th March at 2pm – 3pm.

Come and experience the passion and death of Christ by being part of the Greatest Story ever told.

Parish one day retreat at Worth Abbey

This event is now full.


Polish traditional blessing of Easter Baskets

Easter Saturday, 31st March, 11am -  Please join us in continuing to celebrate this colourful and engaging tradition by bringing your own “Święconka” to St James’ for a short (15-20 min) blessing service.  Blessing will be done in Polish and English.  All very welcome.

Social Pillar

Wednesday Morning Coffee

We are in urgent need for new people to go onto the Wednesday morning coffee rota.  If you are interested, please contact the parish office.

Dad and Me

The next meeting of Dad and Me will be held at the community centre on Saturday 17th March at 10am – 11.30am.

Filipino Fiesta

The J&P Group is delighted to announce that the Fiesta, held on Sunday 4th March in the Community Centre, was a great success, raising £2,091 for St Catherine’s in the Philippines.  Thanks to everyone involved in organising, cooking, serving, entertaining, clearing up, and of course to the 100+ guests who made the atmosphere so memorable.  Special thanks to Marcy Garcia and her hard working team of Filipino friends who gave us such a wonderful glimpse of their culture and joy of life.  £1,000 of the total was donated by Marcy’s employer Concerto Partners, as part of their community involvement policy, and we are very grateful to them.

Youth Pillar

St James’ Youth Group

The next Junior Youth Group will be held on Saturday 17th March in the Community centre from Noon to 2pm.  £1.50 per session - which includes lunch.

Careers Fair

As part of the CYM programme for this year, we are currently planning a Careers Fair for young people on Saturday 21st April from 10.30-2.30pm here at St James’.

The aim of this event is to assist and equip young people in making decisions regarding their future and to provide information and guidance on a range of opportunities available to them, such as:

·                Interview skills training

·                CV assistance and advice

·                Peer Ministry & GAP year opportunities

·                Vocations advice

·                Modern day apprenticeships

·                Information stands:

-                 NHS

-                 Teaching

-                 Armed Forces

·                Workshop talks/ Q&A re: pursuing faith at University, advice and guidance for parents


We would be very grateful for any help on the day and particularly with interview training, CV writing or general advice regarding any of the opportunities or industries listed above.  If you would like to become involved or know of individuals who may have key experience or core skills to share please get in touch.   All suggestions, comments and ideas regarding the plan for this event are welcome and encouraged.  Please contact Susan Longhurst on  Thank you.

The Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Wednesday 14th March at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  You may raise any relevant issue using the PPC mailbox which is

200 Club

Firstly, thank you so much for joining the 200 Club which has proved to be a great success in the past year with over £6000 being raised for Church funds.

We now have 181 members and since April last year there have been 39 winners, one parishioner winning twice, two winning £500 each in the Summer and Christmas draws.

The new year starts on 1st April with the first draw taking place on the 2nd Sunday of each month.  As many of you paid by cheque last year and assuming you wish to continue paying this way I shall be grateful if you will send a cheque for £60 payable to St James 200 Club for the attention of Ken Evans at the Parish Office – 281A Crescent Drive, Petts Wood.  BR5 1AY.

If, however you wish to pay by standing order at £5 per month (payable on the 1st of the month) please contact Ken Evans.

I do hope you will continue to support this excellent fund-raising initiative and thank you again for your generous support.

Justice & Peace

Foodbank – change to requirements

The Foodbank has at last run out of soup!  So tinned soup is now back on the list of requirements, but incredibly they still don’t need pasta or baked beans.  Other items needed are tinned potatoes, long life milk and fruit juice, rice, pulses, shampoo and toothbrushes.  Thanks to our contributors, we have delivered an average of 35kg to the Foodbank each week this year so far.

Polite Reminder

The Parish disabled parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders only.

Pastoral Pillar

Helplines and Counselling Services

As part of our care for the community a list of helplines and counselling services has now been added to the parish website and also, placed in the porch.  The purpose of this is to give contact details of various organisations which can provide help in difficult times thereby enabling people to seek privately the information and support they may need.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·         Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas: Thank you for helping.

Saturday 17th March 2018


Cleaning the Church


A Haylock, A Crosland, G MacManus, K Evans



Wednesday Coffee

21st March

Volunteers needed


18th March 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


L Ruber

C Cook

L Thomas

S Ingle

J Ingle


A Prifti

J Wedderspoon

S Cotta

B Cotta

Z Bajorek

R Del Guercio


Ministers of Holy Communion

P Driscoll

R Wright

A Guyton

P Cantopher

J Gribben

B Cotta

B D’Arcy

T Forde

M Smith

M Howell

V Terry

N Longhurst

T Willard

R Mwansa

K Chan



F Simon, B Fleeman, P Troy




L Lynch

S Barradell

M Harrington

S Paris

R Scott


Altar Servers

A Lynch, P Marshall



P Benson, N Longhurst