Mass attendances last Sunday were 738.



Third Sunday of Lent (B)

6pm – Private Intention

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Francis Fernandes RIP (Fernandes Family)





9.30am – Edith May George RIP (George Family)





9.30am – Mgr. John Elliott RIP (Teresa & David West)





9.30am – Florence Angel RIP (T. Forde)





9.30am – Stuart Lowe RIP (Howell Family)





9.30am – Joan Crosland (Crosland Family)




Fourth Sunday of Lent (B)

6pm – Pat & Lily Foy RIP (Melling)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Cathleen Benson RIP (F & S Simon)



The Ten Commandments are the theme of today’s O.T. reading.  Out of date? I don’t think so.  Jesus did not abolish them, but came to fulfill them.  So today we need to examine our consciences as we approach mid-Lent- and resolve to make a good confession before Easter.

This coming Thursday at 7pm there will be at least three priests here to hear confessions- not a penitential service this year- just individual confessions, with quiet background music. So you can come along any time between 7 and 8, choose your priest, and choose your venue! (in the ‘box’ or more informally).


The First Communion children will all be making their first confessions this week (Mon and Weds at 6.30pm.) Let’s set them a wonderful example by making our confession.  Do not be anxious if you have let confession ‘slip’- you will be given a warm welcome.

Jesus knows what is in our hearts (end of today’s gospel).  In a way our words are superfluous. It is the right disposition that matters.


Today (Sunday) we welcome our confirmation candidates and also our uniformed organisations (11 am).  Please try and action the following TODAY! :-


A) Second collection for the Maintenance and Refurbishment Fund.  We shall be going ahead and re-roofing the Social centre in July/August.  At present rates we shall be about £10,000 short of our target (of £120,000)- so please give generously and Gift Aid every penny!  -thank you.

B) Table sale of seasonal items (proceeds to Maintenance Fund) in Social Centre after 9.15am and 11am.  Again, please support.

C) Archbishop’s letter on behalf of all the bishops of England and Wales in the light of the forthcoming consultation by the Government on changing the legal definition of marriage. You are invited to sign the on-line petition (Marriage Coalition) supporting the present definition, which is in accord with church teaching.  Also paper petition in porch.

D) Thirst For Change. Please take this CAFOD card and fill it in and pop it in the box in the porch. Your cards will eventually reach the Prime Minister who (hopefully) will bring some pressure (he will be president of the G8 in 2013).  It is a sin that millions of human beings- our brothers and sisters- have no access to clean water.

(Thank you for your magnificent response to CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day. With Gift Aid, and the government’s match-funding you have supported CAFOD to the tune of £6,300!!  I know it’s Lent but I think the parish can be proud of itself.)

E) Save Linda Carty.  Linda is a grandmother and has been on death row in Texas since 2002.  She is a practising Catholic.  Her story is unbelievably sad, Please try and save her by going on and/or write a letter of support : Linda Carty, 999406, Mountainview Unit, 2305,Ransom Road, Gatesville,Texas 76528 USA. (You must include your address).  Full story in Faith Alive (March)(in porch.)

F) Stainer’s Crucifixion – performance in two weeks time (Sunday March 25th) at 7.30pm.  A beautiful musical meditation on the death of Our Lord- tickets (£5) from the repository.  Come and support both the Marie Curie Cancer Fund, and also the 70 or so singers, drawn from all our churches.

G) Passover Supper (Wednesday March 21st at 7.30pm). We must know numbers today so please sign up. Flyers in porch. Not just first timers (!) – all most welcome.

…..phew – and that’s just Sunday.........!


First Confessions at 6.30pm.

Pastoral and Advisory Team.  7.45pm, presbytery (see their photos in the porch!)



Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions after Mass (10-10.30am).


Film – ‘Shadowlands’ – starring Anthony Hopkins – the true and moving story of C.S.Lewis (author of Tales of Narnia, Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, etc....) his conversion and marriage.  At Christ Church, Willett Way at 7.30pm. All most welcome.



Divine Justice- a Jewish Perspective. Talk by Rabbi David Katanka- 8pm at Holy Innocents, Orpington. The third of 4 Lenten talks on Social Justice. Highly recommended. (chaired by Clifford Longley).



First Confessions at

Holy Week choir practice at 8pm.

Journey in Faith at



Confessions heard 7-8pm (with visiting priests).



Confessions heard at 6.30pm- Stations of the Cross at



Confirmation (young people) trip to the Friars, Aylesford. Meet at church 9.45am.


Next Sunday is Lent 4 (mid-Lent) and Mothering Sunday.

Petts Wood Playgroup for Children with Special Needs urgently need more volunteer helpers. Are you patient, enthusiastic and caring? Great! - please ring Mrs Simpson (leader) on 01689 872053 or Madeleine on 020 8467 3013. (Sessions are Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30, in Christ Church hall, Willett Way.) This well established group does fantastic work with children- do help if you possibly can. (one or two days would be acceptable).


Church cleaning and preparation for Holy Week and Easter-Saturday March 31st- 10am-12 noon.  Could we have lots of hands on deck- please don’t leave it to ‘the others’ (!)


Parish Forum-Wednesday March 28th- to receive the accounts for 2011, and answer questions- and also report on the parish and future plans. Please come (8pm) this is your parish!


Briefly (this publication) is always online- together with constant updates about the parish- do look sometimes.  Also please make sure you are correctly registered with the parish (forms in porch)-it makes communication so much easier.


Only Human’ – a poem by Ann Lewin.


‘You must be perfect’ awoke

Echoes from somewhere-

‘Be a good girl, or else...’

And once again I thought

‘I’ll never manage it.’


But does perfection come

Through striving to attain

Imposed, impossible standards,

Hard-edged flawlessness?


Deep down I feel

The opposite is true:

Perfection comes

Through gentleness,

Loving hurts to wholeness,

Growing to be at ease

With self and God.


Every blessing, Fr Bryan