Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,594.  Mass attendance 619.


Sunday 11th June

(Saturday Vigil)

The Most Holy Trinity


6pm Tom Hughes RIP (P Cantopher)




9.15am Darrell D’Silva RIP (N&J D’Silva)


11am Francesca Sio RIP (J&L Sio)


Monday 12th June



9.30am Brigit Donovan RIP (M Ramadan)


Tuesday 13th June

St Anthony of Padua


9.30am Chris Gilroy (C&D Hairs)


Wednesday 14th June



9.30am George Chavannes RIP (E Chavannes)



10.45am Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 15th June

(Please note change of time)



10am Requiem Mass for Mr Paul Robinson

Friday 16th June



9.30am Maria Ane Pontes RIP (D Delf)


Sunday 18th June


(Saturday Vigil)

The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ


6pm William Ashton RIP (K Griffin)


9.15am People Of The Parish


11am Bridget & Stanley Simmons RIP (Simmons Family)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Offertory collections

The second collection next week will be for The Catholic Trust for England and Wales.  This fund supports the activities of the Bishops’ Conference and helps pay for the administration of the Church in this country”.  There is a special envelope in the Gift Aid boxes.  Next week’s second collection will be for the Parish Maintenance Fund.

Fr David writes…

There is nothing worse for any relationship to keep it alive and remain fresh than predictability.  Once we stop being curious about what makes the other tick and start enclosing each other in predictable categories of being and behaviour, we stop our soul from being surprised.  I know that realistically, being in a relationship for a substantial length of time somehow diminishes the excitement of wanting to know more about the other person.  We tend to fall into the dreaded routine of life and our priorities somehow change as we find ourselves responding to demands and pressures of life: be them the holding of a stressful job in order to maintain a certain level of lifestyle or else the re-focussing of our priorities in respect to the upbringing of children.  These are some of the realities that affect any relationship.

It demands discipline and skill to maintain freshness in any relationship as one tries to balance all the different facets of contemporary life.  Some couples I know speak to me that in order to succeed in maintaining the freshness in their relationship, they had to set aside consciously quality time for them as a couple during the week.  For example they try their best to keep an evening in the week apart to do something special for themselves as a couple.  This is not always possible for all couples for a number of reasons.  In saying this, if couples do not try to consciously make time for quality time for themselves, they can easily fall into the temptation of predictability.  They would start to believe that they know each other.  And they start to take each other for granted.  Healthy Love between adults demands of each to keep in growing as individuals first.  At every stage of life, we need to surprise ourselves first and foremost by pushing our comfort zones and giving ourselves permission to question and explore different ways of being.  Questioning the meaning of life – existential questions help us to keep our soul awake.  The exploration of new ways of being keeps us awakened.  In order to experience unity in a relationship, one needs to appreciate separateness.  Growing as individuals will help us appreciate the enrichment which the other brings into the relationship.

Love is a paradox and mystery.  Celebrating the feast of the Trinity enables us first of all to reflect on our image of God.  Our image of God is created in time from what we had been taught by our families, our cultures and our experiences in life.  Sometimes our image of God is the one we had constructed at the time of our first Holy Communion classes.  At times, we did not allow ourselves permission to question enough and thus grow in our understanding of the sacred.  We are stuck in a little box we had constructed for God.  It is amazing sometimes when I meet people who seem to have a full knowledge and understanding of their God.  They feel that their faith is very strong.  However, their understanding of God is very black and white and there seems to be little space for mystery.  This construct of God in their own image is very convenient for them.  Unconsciously or consciously, they feel that they have conquered God and that God is under their control.  Whereas in reality it is the other way round.  They are frightened to allow God to be God.  In this case God becomes very small and predictable.  On account of this, the relationship with God loses the freshness and the mystery.  As in any relationship, we need to remain curious about God to keep the relationship alive and new.  In this case our spiritual life remains exciting.  One important question that I dare to ask myself is “How big is your God?”  The larger God is, the more we allow God to surprise us.  The Trinity reminds us of this reality.  At times, instead of trying to rationalise about God and also trying to defend him, it is better to stop and fall on our knees and experience and allow ourselves to receive in the presence of the Mystery of God.  Another important aspect of the Trinity is the concept that although they are three persons, they are one God.  The only way how we can start appreciating this concept is to believe that Union has the quality of another paradox – unity and separateness are one.  Let us spend some quality time in silence this weekend as we bask in God’s presence of love.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 13th June between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Children’s Liturgy Cancelled on 25th June

We apologise there will not be a children’s liturgy session on 25th June due to the Community Centre being used for setting up for the Holy Communion breakfast.

First Holy Communion

This weekend the following children will be receiving their First Holy Communion.  Please keep them and their families in your prayers.

Daniel Amor

Sophia Augustyn

Florence Bates

Zach Boot-Handford

Jonathan Brookes

George Burchill

Nathan Cracknell

Daniel Boyle

Freddie Draper

Katie Eldridge

Louise Henderson

Bailey Lane

Jude Lench

Thomas Rawlinson

Thomas Smith

Isabella Steadman

Rebecca Wells

James Wright

Pastoral Care Pillar

Service of Remembrance for Bereaved Parents

Losing a baby or child is one of the most painful experiences anyone may ever have to face.  On Sunday 25th June you are warmly invited to a Service of Remembrance for Bereaved Parents.  It will take place at 4pm in St James' Community Centre and family and friends are also very welcome.  The service will be a time of music, prayer, poetry and reflection.  We do hope you will be able to stay afterwards for refreshments.

Francesca Sio

On 1 April, Francesca Sio a 3 year old parishioner died suddenly, after being sent home from the A&E, for having constipation 3 days earlier.  Due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding her death and the way in which such tragic events are covered for under the UK law, the family now have to raise funds to be able to undertake the painful judicial process of finding out what happened and what might have been done differently to save her.  Please see the web link below if you can help and/or would like to find out a bit more about their cause

Youth Pillar

St John Bosco Children’s (SVP) Summer Camp at Aldham Essex

This is an activities camp with a Catholic ethos that runs as follows:

·         Week One Saturday 22nd July to 29th July for Boys

·         Week Two Saturday 29th July to 5th August for Boys

·         Week Three Saturday 5th August to 12th August for Girls.

It is for children aged 8 to 13 and costs £145 per week.  Should you require an application form or more information then please contact (between 6pm and 9pm) the boys’ camp on 07534 065347 or the girls’ camp on 07491 811167.  More information can be found on the website or on the poster at the back of the church.

Brightlights Festival

is an annual event for Catholic young adults (ages 16-30) taking place June 23rd – 26th in the beautiful grounds of Alton Castle in Staffordshire.  Come and join us for a weekend of live music from artists including One Hope Project, Guvna B & Written In Kings.  To journey together in Faith through liturgy & worship and to hear stimulating input about the possibilities of living life: UNLIMITED.  To find out more information or book tickets, visit our website:, call 0300 075 0115 or find us on social media: T/FB/IG: BLFestival

Parish Life……

The Parish AGM – Thursday 22nd June

You will have seen over the last few weeks that the Parish AGM is scheduled to be held on Thursday 22nd June at 8pm in the Community Centre.  Fr David has invited all of our parish groups to make a presentation so this should be a really interesting evening!

So, would all of the parish groups who are planning to make a presentation please let the parish office know by email, no later than Tuesday 13th June, so that we can work out the timings for the evening’s Agenda?  Please would you also let the office know whether you will be using your own PowerPoint presentation or notes?

St James the Great Feast Day and Fr David’s Silver Anniversary Celebration

On the 9th July at 11.00am, we are celebrating our patron St James the Great’s Feast Day.  We are also celebrating Fr David’s 25th Anniversary of his ordination.  For this reason, you are all invited to join us afterwards for the Annual Fun Run and Garden Party.  Let this be a celebration for the whole community.

Save the date – Senior Citizens’ Lunch

16th July at 1pm in the Community Centre.  More details to follow.

CWL Teddy Bears’ Picnic

If you go down to St James’ today, you’re sure of a big surprise…


Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Friday 30th June 3:00pm

Parish Garden*, St James’ RC Church, Petts Wood

£3 adults (includes a drink and a cake)

£1 child (please bring your teddy); Teddy Bears free!


Raising money for CWL Charities

* If the weather is poor the event will be held in the Community Centre

Justice & Peace Group

Bromley Foodbank requests

The list of priority foods and household goods is: toilet rolls, tinned tomatoes, long life fruit juice, tinned potatoes, desserts (sponge puddings, jellies, instant whips), UHT milk, men's razors and shaving foam.  Please make sure milk and juices are long life.  Thank you to all those who continue to respond so generously.  If you shop at a Tesco store in Bromley Borough please look out for the tokens given at the checkout desk.  Tesco makes a donation to local charities from the proceeds of their plastic bag sales.  Please vote for the Foodbank by putting your token in that box.

Communications Pillar

Mass Intentions

Please note that, due to high demand, mass intentions for services up to and including August 2017 are fully booked.  Please bear this in mind when filing your mass intentions, and try to give the office as much lead in time as possible to help ensure you get the dates you would like.

Clergy Support Fund Campaign

Thank you to all parishioners who supported the Diocesan-wide Campaign to raise support for our sick and retired clergy.  Our parish has raised £33,142 for this special cause.  During the last few years, many parishioners expressed appreciation for particular priests who have had a positive influence in their lives, and have enquired about the possibility of leaving a gift in their Will to the Campaign.  If this is a cause that resonates with you and you would like to find a way of thanking our retired priests for their service to our community, please consider picking up an introductory leaflet from the porch today.  Thank You.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

18th June


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


M Walters


F Mace

M Cooper

K Edwards



M O’Mahony

K Salter

C D’Souza

C Hairs

R Del Guercio

D Ducat


Ministers of Holy Communion

T Babb

B Babb

R Wright

A Guyton

P Cantopher

T Forde

D Hairs

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

K Evans

A Evans

P May

S Ingle

R Del Guercio




L Lynch

S Barradell

P Flockhart

A Huntington

S Ingle



O Clutton, A Barradell, M Horner



P Cosgrave, P Dabrowski


Saturday 17th June

Cleaning the Church

A Haylock, A Crosland, G MacManus, K Evans