Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,479.  Mass attendance 662.


Sunday 10th September


(Saturday Vigil)

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         People Of The Parish




9.15am    Francesca M Sio RIP (J&L Sio)

                 Dr Margaret Evelyn Ledger RIP


11am       Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)


Monday 11th September



9.30am    Gerard Ussher-Smith RIP (M Kelly)


Tuesday 12th September



9.30am    Jimmie & Nora Dee (O’Leary Family)


Wednesday 13th September

Saint John Chrysostom


9.30am    Jimmie & Mary O’Connor


Whole School Mass


10.45am  Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 14th September

The Exaltation of The Holy Cross


9.30am    Dennis Nelligan RIP (F Simon)


Friday 15th September

Our Lady of Sorrows


9.30am    Thanksgiving (Maria Holloway)


Sunday 17th September


(Saturday Vigil)

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         Patrick Meehan RIP (Meehan Family)




9.15am    People Of The Parish


11am       Terence Quinlan RIP (E Quinlan)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Second Collection

This week’s second collection will be for the Maintenance Fund.

Next week’s (Sun 17th Sept) there is a 2nd collection for Home Mission which “provides the bishops with resources to spread the gospel in our own country”.

Fr David writes…

As human beings, we do hurt one another.  Sometimes unknowingly – other times knowingly.  We are not perfect and so we do rub each other up the wrong way.  The question is what do we do with the hurt.  Some of us, because of our personality or else also culturally, we are not given permission to make use of confrontation.  For this reason, some of us exercise passive aggression as a way of dealing with the pain of the hurt.  This means giving the silent treatment.  There are couples living together who live together and instead of confronting, they stop talking to one another.  They do this to punish.  This obviously creates a lot of tension for the whole family.  Other people deal with being hurt by allowing it to fester.  I know of people who cannot forgive something that had been done to them ages ago.  And the way they deal with it is keeping distance from the other.  They also find themselves talking about the other person to others.  In this way, although they stop talking to the one who had inflicted the pain, they still give them a lot of power.  The other inhibits their mind even from a distance.  There is no resolution of the problem in either of these instances.  Unfortunately a lot of us do live with unresolved issues with our families or friends or members of our parish.  Once we do not confront, the issue magnifies itself.  The longer we leave it, the more difficult it becomes to reconcile.  An unresolved issue between two people in a family or in a community does not affect only the people involved but it also affects the whole system being family or community.  It becomes toxic and dysfunctional.  Something needs to be done in order that healing happens.

In a Christian community like a parish – hurts do happen also.  If they are not dealt with appropriately and in a mature way, they can hinder both the mission of the parish and also the atmosphere within the community.  If the hurt is not addressed, it can fester.  We lose sight of why we are part of the community.  A compassionate community needs also to address difficult situations.  Pastorally we need to be aware of people who are hurt, listen to them with compassion but also facilitate ways how reconciliation and healing can happen.  We cannot collude with dysfunctional behaviour.  We need to encourage people within our parish if possible for healthy confrontation.

In today’s gospel, Matthew gives a setting for addressing issues and problems which arise in the life of the organised community of the local church.  The advice is straightforward: “if your brother or sister does something wrong, go and have it out with him or her alone, between your two selves”.  It counsels personal intervention and honest confrontation.  It encourages members of the Christian community to straighten things out with each other privately.  Christians are to deal with each other candidly and personally – no anonymous complaints to the authorities, no whisper campaigns.  The purpose of confronting a brother or sister is not to humiliate them but to be reconciled.  However, I do suggest that we need first to calm down and re-gather ourselves before confronting.  The hurt might create a lot of negative feelings in us and if we confront immediately we might say the wrong things and make things worse.  We need to allow the emotion to settle down a bit.  Then we need to have the courage to ask for a meeting.  This does demand courage.

Something that really helped me in my life is that when I confronted the other person, I try not to go on the defensive and start blaming.  This attitude creates a defensive approach from the other two.  It resolves nothing – actually it worsens the situation.  It’s a deadlock.  What helps is if we say – “When you said or did this, I felt so and so”.  This approach deflects from blame into ownership of feelings.  This approach will give permission to the other to clarify why she or he said or did what they did.  If private reconciliation fails, another attempt must be made by invoking the help of one or two others for mediation.  I suggest we find someone who is skilled to do so who would be unbiased.  Only when this fails, is the offended party to bring the matter to the attention of the whole community.  This must be handled with utter sensitively.

All the practical advice in the Gospel today centres on Christians taking responsibility for each other.  Belonging to a community implies being pastorally interested in the life of its members.  In good times and in bad.  Today’s gospel is challenging.  But it gives us priceless insight on how we can deal maturely and in a Christian way our differences both personally and in our community.  Let us open our hearts and ears to what Jesus is inviting us for through his readings this weekend.  Have a blessed and safe week everyone.  Please keep me in your prayers.

Drop-In” – Evening Surgeries

There will be no drop-in evening surgeries until further notice.  So if you would like to see Fr David, please email him or phone the parish office for an appointment.  Thank you.

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome, through Holy Baptism, Cameron Foley and his parents Neil and Jenna; and Leonard D’Souza and his parents Martin and Jennifer.

The Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Wednesday 20th (not 13th as advertised in the printed version of Briefly) September at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  Parishioners are very welcome to come along for the first half hour of the meeting.  Alternatively, you may raise any relevant issue using the PPC mailbox which is

One Parish Weekend, our Autumn Festival on 30th September.

Please plan to come along to our Autumn Festival on 30th September and please return your raffle tickets (and the money for them!) as soon as possible.   If you would like to help in other ways, please:

·         donate a bottle for the bottle tombola (there’s a box for this in the church porch).

·         sign up to display your national dancing skills, e.g.  Irish, Scottish, Indian, Morris Dancing and please provide your own music for this

·         sign up to cook or bake a national dish or cake.

We need to know about dancing and hot food contributions by 24th September at the latest so that we can include you in our planning.  So please fill in the forms in the church porch to let us know what you would like to do as soon as possible.  Thank you!

The Missionary sisters of St Peter Claver

will be in our Parish to sell their Mission Calendars on the weekend 23rd /24th September 2017.  Having a Mission Calendar is a way of reminding ourselves all the year round of our duty to sustain the missions by our prayer and sacrifice.  Please help the sisters generously

Mass Intentions

You can now view Mass intentions on the website.  This should enable people to see available dates.  However there are circumstances when a confirmed date has to be changed such as funerals.

For clarity a Mass offering or stipend is given for the Mass.  Suggested amounts are between £5 and £20.  You may of course offer more or less depending on your circumstances.  The money is not a payment for the Mass but your offering for your intention.  On a practical level this contributes towards the priest's income as Catholic priests receive no salary.

Steps to booking a Mass intention:

1        Check availability online or with the office.

2        Complete one of the Mass intention envelopes stating all relevant details and include your offering.  Please do not just email the office.

3        Put the completed envelope in the box at the back of the church or through the parish office door.

4        Your Mass intention will be found online the following week if it is submitted by Wednesday.

For online checks go to the parish website and select the margin menu item Masses, then click on Intentions.  Alternatively use the link

Hopefully this will make the system of booking Masses easier for all.  The PPC.

Confirmation 2018

Calling all Year Nine and above students who wish to be confirmed next year.  There is a “Come and See” meeting on Monday 6th November at 7.30pm in the Church.  This meeting is for candidates and their parents.  At the end of the meeting, packs will be distributed ready for enrolment into the programme which starts with a kick off day on Saturday 25th November.  If you intend to come to the meeting on the 6th, please let the parish office know by phone or email:   We look forward to meeting you all.  The Catechists

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Pastoral Care Pillar

Healing Mass

This will take place on Thursday 28th September at 6pm, followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.

Peace Candle in Our Lady’s Chapel

A quiet space has been set aside in Our Lady’s Chapel and a book is available for anyone who wishes to write a prayer for peace for their own personal intentions.

Social Pillar

CAFOD Southwark Pilgrimage

An afternoon to walk, pray and reflect

Join us at St Francis de Sales Church, Hartley DA3 8DW on Saturday 16 September to walk on our pilgrimage journey in the Kent countryside to pray and reflect on how energy poverty affects the poorest overseas and to inspire each other to take action to ensure that all have access to clean, safe and affordable renewable energy.

Gather at 11.45am for a simple lunch, to start a 3-4 mile pilgrimage at 12.30 pm, using pathways through woods and fields via St Mary's Fawkham and All Saints Hartley, stopping for prayer and reflection along the way.  (Transport available for the less able).  We aim to return by about 4.00 pm for tea and cake and an opportunity to attend 5.30 pm Holy Mass at St Francis de Sales.  (The nearest station is just over a mile away at Longfield, just 30 mins from London Victoria, 15 mins from Bromley South: lifts from the station can be arranged.)

It will be helpful if you can contact CAFOD Southwark to say that you will come, on 020 8466 9901 or email:

Sponsored Trek for Alzheimer's Society

Three parishioners - Rocio Blanco, Bernice Mallion and Eleanor Smith - are putting on their walking boots on 16 September to undertake a half-marathon trek through the Canterbury countryside to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society.  This is a cause very close to our hearts, having loved ones directly affected by dementia.  The charity is committed to researching the cause, cure and prevention of Alzheimer's as so little is known about it, despite it affecting ever increasing numbers of people.  If you are able to help with our fundraising we would be extremely grateful.  Please go to: or to and search "canterburyherewecome" (all one word!).  Very many thanks.

Silver Jubilee party photos

Thanks to various people, there is now a large set of photos on the parish website showing the celebration of Fr David's Silver Jubilee on 9th July.  You will also find photos and the results of the Fun Run via this link:; alternatively go to the home page and check out "Recent updates".  Roger Wright, webmaster.

Evangelisation Pillar

St James’ Parish Formation Day

You are warmly invited to join us at this forthcoming event:

Date           Saturday 23rd September 10:30am (prompt start)- around 4pm finish

Theme       A Biblical Journey through the Mass

Venue        St James’ Community Hall

Speaker     Brian Purfield (Director, Faith Formation, Mount Street Jesuit Centre)

The Mass is the centre of our faith.  We celebrate it every day.  We know all the responses.  We know all the gestures.  But do we know what it all means? In this Formation Day, we will take a tour of the liturgy and explore the biblical roots of the words and gestures in the liturgy and reflect on their profound significance.  The day will also be an excellent start to our preparation for the Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool in September 2018.

There will be four 1 hour sessions of talk/ discussion during the day.  Teas & coffee will be provided and there will be a shared community lunch.

There are around 35 places left.  So, if you wish to attend, please email Ken Chan on to reserve your place (on a first come first serve basis) or if you would like more information about the day.

Knights of St Columba

Please continue to bring in your postage stamps.  Many thanks for your continued support.

Many thanks to everyone for their generosity in last weekend’s Plant Sale.  A total of £226.53 was raised which will be donated to The Passage, a charity based in London that helps homeless people transform their lives (

Justice & Peace Group

Foodbank request this week

Custard, cold meat, (e.g.  tins of ham, spam etc.), tinned fruit and biscuits are all urgently needed.  Also still needed are: jars of pasta sauce, tinned vegetables, 'hot meat' (i.e.  tinned meat that can form the basis of a hot meal), rice pudding, tinned tomatoes, squash and UHT milk.

Befriending offenders

Have you ever considered befriending offenders in prison helping them to reconnect with the world outside? New Bridge is non judgmental, trustworthy and constantly in support of prisoners.  The charity was set up by Lord Longford and training for befrienders is provided.  A befriender can write letters, visit a prisoner and keep in contact wherever the prisoner moves.  Any prisoner who wants a befriender can write to New Bridge.  More can be learnt about the organisation via


If you have any unwanted Jam jars could you please leave them in the box in the porch.  Jam Jars ONLY please.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 16th September

Cleaning the Church

Uniformed Groups, Readers


Wednesday Coffee

13th September

Madeleine Howell


17th September


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


L Ruber

M Howell

K Drabowicz

M Cooper

K Edwards



L Rusmini

A Prifti

C Hairs

H Denham

N D’Silva

R Morrison


Ministers of Holy Communion

P Crosland

J Bajorek

H Rothon

M Cahill

C Cahill

A Hawkins

D Hairs

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

T Troy

B Bridle

A Bunnage

P Murray

V Terry





F Simon

P Dabrowski




G Brookes

D Brookes

C D’Arcy

T Lowe



F Simon, J Cosgrave