Today we celebrate Harvest and we welcome our uniformed groups (11.30am.)


October 9th is now the day we celebrate Cardinal Newman who was beatified by Pole Benedict on September 19th. Do look at the display celebrating his life. 


In today’s Gospel (the ten lepers) only one was healed – a small minority. Newman often found himself a minority of one and isolated in his thinking. It took many years for the Church to recognise his intellectual and spiritual greatness and many people say that he was the “unseen guest” at the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). Much of Newman’s thought (especially his teaching and the role of the laity) was incorporated into the documents of Vatican II.


I feel immensely privileged to minister in this parish in which you, the laity develop so many initiatives and take the lead in so many ways. I am convinced that Newman would be proud of you too.


This week

Mass attendances last Sunday were 688.





6pm – People of the Parish

10am – Mrs Martin O’Connor RIP (Ned)

11.30am – Gerald Tubridy RIP (the Tubridy family)   



We welcome through Holy Baptism: 


·         (3pm) Hayden King (8 mths), his parents Jonathan and Joanna and godparents Nicole, Adam and Darren

·         (3.45pm) Lisa Bolton (3 mths), her parents Robert and Susie and godparents Jacqueline and Clare

·         (4.30pm) Roisin Norman-Brown (14 mths) her parents Paul and Michelle and godparents Wayne and Kirstie.  


Second collection for the Needs of the Diocese; and dried and tinned food please for the Manna Centre- (in wheelie bins please) -many thanks.






9.30am – Tom Webb RIP (Ned)






9.30am –Brendan O’Gara RIP (Margaret Kelly)

7.15pm –  Mrs Jose Cassidy RIP (Mary Kelly) (7.15pm  Mass foll. by coffee in Social Centre)


8pm Evangelium – (meeting room). Still room for more! Any non- Catholic warmly welcome (ends 9.15pm prompt.)


Petts Wood Churches Together – AGM – 8.15pm  Friends House




St Edward the Confessor


9.30am – Mrs Ranjana Chavhan – 50th Birthday (Mary Kelly)


Baptism Preparation Evening 8.15pm - meeting room  (for parents who have been invited)






9.30am – Noreen Bailey RIP (the Deasy family)

Parish Forum Hall Development – in church 8pm. Please come and have your say about the proposals. We want to move on this issue and would like as much involvement of people as possible.





St Teresa of Avila


9.30am – Gerald Grace (M & P Cantopher)




We welcome through Holy Baptism (4.30pm) Emilia Arnold (6mths).

Sunday 17/10/ 10

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm – Claire Cecilia Popham RIP (AM Denman)

10am –  People of the Parish

11.30am –  Terry Redmond RIP (the Redmond family)


A Word from the Autumn Festival’s Project Team......


The Autumn Festival was an enormous success.  Over 300 adults and almost as many children enjoyed outdoor games, craft activities, homemade food and cakes, Polish food and a BBQ.  The magnificent craft and plant stalls were popular as were the lace making and flower arranging demonstrations.


We were entertained by English, Irish and Italian folk songs, wonderful African costumes, dancing and guitar music as well as children participating in a Gospel workshop.


Many many parishioners and parish groups were busy in the planning, organizing, setting up and cleaning up and our thanks go to them and to the local businesses who supported the event.


 As well as bringing our parish together the Festival raised over £3000 which will help offset the Social Centre Project's architect’s fees.



Please pray for the sick: Joshua Canning, Ernest Field, Gerald Colman, Michael Ingrams, Olive Cosgrave and all who we know to be unwell at the moment....


Sunday Mass should be an absolute priority in our week. This is the “baseline” of our Catholic Faith and we should never miss!  Of course, circumstances may prevent this at times but our Sunday worship helps to define us as a community. We are nothing less than the Body of Christ.


Every blessing, Fr Bryan