Thank you for your offerings over the last few weeks of £1795.28 (20/12), £6823.41 (25/12), £1075.03 (27/12), £1614.70 (3/1), £1085.77 Maintenance Fund.  Mass attendances were 744 (20/12), 1435 (25/12), 272 (27/12), 739 (3/1).




The Baptism of The Lord


6.00pm  William Ashton RIP (K Griffin)


9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am  Cathleen Benson RIP (Benson Family)







9.30am Carmel Chircop RIP (Fr D Camilleri)


Tuesday 12/1/16

Feria/St Aelred of Rievaulx


9.30am Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)




Feria/St Hilary


9.30am  George Chavannes RIP (M Jackson)

With St James’ Primary School






9.30am  Carmel Cotter & Family






9.30am  Mary Coffey RIP (The Wharton Family)


Saturday 16/1/16

Vigil Mass


6.00pm  Karl Hewston (D Marshall)




Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am  Welfare of Margaret Walsh (Benson Family)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Morning Prayers take place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.


2016 Parish Diaries


Have now arrived and are on the table at the back of the church.


Fr David Writes ……. 

Beginnings hold both promises for newness and exciting times and at the same time they hold the anxieties of the unknown in them.  The beginning of a New Year, the beginning of a new job, the beginning of a new relationship, the beginning of living in a new house and area.  The same has happened to me this year as I said my goodbyes to a very special year which was blessed with renewed spiritual energy, new friendships, new ministry and new area to live in and at the same time I welcomed the New Year with both high expectations and the anxiety of what is in store for me this year.  The anxiety is all about the unfamiliar – is all about being out of control.  There are other beginnings we know are important at the time too – like baptisms, marriages, ordinations.  We like to mark these beginnings as important, so we surround them with ceremony and ritual in order to give them a sense of occasion.  But there is also in these a certain nervousness in the air, since no matter how big the beginning is, it is only that – a beginning.  We are left wondering whether we are able to honour all the solemn words, whether we will have the capacity to make them come true.  All beginnings are risks.  All beginners need help.

Sometimes beginnings are not remembered because they didn’t seem important at the time.  It was just another wet Wednesday with nothing much happening and no promise in the air.  However some events in our lives become important because we can see later that it was then that something started, it was when we met that particular person for example that our lives changed.  And when we remember that time we invest significance in it that wasn’t there in the first place.

We rarely think of Jesus as a beginner, just as we rarely think of Jesus needing help.  But in today’s feast we celebrate those two things.  Jesus makes a big beginning to his ministry and he receives help in the power of the Holy Spirit.  All the gospels agree that John the Baptist was very important in the life of Jesus.  It is the towering, fearless figure of John that stands between the hidden life of Jesus and his public ministry.  Before Jesus goes to John he is known by the local people simply as the son of a carpenter, who stays in the small town of Nazareth.  After his time with John, Jesus becomes widely known as a wandering preacher with a unique prophetic mission.  Clearly something happened to Jesus while he was with John.  He underwent a change that gave his life new direction.  It was a totally new beginning in his life.

In today’s gospel we hear how after his baptism, Jesus is in prayer.  The opening of the heavens is a signal for the descent of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is anointed for his prophetic ministry by the Holy Spirit, the great enabler, the one who helps people to achieve God’s mission in their lives.  So Jesus is not alone when he makes his great beginning.  He begins his journey in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the love of God the Father.  He starts out on a difficult road that will eventually lead to an appointment with death.  As we start a new year, maybe also new beginnings in our lives, let us entrust ourselves to the Holy Spirit to lead us and enlighten us on our road this year.  And if we look back at our own beginnings and realise that some of them look a bit shabby now or half hearted, let us take consolation from the gospel challenge to begin again.  We are not alone.  We make them in the power of the Spirit.  So let us take courage to face our own road.

I wish to thank you personally for all your beautiful cards with very affirming messages, your generous gifts and your very generous Christmas offering.  I feel very humbled.  Hope this year will be another year of spiritual blessings on our mutual journeys and for the parish as a whole.

Christmas Thank You

I would like to thank those of you who helped make our Christmas celebrations so wonderful.  The decorations, flowers, crib and the entire church looked lovely.  Also to all the Servers, choirs, instrumentalists and everyone who took part in the Masses.  Also, on behalf of myself and Fr Barry, I would like to thank you for all your cards, gifts and generosity too.  Fr David

Second Collection

Will take place this weekend for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. 

St James’ Community Centre

The work in the Social Centre is almost complete and a launch is planned for the weekend of the 30th-31st January (more details to follow).  The Social Centre will be renamed and will now be known as the St James’ Community Centre.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the Church.  All welcome.

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome Sophie Logan, her parents Sheila and Paul and godparents Maria and Simon.

Baptism Preparation Classes

Will take place this Monday 11th January at 8.15pm in the Parish Office (281a Crescent Drive) for those parents that have been invited.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place this Tuesday 12th January, 5.30pm – 7.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary. 

Mass with St James’ Primary School

The children will be joining us here in the church on Wednesday 13th January and the Mass will be on the theme of Christian Unity. 

2016 Confirmation Programme

The “Kick-off” day will take place next Saturday 16th January, in the Community Centre, between 12.00pm-5.30pm, followed by a Mass at 6.00pm to which all candidates will be presented to the Parish. 

Manna Centre collection

Please bring unwanted warm clothes (90% of the Manna Society's clients are male) next weekend 16-17th January.  These will be collected by the Manna Centre which is a Day Centre for the homeless near London Bridge.  At this time of year coats, scarves, gloves, jackets, shirts, jeans and anything to keep a homeless person warm is very much appreciated.  Thank you, J&P Group.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 23rd January, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

Memorial Book

The Petts Wood CWL has very generously purchased a Memorial Book and case from a donation they received from the late Jean Rawling.  If you would like the name of a deceased family member put into the book, please complete the slips at the back of the church and leave in the box provided.  The book and case will be brought over to the church in the coming weeks.

CAFOD Energiser Day

There will be a major drive to recruit CAFOD volunteers and describe the objectives for 2016 on Saturday 23rd January at Amigo Hall (near RC Southwark Cathedral).  This is a chance to meet our local staff workers, find out/get an update about CAFOD, and be inspired by its international speakers.  There will also be a range of workshops to choose from in the afternoon.  To book a place contact the Southwark Volunteer Centre on or 020 8466 9901.

Quiz Night – save the date!

The St James’ Youth Ministry will be holding a family quiz night on Saturday 6th February in the Community Centre.  Tickets will be on sale after each Mass next weekend - £5 per head.

Week of Accompanied Prayer (WAP) – Sunday 28th February to Saturday 5th March 2016

Do you find yourself wanting a deeper personal relationship with God?  Do you sometimes find it difficult to pray?  Would you like to discover more about different ways of praying?  Please consider participating in this opportunity to grow in your prayer life.  All that is needed for this week-ling Lenten retreat in daily life is to spend a period of time each day in prayer, and to meet your Prayer Guide daily at your agreed time.  Your prayer guide will support and encourage you in complete confidence, as you reflect together.  And if you attended our Week of Accompanied Prayer in 2013, you are most welcome to repeat the experience.  There is a Taster Session next Sunday 17th January, 3 - 4 pm at Christ Church URC, Tudor Way. 

Appeal from Knights of St Columba

Please continue to bring in your used postage stamps.  If they are on postcards, it is fine to donate the postcard as well.  Many thanks for your continued support.

Firm Believers

Firm Believers has now restarted, continuing at the moment at Southborough Lane Baptist Church over the road.  We are an inter-church Fun-Fitness class to music;  a friendly and informal group, suitable for all levels;  you’re welcome to just turn up to give it a try.  Come and enjoy your weekly workout with women from churches across Bromley.  We meet on Tuesday evenings 7.00-7.45pm in term time - £5.  Wear trainers, comfortable clothing and bring a mat.  Contact Fru Bird at