Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,463.  Mass attendance was 645.  The maintenance fund collection was £1,105. 




Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


6.00pm Frank Donelan RIP (Donelan Family)

Christine Hunt RIP

9.15am John Jagger RIP (Jagger Family)

11.00am People of the Parish






9.30 Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)




9.30 Fr David Hutton (Howell Family)




9.30 International Day of Peace (J&P Group)



St  Edward the Confessor

9.30 Terry McLean RIP (I Webb)




9.30 Ronald Connolly RIP (Connolly Family)



Vigil Mass

6.00pm In Loving Memory of Joshua Canning, Anniversary (Canning Family)




Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am Holy Cross Primary School (J Profield)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 11th October 5.00–8.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments necessary.

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome in Holy Baptism:

George Samuel Richard Clegg and his parents Anna and Richard Clegg; and

Harrison Barney Bowes and his parents, Stephanie and Andrew Bowes. 

Second Collection


Friday 7th October was CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and the collection will take place this weekend.   Please give what you can to help those in most need.  Thank you. 

Fr David writes…

We have all been in a desperate situation.  This usually happens when we feel out of control completely, out of our depth.  This is the time when we desperately need help.  When we know what we need to do, when we feel within our comfort zone, then life seems to be on our side.  There is no need for help there.  It’s when we feel out of our comfort zone, that we regress and feel like a dependent child again, desperate for answers and solutions.  And so when we encounter someone who, according to us, can assist us in our time of need, we feel liberated and hopefully grateful.  A few months ago, as you know, I had not been physically well.  As most of you who have experienced ill health know, it is a very anxious time.  Waiting for appointments, undergoing medical tests, waiting for results, and undergoing procedures.  It leaves you feeling very vulnerable and out of control.  Once the process starts, you feel that you cannot stop it.  You feel that you are totally dependent on the medical stuff.  You just pray that they know what they are doing.  Feeling vulnerable is not a very good place to be, it’s a very insecure place.  You only have your faith and the generosity of those who are caring for you to hold on to.  I felt totally embraced by many of you.  The cards, the emails and the food behind my door waiting for me were true signs of love on your part towards me.  Actually I felt humbled by these acts of kindness that I received from you.  The sensitivity of the doctors and nurses taking care of me was sometimes very disarming.  My heart is full of gratitude towards you all who in one way or another carried me.  I feel truly blessed.  Gratitude expands the heart.  Gratitude has no price.  It just is!  On one hand, when we don’t expect it, gratitude can be confusing!  When we do expect it and it isn’t shown, we are often left feeling bewildered and disappointed.  There is a great deal of awkwardness surrounding gratitude.

The leper we hear about in the first reading is Naaman, a pagan commander of the Syrian army.  One just can imagine the feeling of shame in this man.  He was desperate for a cure and had made an expedition into Israel to be cured of leprosy.  His wife’s Israelite slave told Naaman about the prophet Elisha.  When Elisha heard that he was coming, he sent a message to the Syrian commander to bathe seven times in the Jordan River.  Naaman was furious but eventually his friends persuaded him to follow the advice of the prophet and once he did, he was cured.  Rather than return to Syria, the commander sought out the prophet to show his gratitude and offer him a reward which the prophet refused.  But Elisha agreed that Naaman should take back some earth to build a shrine to the one true God.  Naaman not only rejoiced in the gift of healing he had received but also recognized the giver.  He praised God and thanked the prophet.  So it is that the God of Israel heals the stranger and the pagan.  In the gospel Luke mentions Naaman  to indicate that God’s healing reaches to those outside Israel.  We need to remember that Luke is writing for the gentiles and he has a particular interest in presenting God’s call to all peoples.  So when Luke narrates the story of the 10 lepers, it isn’t a surprise that the only one who shows gratitude is a foreigner, a Samaritan.  Like Naaman, it is the outsider who shows his faith in God and his gratitude to God’s servant.  When the Samaritan returns to thank Jesus, the absence of the nine others leaves Jesus hurt and puzzled.  The ingratitude of the nine makes him wonder.

What makes people that way?  Why is saying ‘thank you’ such a problem? Sometimes it is more natural to us, humans to complain when we don’t like something than to appreciate and be thankful when we experience good things in our lives.  First of all towards God.  When we need something, it is quite easy to ask petitions to God.  When we are granted the things we pray for, do we feel a sense of gratitude towards God and expresses it in our ways? Or is it easier to move on our lives until the next crisis hits us and then we turn to God again?  With regards each other, do we take goodness for granted?  Do we feel that we are entitled expecting people to help us in our moments of need?  Once they do help us, then we also move on – without showing any signs of gratitude.  I love listening on Saturday morning Rev.  Coles show on Radio 4.  Every Saturday, as part of the show there is a section where people are given the opportunity to thank someone whom they had not had the opportunity to thank at the time of dire need.  It is very moving to hear them thanking people after so many years sometimes.  Gratitude can bring closure and also healing to us all when it is done genuinely.  We are all humans, we all need to be appreciated and acknowledged.  And it is not too expensive to show our gratitude with a card, a phone call or a gesture?  Expressing gratitude makes us more beautiful as human beings.  Maybe this week’s readings are reminding us, including myself, to reach out to someone with a heart of gratitude, whom for whatever reason we have not yet had the opportunity to show our gratitude towards them.  Blessings!

Eucharist Adoration – First Friday of Month

Eucharist Adoration will take place on 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm.   This Devotion to the Eucharist outside of the Mass will be a time of silent prayer, quiet music and conclude with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

All Souls – Mass for our Deceased – 2 November

For all those families who have lost a family member in the last year, a special mass will be held on All Souls Day Wednesday 2nd November in the evening at 8pm.  All parishioners are most welcome to attend.  This Mass will be in addition to the 9.30am Mass and hopefully those at work will get a chance to come in the evening. 

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers – 12th November

The annual day of recollection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers for the South East area will take place at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Belltrees Grove, Streatham, SW16 2HY on Saturday, 12th November.  The theme for the day is ‘Encountering God’s Mercy in the Eucharist’.  The day will start at 11 am and finish with a Mass said by the Bishop Rt.  Rev.  Patrick Lynch.  Please contact the Parish Office and let us know if you plan to attend. 

Children’s Liturgy

If you child is 3 years old or above, they are welcome to join us for Liturgy sessions at the 9.15 am Sunday Mass each week.

Confirmation 2017

Calling all year Nine and above students who wish to be confirmed next year.  There is a “Come and See” meeting on Monday 7th November at 8 pm in the Church.  This meeting is for candidates and their parents.  At the end of the meeting, packs will be distributed ready for enrolment into the programme which starts with a kick off day on Saturday 19th November.  If you intend to come to the meeting on the 7th, please let the parish office know by phone or email:   We look forward to meeting you all.  The Catechists

Come and sing.....

at the Parish Music Workshop to be held in the Community Centre on Sunday 16th October, 2 - 4pm.  Ably led by Elizabeth Atkinson of St James' School, this workshop will be focussed on learning new hymns, refreshing old ones and most importantly making music together as a parish in a relaxed and social environment.  Do come along and, in the words of the Carpenters, 'Sing, Sing a Song!'.  Everyone welcome, children as well as adults.  Refreshments provided. 

Parish Groups

Pastoral Council- 20th October

The Parish Pastoral council are keen to communicate with parishioners.  We have set aside half an hour before each meeting from 7.30 – 8.00 pm for you to come along to the community Centre bringing suggestions, ideas, questions, topics for discussion, issues or concerns.  Even if you are just curious to see what goes on, please do visit within that half-hour.  We will provide slips of paper for those visiting to jot down anything they wish the PPC to know.  Feel free to include any feedback about the experience of coming along or observations about the process. 

Thank you to the various parishioners that have visited so far.  We appreciate your input and interest.  Do feel free to come along again or encourage others to take the step. 

The next Parish Pastoral Council 20th October 2016 and parishioners are welcome from 7.30 – 8 pm.

Pastoral Care Team – 12th October

The next meeting of the Pastoral Care Team will be on Wednesday, 12th October at the Parish Office at 7pm.  Those who are happy to help us in this new and important ministry in the parish are more than welcome to attend.

We would like to invite those people who have skills in pastoral ministry, bereavement issues, with listening skills, group facilitation and counselling skills, hospital ministry etc.  to consider becoming part of a team of pastoral carers by sharing their skills with the parish.  This is an open invitation for those who would like to make a difference in the life of the parish.  Please speak to Fr.  David if you have the appropriate skills and experience, or alternatively, if you would like to receive counselling training. 

Evangelisation Pillar

Growing in Faith

Three events to round off the “Year of Mercy” at St James’.  Please join us in the Community Centre if you can.  You would be most welcome.

Tuesday 11th October, 8 pm – Group Discusssion

“The Patience of Mercy” Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43.

Wednesday 9th November 8pm – Group Discussion

“Mercy and New Life” John 11: 1-45.

Wednesday 30th November 8pm – Guest Speaker – Geoff Wheaton, “Contemplating Mercy through Art and Scripture” (more details to follow).

Youth of the Parish

Christ The King Youth Day – 19th November

The Catholic Youth Ministry Christ the King Youth Day will take place on Saturday 19th November here at St James’ from 12.00pm-5.30pm and will be followed by a Youth Mass at 6.00pm.  There will be activities throughout the day and refreshments will be provided.  This event is open to all young people across the Bromley Deanery in school years 7 and above.

Justice & Peace Group

Bromley Foodbank

The Foodbank needs a number of food items so if you could help provide some of these, that would be hugely appreciated.  They have run out of jars of pasta sauce.  They are also very low on custard, rice puddings and tinned fruit, and ‘cold’ meat (ham, spam etc.) ‘hot’ meat (i.e.  tinned meat that can be heated to form the basis of a hot meal) and tinned vegetables.  Please don’t donate pasta, beans or soup as they have too much of those.  Thanks again to all parishioners who donate these vital items. 

Manna Centre Collection- 15-16th October

There will be a collection for the Manna Centre this weekend at all Masses.  This charity looks after homeless people, mainly men, by offering hot meals and opportunities for showering, dentistry etc.  We are therefore collecting food, men’s clothing and toiletries.  There will be a bin marked Manna Centre at the back of the church.  Thank you again for your continuing generosity. 

Friends of St James’

The Friends of St James’ would like to welcome and encourage all members to attend the AGM in the Church Hall on Sunday 16th October at 10.30 am following the 9.15 am Mass.

At this meeting we would like to review the year’s activities and elect a committee for the Friends of St James’ with nominations for different roles.  We look forward to seeing you.

Parent & Toddler Group

A Parent & Toddler Group meets every Friday during term time in the Community Centre from 1.30 – 3pm.  Parents with babies from 0 up to age 5 are welcome to attend.  Do come along and enjoy the companionship and the fun. 

Refreshments provided. 

DAD & Me – 15th October

The next meeting of Dad & Me will be held at the Community Centre on Saturday 15 October at 10.00– 1.30 am.

CWL Whist Drive

The CWL would like to thank everyone who came along to the Military Whist Drive.  The evening was very enjoyable and raised £350 which will be donated to several charities. 

Plant a Rose for a Loved One

In November, we will be planting roses in memory of the deceased along the Church wall.  If you would like to have a rose planted for a family member, please let us know.  The charge is £10 to cover the costs and there will be a total of 35 roses available.  If you wish to purchase a rose, please put the money in an envelope with the details of the person to be remembered as well as your own contact details.  Envelopes can be dropped off at the Parish Office.

Cleaning the Church – Help Needed

We are still looking for helpers for Church Cleaning in addition to those on the rota below.  Please let us know if you are able to help even if you have just one hour to spare for this important job, either during the week or at the weekend we would be most grateful.  We will draw up a list for the coming weeks, so do please offer an hour of your time if you can.  Many thanks in advance.

Church Cleaning Rota

15 October – Altar Servers

22 October – A.  Haylock, A.  Crossland, G.  Macmanus

29 October – O.  Clutton, M.  Mathews, R.  Blanco

Church and Hall Bookings - 2017 Calendar Dates

As we begin preparing the 2017 diary, please could you let the Parish Office know the dates of parish

events/meetings relating to either the Church or the Community Centre.  Thank you. 

Lost Property – On display for 1 week only

Lost Property will be displayed on a table in the Church Porch for one week only from Monday 10 October until Monday 17th October inclusive.  Please come and claim your lost items during this time, otherwise anything left will be sent to charity on 18th October.  Thank you.

Petts Wood Playgroup for Children with Special Needs

Would you be interested in volunteering to support our children with Special Needs?   Would you be able to offer certain sessions regularly but with flexibility to cover in emergency?  The work is term time only 9.30 am.  – 12.30 but with some flexibility. 


Would you be interested in acting as escort on our mini-bus?  The group needs someone on Thursday lunchtime 12.15 – 13.15 pm.  There is a small remuneration available.  Come and see the group at Christ Church on Willett Way during a session or phone 01689 830822 or 01689 872053 (out of hours).

St James’ RC Primary School – Open Day Wednesday 23rd November

The Open Day will take place on Wednesday 23rd November at 9.30 – 10.30 am.  It is not necessary to book a place, parents are invited to turn up at the appointed time. 

Supplementary Information Forms will be distributed at this event.  Please contact the school directly for any further information. 

Reminder for Parents – Food & Drink should not be brought into the church for consumption during Mass.  Thank you for your co-operation.