Today we start the long period of the church’s year called ‘Ordinary Time.’ The colour is green – the colour of nature, of growth, life and hope. Ordinary Time comes to an end at the end of November, when we start all over again.

The God we profess to believe in and worship is also about growth, life and hope. Both the OT and gospel readings today are about the raising to life of two boys who have died. The purpose of these stories is to show us that God always wants to bring life from death, and offers us all hope in the face of hopelessness.

The prophet Elijah revives the boy in his story, but Jesus, in the gospel raises the boy to life. He actually tells the boy to ‘stand up’ – the same term used in the Greek for ‘resurrection.’ Resurrection is not just ‘revival’ – ‘more of the same’ – but something absolutely new – something that only God can give.

At Easter God raises Jesus to new and eternal life, and in and through our baptism we are inserted into that mystery. But are we ready for it? Do we really want a renewal of lives – (resurrection)- or are we content with an occasional bit of ‘revival’ ?

I suspect we all need renewal.  There are many opportunities to grow in our faith but unless we admit our need of God’s renewing grace, deep within ourselves, he will not be able to grant us our heart’s desire. Prayer, the sacraments, the scriptures, our community life...all there to help us. What about coming to confession sometime (Saturdays 10am and 5.30pm)- what about coming to Mass during the week (we now have Mass at 7.15pm on Tuesdays and on Saturdays)). What about subscribing to ‘My Day by Day’, and reading the scriptures in a regular and disciplined way?

Or are we ‘too busy ‘?  Perhaps we ought to look seriously at our membership of the Catholic Church. Are we really committed? Are we at Mass each Sunday? Is our giving (financial) realistic and according to our means- do we budget accordingly for it?

God wants to raise us from the dead. But he will never force the issue. He never has and he never will. Ordinary Time.  Let’s make it Extraordinary. Let us make our faith ‘green’ again, let us grow, and live in hope.

Mass attendances for last Sunday were 658.



10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am (Sat) – Ambrode Lekule, RIP

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Fr. Louis Fitzmaurice

11am – George & Christina Jones, RIP


Monday 10/6/13

No Monday Mass




St Barnabas, apostle

9.30am – Welfare of the Fernandes family (Sharon Fernandes)

7.15pm – Josie Siney, RIP (CWL)





9.30am – Anna Vassallo, RIP (Vicky Terry)




St Anthony

9.30am – Maurice Cantopher, RIP (Patricia Cantopher)





9.30am – Francis Lobo, RIP (Rebello Family)




11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am (Sat) – Mary Peachey, RIP (Teresa West)

6pm (Sat)  – Feast of St Columba (KSC 327). Celebrating 75 years (Llew Thomas)

9.15am – Daniel Carrigan, RIP (Gwen Carrigan & family)

11am – Welfare of Hanna Cott (Leish O’Sullivan)


Today (Sunday):

2nd collection for the Catholic Trust for England and Wales.


We welcome our unformed organisations to the 11am Mass.



Mass at 7.15pm

Journey in Faith at



First Holy Communion (group 1) confessions, 6.30pm.

Fund Raising Steering Group – 8pm, meeting room.



CAFOD Southwark office manager Jim Simmons retires. The office has now moved from Dartford to Bishop Challoner School, Shortlands.  Roger Wright and I will be attending the blessing by Bishop Pat of the new office, and also the farewell to Jim, who has spoken here on many occasions.  We wish him a happy retirement, and welcome his successor, Eileen Hayes, who comes to Southwark from Westminster diocese.


Church cleaning at 7pm (Yr 3 parents, group 1).


Knights of St Columba 75th anniversary dinner (7pm, after Mass).

Next Sunday (16th):

2nd collection for the Maintenance and Refurbishment Fund.  We are now out to tender for the hall toilets which will be renewed during August.  (Hall closed from July 28th to Sept 8th).


Also, Manna Centre collection (food: tins and dried foods, packets etc...)


1st communion Mass at 11 am. (Group 1).

We look forward to welcoming our first communicants. (You might perhaps elect to go to the 9.15am or 6pm next weekend as we shall have many visitors.)


Confirmation 2014 meeting for parents (only) of young people in present school year 8. Wednesday June 19th at 8pm to outline plans for confirmation. (Any parents of present year 9 or 10 pupils who have not been confirmed are also welcome.)


Many thanks to the parishioners who spent over four hours last week in the parish garden removing tree stumps for the LiveSimply Garden! (pictures on our website). Work towards our LiveSimply garden is progressing well and the next session will be on Saturday 6th July.  All parishioners are very welcome to help.


Catechists Day at the cathedral

Saturday June 22nd.  Forms on table, please get them back to presbytery asap – thank you. (I do hope some of you can go).


CWL Military Whist Drive:

Saturday June 22nd (play starts at 8pm) £6 including light refreshments.  Please book a table with CWL


The Southwark Brethren – helping sick and retired priests in need.  Last year 34 priests were each given £1,200, together with support and 7 working priests who have serious illness.


If you could send a donation it would be very gratefully received: Rev. P. Hough, St Elphege’s Presbytery, 120, Stafford Road , Wallington, Surrey SM6 9AY (Gift Aid forms on porch table.)  


St James Fun Run!

Sunday July 21st

Get your form after Mass and get in training (only 5 km!).  Followed by barbecue, picnic and children’s activities on the parish garden.


Every blessing, Fr Bryan.