Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. It is significant that this comes at the start of a new year because baptism itself is the start of our Christian journey. We remind ourselves of our baptism each time we cross ourselves with holy water at the entrance to the church.


For Jesus it marked the start of his public ministry.


For us, baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into the church, and is completed by confirmation. Although Jesus is God’s beloved Son, we too are the beloved children of God.  And just as Jesus had to live out his baptismal commitment, so also do we.  And it can be a struggle!


For immediately after his baptism Jesus goes into the desert to face the demons, through prayer and fasting. And so must we (and not just in Lent).


Regular self-examination, daily prayer and scripture reading, and weekly prayerful attendance at Sunday Mass, offering our gifts to build up the church, a spirit of charity, working for justice....


All these things will help us to overcome the power of evil and will further God’s kingdom on earth.  And that’s what it’s all about.     Any takers?


Mass attendances last Sunday were 541. 

Sunday 9/1/11

The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ


6.00pm – Margaret Callaghan RIP (the Callaghan family)


9.15am – Winifred Malone RIP (the Malone family)


11.00am – People of the Parish


Petts Wood Festival Chorus – today-here in church 3pm-5pm.1st rehearsal of Mozart’s Requiem. ALL warmly welcome.


There will be a retiring collection today for Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).





9.30am – Kenneth Jackson RIP (the Jackson family)


Pastoral and Advisory team meeting – presbytery 7.30pm





9.30am- John & Teresa Lynch RIP (the Jackson family)

Benediction and confessions after morning Mass


7.15pm Marie & Bill Morley (Madeleine Howell) Confessions 6.45pm


8pm – Evangelium- starts again tonight in the presbytery  (281A Crescent Drive)





9.30am –The Canning family (Madeleine Howell)





9.30am –Deceased members of the Kelly families (Margaret Kelly) 





9.30am – Cornelius O’Shea RIP (Eileen Gibson)

Sunday 16/1/11

2nd Sunday in Ordinary time (A)

6pm –  Private Intention (Ellen Cushman)


9.15am- People of the Parish


11am – Paul Searle RIP  (Sarah Boot- Handford)


Today (after Sunday Masses): sale of genuine Peruvian articles supporting Paul Elliston’s work with the very poor.


3-5pm - rehearsal - Petts Wood Festival Chorus.


Meeting, for parents applying for Catholic schools 2012,

Monday January 24th 7.30pm.  It is essential that each child is represented by a parent.

To all Readers who were unable to attend the training day September. The alternative Readers' Training Day will be Saturday 12th February – 10am-12.30.  Please put this in diaries.

Please remember the sick in your prayers: Bill Morley, Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).


Please pray for the souls of Moya Riley, Olive Cosgrave and Fr Thomas Hennessey (of the Salvatorian Fathers) who died last week. May they rest in peace - our prayers and sympathy to the families.


Ministry to the sick – please let me know as soon as possible  if you are ill (and especially if you are in hospital) so that a visit can be arranged.  I am always pleased to visit but I must know!


Turn Us Around


Turn us around, God-

around into your way of thinking,

around into your way of loving.


Turn us around, God,

and confront us with Jesus.

Baptise our fears with your joy.

...........A poem by Ruth Burgess 


Every blessing...... Fr Bryan