Thank you for your offerings last week of £1311.47.  Mass attendances were 730.



The Ascension of The Lord


6.00pm  Gillian Lancaster RIP (McCabe Family)


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am  Mary Casartelli







9.30am Family & Friends of the Barradell Family (S & A Barradell)


Tuesday 10/5/16



9.30am  Bridget & Paul Wiggins






9.30am  Jimmie & Mary O’Connor




Feria/St Nereus & St Achilleus


9.30am  Claire Draper RIP (Simon Family)




Feria/Our Lady of Fatima


9.30am Joe & Nuala O’Connor


Saturday 14/5/16


Vigil Mass


6.00pm People of the Parish


Sunday 15/5/16

Pentecost Sunday


9.15am Peggie & Mai Linehan


11.00am Confirmation Candidates


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.


Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the church.  All welcome. 

Fr David Writes…

There is something intriguing and at the same time dangerous in being in a position of authority.  One needs to be quite in touch with their own shadow side in order to discern when the fine line between serving others in order to empower them to become fully themselves and on the other hand the temptation to make use of others for your own sense of self, becomes blurred.  There are some leaders in different aspects of the religious and civil life that are obviously concerned only about themselves and their benefits.  It is all about them.  On the external, they seem to be doing things for the right reasons but when you dig a bit deeper, it becomes obvious that their leadership is all about their own agendas and needs.  The tragic and dangerous thing is that they themselves do not even have a clue about it.  They would be totally offended if you confronted them with this assertion.  It becomes more highlighted if you even hint that their time, their service has been appreciated but it is time for them to move on.  Their reaction will tell you why they were doing what they were doing.  If the reaction is negative and they feel completely undermined by this, it is highly possible that their identity had been fuelled all along by their role.  If they themselves come to the conclusion that their time is up and that they need to empower others to take forward the task, then it is real indication, that their leadership is not about themselves but about the welfare of the mission involved and others who are dependent on them.

This dynamic can be seen also in families.  Parents can be so needy to live their own lives vigorously through their children, that some of them find it very difficult to risk to let go of their children even when their children are adults themselves.  The consequence of which is that their children will never cut the umbilical cord and grow up.  They remain, even if they move on in their lives through marriage for example, feeling that they need the advice of their mother and father.  I know of breakdown of marriages because of the intrusion of parents in the marriage.  Lots of times it is the fault of lack of boundaries within their family system.  The boundaries are totally blurred because the needs within the family are all over the place.

On the feast of the Ascension, we are invited to reflect on the meaning of boundaries in our relationships and also explore our motivations in keeping other people under our own control.  After three years of intense relationships between Jesus and his disciples, it is time now to allow his disciples to grow up.  If Jesus was a very insecure person, dependent on other’s affirmations, he would have found it very hard to let go of his disciples and leave them on their own.  The Messiah did not have a Messianic complex.  Some of us do.  We think that we are indispensable.  He knew that the only way how his disciples would ever find themselves, their own strengths and find their mission in life is to move away from their lives.  He was confident that he had given them the resources that they needed for their mission and also, with the gift of the Holy Spirit, he knew that they would be ok.  It was time to leave them so that they could make their own mistakes and empower themselves to do what they were called to be and do.  This is very hard for a lot of parents and leaders both in the world and in church organisations.  We need, including myself, to be always aware of whom are we serving.  Are we serving others to feel empowered to move on in their lives or are we serving constantly our egos.  Basically the question should be – is it always about me???  Can we in maturity move out of our insecurity and see the needs of others instead.  For some of us, this is a life time commitment to recognize the difference.  We need to be courageous enough to embark on a self awareness journey.  May the Ascended Lord help us on this journey.  Happy Feast!

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 17th May, 5.00-8.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary.

Second Collections

Will take place this weekend for World Communications Day.  Next weekend a second collection will take place for the Maintenance Fund.

Our Parish Faith Formation

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome:

-        Allegra-Mai Garcia, her parents Mai-Ling and James and godparents Alejandro and Sui-Mei;

-        Benedict Hutchinson, his parents Lucy and Michael and godparents John and Hannah;  and

-        Chagi Fernando, her parents Shanika and Chaminda and godparents Minoli and Ravindu.

Baptism Preparation Classes

Will take place on Monday 9th May at 8.15pm for those parents that have been invited.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 14th May, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

2016 Confirmation Programme

The Rehearsal will take place on Monday 9th May, at 7.00pm in the Church.  All candidates and sponsors should attend.

Parish Group Activities

Plant Sale

in aid of our Parish overseas project will take place over the weekend of 21st-22nd May.  Full details next weekend.  Any enquiries to or

Traidcraft Stall

sales from the stall held on 23rd/24th April amounted to £306.98.  Thank you for your generous support.  J&P

Launch of the Friends of St James’

On Saturday 14th May from 7.00pm, you are invited to join us for an evening of wine, art and canapés to celebrate the launch of the Friends of St James’.  The evening is free and no tickets are necessary.  We look forward to meeting you!

Social Evening

On 21st May the Community Centre will be open after the 6pm Mass, this coincides with the launch of the Youth Café, all are welcome!

Healing Mass

will take place on Sunday 5th June at 2.30pm, followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.

Parish Fun Run

will take place on Sunday 12th June after the 11.00am Mass.  More details to follow.

Mother and Toddler Group

Is looking for new leaders to help run the group.  If you feel you would be able to help please contact

Discussion Group

Following last week's successful discussion group session we are planning to run further sessions on 7th June and 5th July at 8pm in the Community Centre.  More details to follow.

Welcomers Meeting

The next meeting for the Welcomers will be held on Monday 16th May at 8pm in the Community Centre (- please note change of date).  If you are not a Welcomer, but would like to know more about this important ministry, then please feel free to come along or contact Belinda Guyton at

Deanery Event

Deanery Pilgrimage to Cathedral

Home-school-parish deanery pilgrimage to St George’s Cathedral Southwark on Saturday 17th September 10.30am for 11.00am.

Diocesan Event

The annual Mass in Celebration of Marriage will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 18th June at St George’s Cathedral Southwark.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th+ Wedding Anniversary this year and would like to attend, please complete the form at the back of the Church as soon as possible.  Invitations will then be sent out from the Archbishop.

Youth Ministry

Youth Group

The next session will be held on Saturday 21st May, 12.00–2.00pm. 

Youth Café

On the evening of 21st May the youth of the parish will be holding their first Youth Café at the Social evening.  If you have any bean bags or rugs (in good condition) that you think would be suitable to furnish our Den then please contact the Parish Office. 

Other announcements

Can you help prisoners & their families?

You are invited to come & see the opportunities for you to volunteer to help those in prison, prisoner’s families, and ex-offenders.  The Catholic prison charity Pact (Prison Advice & Care Trust ) works in several prisons across London and relies heavily on volunteers to help those in need.  Drop in any time between 9.30am-1.00pm on Saturday 11th June, St George’s Cathedral, Amigo Hall.  For more information contact Tom: or call 0203 031 6869

The Sisters of St Andrew

have moved from Edenbridge to Lewisham - 99 Belmont Hill, Lewisham, SE13 5DY.  They are holding an Open Afternoon on Sunday 22nd May between 2 and 5.30 pm, and are inviting anyone who is interested to visit the new home, with its chapel and gardens.  Sister Marie-Christine of the order was one of the Guides during our recent Week of Accompanied Prayer.  Please see the announcement in the porch for further details.”