Happy Easter!

Today the mystery of Christ is revealed. The crucified Jesus has been raised from death to new and eternal life - God’s sign to us and to the whole world of his (costly) love and forgiveness.  In the resurrection of Jesus, God and the human race are united.  In the power of the Spirit, we are now called to witness to this, and to be the Body of Christ on earth.


Many thanks to everyone who has worked so hard in preparing the church and who have taken part in the liturgies.  The flowers and Easter Garden as always are wonderful, the music and singing inspiring -thanks to our special Easter choir - and there has been a prayerful and joyful spirit.


We encounter the resurrected Christ most fully within the community of the church.  And so we welcome today through Holy Baptism Baby Adam Martin Jude Smith (5 mths), his parents Eleanor and Martin his brother Luke, and godparents Michael, Rebecca and Victoria. (9.15am).


We also welcome  (11 am) six adult members of our community into full membership of the Catholic Church:  Claire Fisher and Philip Widrington - Davies, to be baptised and confirmed; Sandy Baron, Alice Neal and Ross Amor, to be received into the Catholic Church and confirmed; and Lisa Foster, a Catholic, who is to be confirmed.  They will receive their first Holy Communion at this Mass.


These (together with others who will be received later this year) have been faithfully attending the Journey in Faith course for many months and we warmly welcome them into the church and into this parish community. Please pray for them and encourage them in their faith. Their formation will continue throughout Easter Season.


We also warmly welcome the families who have come to support, them, and especially the godparents and sponsors.  After both the 9.15am and the 11am, everyone is invited into the hall for special Easter refreshments!


Your offertory today is your personal gift to your parish priest.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 687.



Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (B)

10pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Naina Ganapathy (V. J. Ganapathy)

11am – Arthur & Ivy Dorothy Fry RIP (Barbara Bridle)




9.30am – Cliff Jones RIP (Teresa West)



9.30am – Monsignor John Elliott RIP (S. O’Mahoney)



9.30am – Marie Irene Ray RIP (S. O’Mahoney)



9.30am – Mary Kavanagh (S. Kavanagh)



9.30am – Matthew P. (D. S)




Second Sunday of Easter (B)

6pm – O’Connor Family RIP

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Stewart Lowe RIP (Lowe Family)


Saturday (14th).  Service of Prayer and blessing (12 noon) for Dominique and Tim Wells, who celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on April 6th.  Every blessing to them and their family. 


If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, or 60+ this year, you are invited to a special Mass in Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage (and renewal of vows) in our cathedral on Saturday 16th June (afternoon).  Please sign the list on the porch table if you would like to go.  This is always a wonderful occasion.


Next Sunday (15th) William Johnson will be appealing at all Masses on behalf of the St. Barnabas Society, which supports financially non-Catholic ministers (and religious sisters) who join the Catholic Church. I know you will be generous.


Orpington Food Bank- please bring in your Lenten collection of foods next Sunday (lists in porch if you still need one) - and thank you.


Monday (16th) – Confirmation group at 7pm (parents - can I please have retreat forms asap-thank you).


Also meeting on Monday 16th for all Eucharistic ministers (8.30.pm).  We urgently need more ministers! (NB this is for Saturday/ Sunday duty only - NOT home visiting.)  Please sign list on table and attend meeting.


We also need more people to read at Mass on Sat/Sun.

Please sign list on table in porch. (Training given for both ministers and readers).

Meeting for all readers on Monday April 23rd at 8pm. (incl. new readers).


Return of Lyra from St.Petersburg!! Our four Russian friends entertain us for the third time! Don’t miss it! - Saturday April 21st at 7.30pm (retiring collection).  A wide variety of music - excellent singers and very entertaining.


‘Easter’ – a poem by Anne Lewin.


In the beginning

The Lord God planted a garden

Facing the rising sun.

Adam was the gardener,

And all was very good

Until, worming its way

Into his mind the idea

Came that he could

Do things his way.



And the rest was trouble.



But in another garden,

The risen Son, Adam renewed

Appearing as a gardener

Brought new beginning,

Showed that through God’s grace

All can be life.


Every blessing to you for these 50 days of Easter, Fr Bryan.