In his Apostolic Letter ‘Porta Fidei’ Pope Benedict declared a Year of Faith which starts this coming Thursday (11th) and runs to November 24th 2013 (Christ the King.)

This coincides with two great anniversaries –the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council; and the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Year of Faith gives all of us a great opportunity to grow in our faith, because it needs to be fostered and cherished, fed and fortified, otherwise it can die from indifference or neglect, and we just slip into unthinking routine and convention- so easy to do.  The Year of Faith gives us a favourable time to deepen our personal faith in the Lord and strengthen our attachment to the believing community- in our case, the parish of St.James’.

None of us believes on our own.  For 2,000 years, people have shared and celebrated their faith not only within the Church but beyond its boundaries.  People do this because they want others to experience the inner strength that graces their life - the inner force we call ‘grace’ that helps us to face life and make some sense of it.  If we really believe in Jesus there is a core imperative: the impulse to pass on what we have received so that others may share the abundant life he offers.

In the gospels, Jesus is (almost) always with other people.  People today come to Jesus through the community he founded (the Catholic Church), through those who believe in the one sent among us to reveal the face of God.  There is no Jesus without community.

As Catholics let us use this Year of Faith to deepen our attachment to Jesus as Lord, build up our relationships with each other in our large community and witness to our faith with a sense of pride.

On the home page of our website we claim that St.James’ is an open, welcoming, growing and vibrant Catholic community. Let’s make that an even greater reality in this Year of Faith!

Non Catholics as you know are warmly welcome here and may like to join our Journey in Faith course (fortnightly) to learn the basics of the Faith in a very informal atmosphere.  The next session is Wednesday October 17th (8pm-9.30pm).  This will only be the second session so there is still time to start! (No obligation whatever and your questions are welcomed).

If you are a Catholic who has (for whatever reason) never received the sacrament of confirmation (by the bishop) you too are most welcome to Journey in Faith, to help you prepare for confirmation.  Or you may be a Catholic who would like a ‘refresher’.  We meet in the meeting room - between church and hall.

There are several publications to help us all to ‘get going’.  The Year of Faith diary (personalised for St. James’) is excellent value at £2 and will take you from now right through 2013 - with really stimulating material for each month.  Doorway to Faith has a very brief meditation for each day (it will be published in four parts)- really superb at £1.50.  There is also free material from the diocese.  All these can be accessed in the main porch after Mass- don’t miss out!  These items may give you just what you need for your daily prayer time.

Archbishop Peter addresses us all today in his special pastoral letter for the opening of the Year of Faith.  Let us all heed his words – and act on them!



Mass attendances last Sunday were 742. 




Twenty Seventh Sunday (B)

6pm – Monica & Chris Cahill 40th Wedding Anniversary (Huntington Family)

9.15am – Ciss O’Connor

11am – People of the Parish


Monday 8/10/12


9.30am – Kitty O’Riordan




Bl. John Henry Newman

9.30am – Charles Faria RIP (J. Craen)





9.30am – Mrs Kathleen McGrath





10.30am – Agatha Yee Requiem Mass

2.00pm – Angela Denman Requiem Mass





9.30am – Angela Denman RIP (Denman Family)




Twenty Eighth Sunday (B)

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – John O’Connor RIP

11am – Chantelle & Patrick Omotosho (St James’ Brownies & Guides)




Today (Sunday):

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day (last Friday) envelopes. There will be a 2nd collection today.



Confirmation training session with Karen and Sian.  7pm -



Journey in Faith group 2011-12 plus former group members.  Meeting room, 7.30pm (until 9pm.)



Requiem Mass for Agatha Yee at 10.30am (NO 9.30am Mass).  Our prayers and condolences to Victor and the family.  Followed by committal at Hither Green Crematorium.

Also Requiem Mass for Angela Denman at 2pm. Our prayers and condolences are with her sister Marian and all the family.  Followed by burial at St Luke’s, Magpie Hall Lane.

Parishioners are most welcome at either or both-communion may be received twice.

May both these devout ladies rest in peace - and rise in glory.



First Communion – children’s session 4.45pm.

I ask your prayers for our son Dominic who will be married to Tingting Zhao in St. Mary’s, Chislehurst at 2pm.  We wish them every blessing in their married life together.


Next Sunday – Harvest.

Please bring in dried foods and/or tins for the Manna Centre (suggested list in porch).

Young People at St George’s Cathedral. Archbishop Peter has invited all those confirmed this year throughout the diocese to a special gathering to mark the Year of Faith.  Meet at PW 2pm.


A tremendous ‘thank you’ to everyone who organised and supported the Autumn Festival yesterday (Saturday).  Once again it was a really enjoyable event - full report next week!


On Sunday 18th November at 3pm all parishioners, family and friends who have lost loved ones are warmly welcomed to a special Mass for the departed and for those they leave behind.  Light refreshments will follow.  Closer to the date a list will be put up in the main porch where you can indicate your attendance and this will help us with catering.  November is, of course, the month of the Holy Souls: may your dear ones rest in the peace of Christ.

Do remember that our Bereavement group is very happy to listen and talk with anyone who would like a listening ear.  They are all experienced people and I commend them to you with great confidence.  Just let me know and I will put you in touch.  (see porch board).

If any parishioner feels they would like to help with this work please let me know - we aim to increase the team in the near future.


CAFOD Southwark is organising a Pilgrimage walk in the Kent countryside to reflect on how we can "Share the Harvest".   Gathering at St Francis de Sales church, Hartley from 11.00am, for a simple lunch, before setting off promptly at midday for the 3-4 mile walk with stops for prayer.   If you would like to join the walk please phone CAFOD on 01332 294924.   More details on the posters in church and our website.


Many thanks again to everyone who took part in the Fun Run - a great effort (£1530.92)

You will see the scaffolding in place for the re-roofing of the hall.  This should start any day now.


There are several new notices on the look...and don’t forget your Year of Faith materials!  And please make sure you are correctly registered with the parish.  If you have moved, changed details, or are just not sure please fill in a registration form (in porch) and return to presbytery asap. (And please make sure email address is clear and correct-thank you!)

Every blessing, Fr Bryan