Thank you for your offering last week of £1383.26.

Mass attendances last Sunday were 671




Second Sunday of Advent


6pm Saturday  Thomas Londra RIP (Peter O’Sullivan)


9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am  Widows of KSC





The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary


9.30am  Betty Said RIP (Howell Family)




Feria/St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin


9.30am  Relatives & Friends of Fyson Family (Foundation Mass)






9.30am  Baldwin Family (Teresa Forde)




Feria/St Damasus I, Pope RIP


9.30am  Mrs Olive Stephens (Mr & Mrs Nelligan)




Feria/Our Lady of Guadalupe, Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary RIP


9.30am Staff H&H Landing, St James Hospital (Patricia Wynne)




6pm (Vigil Mass)


People of the Parish




Third Sunday Of Advent – Gaudete Sunday


9.15am  Peter Heffer RIP (Family)


11.00am  Robert & Theresa Gifford RIP (Lesley Johns)



Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.




Waiting inside God’s promise


We move into the season of Advent and also shift into Mark’s Gospel for the new liturgical year.  The Advent liturgy has become “a still small voice” in the midst of the clamorous proclamation of the high street.  The real cathedrals seem to be the shopping centres where people flock; people’s real devotions seem to be centred on hunting, not for something they really need, but on searching for something to want, to fill some nameless vacancy.


Gathering weekly in church to celebrate the cycle of the Advent liturgy has the feel of diminishing protest.  Observing the Advent season has become an act of stubborn faith – preparing to honour the birth of Jesus – in the midst of collective forgetfulness.  When it comes to Advent and Christmas we seem to be living in a culture of elected amnesia.


In Advent we wait on God.  Our waiting is not in vain because we wait inside God’s creative word of promise.  In the great figures of waiting – like Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna – they all wait because they have invested themselves in the promises of God.  God’s promise offers a new orientation to the future, directing them to live in expectation.  The promise itself establishes the firm ground for their waiting, securing their hope.  With the psalmist we could pray this Advent:

My soul is waiting for the Lord,

I count on his word...

Let the watchman count on daybreak

and Israel on the Lord.


(Psalm 130:5.7)

Confirmation 2015

Candidates will meet again in the church hall this Sunday 7th December, 7.00-8.30pm. 

Parish Census – 2014 (‘Mass Attenders Register’)


Many thanks to so many of you who completed the form last weekend. Forms are still available at the back of the church from the Welcomers.  Please complete the form (one per family) and leave in the box at the back of the Church. Not to be confused with the Parish Register.

Lectio Divina – Pondering the Word

During Advent this will take from 11.00am – 12.00pm every Monday here in the church.  Everyone is welcome to come and join these sessions in the run-up to Christmas as we reflect on the Advent readings. 


This is an ancient way of praying the scriptures.  It is not a discussion group nor is it Bible Study, and there is no pressure to speak.  We are all part of prayer just by being there. 

Parish Diaries for 2015 & Advent Publications

These are all now available at the back of the Church.

St James’ RC Primary School – SIF Forms

To ensure that the deadline for application is met, please ensure that all Supplementary Information Form (SIFs) are handed into Parish Office by 12th December.  Once signed, they will then be hand delivered to the school.

Petts Wood Churches Together – Carol Singing

Will take place in Station Square (by the Christmas Tree) on Wednesday 17th December at 6.00pm, followed by mince pies in the Methodist Church (opp. Shell Garage).  All are welcome.

Social Centre

The parish social centre will be open after the 6pm Mass on the 13th December. Please pop in for a chat, mince pie and a drink or two!  If enough of us show up we might arrange to open more frequently on Saturdays! TC

The Christmas Mini Market this year will be held on Sunday 14th December after both Masses.

This will include:

a raffle of new toys and other items

a sale of cakes and other Christmas foods

a sale of repository goods; Christmas cards; and other items

a sale of good as new items

Father Christmas will be on the stage for little ones to see and talk to!

If you would like to help, please will you donate:

New toys for the raffle

Christmas food e.g. boxes of chocolates; tins of biscuits; Christmas puddings and cakes

Good as new items (but not clothes please) for the good as new sale

Please will you kindly provide your donations no later than Monday 8th December.


Would you be able to donate a Poinsettia for use in the church over Christmas?  If you could, please would you bring your donation during the last week of Advent.  Thank-you!

Would you like to volunteer with CAFOD

CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development are looking for volunteers in this area.  If you would like to raise awareness of poverty and injustice and do something positive to build a better World, please give then a call.  They are especially looking for volunteers who could give talks at Mass, encourage others to campaign or speak to children and young people about CAFOD’s work.  Training will be provided, beginning with an induction workshop on Saturday 24 January 2015. 


Please contact CAFOD Southwark on 020 8466 9901 or for more details and application form.

The Christmas Gifts and Toys Procession

Christmas is a great time for gifts, given and received.  Happily the children in our families get quite a lot, but for many in our own area that is not always the case.  Some mothers with a child by each hand have to flee their homes because of violence.  These incidents tend to peak at times of holiday, like Christmas.  Fortunately there are Refuges where some of those unfortunate women and children can go.  Frequently the “refugees” have had to flee with only the clothes they are wearing and that is where we can help in some small way.


Over the Christmas period, we are looking for donations of new small toys suitable for children, (wrapped and labelled with appropriate age – up to the age of 12!).  Maybe a little computer style toy – working but not new, wrapped nicely would also fit the bill.


I’m sure you get the message and I hope when shopping or seeing the sort of stuff already at home but useful, and surplus, you’ll wrap and label them for the children and little ones to bring and give away at the early Mass on Christmas Eve, or indeed at each of the other three Christmas Masses (we’ll invite them to come up and leave the presents under/around the trees on the Sanctuary).  TC

P.S. Toiletries are not needed!

St James’ Online Shopping

St James’ online shopping has raised over £1,600 for parish funds during the last few years.  Please consider using this when Christmas shopping online as most retailers give us a small donation for every purchase (see link on website home page).

Catholic Newspapers

Once again you are encouraged to buy a Catholic paper.  Read about our Church from a reliable source rather than the secular press!  This week you will find the Catholic Herald is in a magazine format rather than a broadsheet.

Children’s Liturgy Needs You!

Would you like to be a helper or leader during Children's Liturgy?  We currently help out once every few weeks.  Full support and training will be given.


If you are interested, please contact Hannah Harrison at

PWCT Christmas Service Cards

Once again we have received our allocation of cards to be delivered around the Petts Wood area.  If you could help deliver to any of the roads listed, please take the required number and sign the sheet accordingly.  Many thanks.  TC

St Vincent’s Housing Association has a 1 bedroom flat to rent in Sevenoaks.  Rent & service charge is just under £500 per month.  Contact 07887 588811 for more information.